> everyone should be taxed at a flat tax rate %
> conservashits
everyone should be taxed at a flat tax rate %
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works for us tbqh
Not an argument.
Equal tax is wrong now ?
Wew lad
Wow, a tax that is indiscriminate and fair. What a backwards idea. Conservatives on suicide watch.
> everyone should be taxed
> libtards
Jesus Christ people it's the CURRENT YEAR
Everyone should be taxed at 10% and if the government can't handle that amount then it's not fit to rule.
Yes, sounds fair to me. That way no one gets taxed out of their ass. Rich people and the upper middle class will still pay the most in taxes, while the poor people aren't as roughly taxed and thus have the possibility of vertical class movement
> People actually defending the flat tax
The temporarily embarrassed millionaires quote is truly apt
Defend Progressive taxation
Those that can bare more of the burden should do so
Ultra wealthy and rich use more public resources than most therefore deserve more taxation
Flat tax rate also shifts tremendous tax burden on the poor and middle class
Checkm8 conservashit
>people who make less than 40,000 should pay more taxes for (((free))) education
Not an argument.
Also not an argument.
I thought you fags liked equality?
> Ultra wealthy use more public resources
That is simply untrue
just because
>rich use more public resources than most
How do you measure that? One person is one person. We aren't talking about property tax which is a local concern.
>shifts tremendous tax burden on the poor and middle class
The various sales taxes and fees disproportionately affect the poor and middle class. Besides, those that receive money for nothing should witness the clawing of income so they too understand what it is to have a stake in the decisions of our representatives.
Even if this is true, the also contribute far more to public resources because they give more money in tax by the sheer fact that they make more. the 1% pay at least a quarter of all tax income in any country, is that not enough?
>> everyone should be taxed at a flat tax rate %
yeah 0
income tax is a scam and entirely intended to pick winners and losers
"progressive" taxation favors the ultra rich the left claims to hate :^)
>The government being even bigger is a good thing!
>The government can spend money responsibly and well. So we should give the government more money!
Anti-White Liberals, everyone.
>Ultra wealthy and rich use more public resources than most therefore deserve more taxation
First of all, prove it.
Second of all, the government wastes and squanders more money than the rich ever have.
Third of all, it's the rich's own money. They can do what they want with it.
Fourth of all, the government doesn't have a right to the people's money.
>Flat tax rate also shifts tremendous tax burden on the poor and middle class
Okay, prove it.
>use more public resources
What resources are you talking about?
Hows this. Citizens of a government get to decide how their taxes are spent and earned.
You can opt out of paying taxes but get no benefits or you can pay only the taxes you agree with for gov programs you support.
That would be an absolute democracy but who in the right mind would let Muhammad invest in airport security, or Jamal to decide how much welfare he gets.
Think about it.
>i want equal pay but not equal taxes
i know this is bait so im not going to bump it