How can Germanic boys even compete?
How can Germanic boys even compete?
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Funny thing is that the Russians and Poles have German ancestry and the czechs are Germans, but south slavs aren't even slavs.
Well besides Norway all others seem to be going to shit. Wealth is temporary. You should know that, given how you were the poorest area of Europe for most of history.
>60% white land of mutts and Chinkadia are Germanic
baltics not slavs?
>Well besides Norway all others seem to be going to shit.
Norway is also going shit. Mass immigration and cultural communism will destroy our countries.
no, sorry, you're not slav
Move the goalposts again.
>Russians and Poles have German ancestry
Poles have absolutely no German ancestry. They are pretty much default Slavs.
Russian state was formed by Scandinavians (probably Swedes), but that was minority that was assimilated.
South Slavs are Slavs, because we speak Slavic language and have continuity with our Slavic ancestors. Our identity is Slavic.
Genetically we're mostly native though, but that's totally irrelevant.
Now Tyrone Sanchez, do you have any more dumb claims?
>its another slavs are the most powerful race thread
>featuring a literal mountain nigger
How can we be Turks when Turks in Turkey are literally convert Greeks, Armenians and Slavs?
Another dumb American talking about shit he doesn't know anything about.
I mean, if you made a claim that we're culturally Turkish it might make some sense, but that's bullshit too, because Turkish ''culture'' is literally a mix of Byzantine and Islamic culture.
Not an argument.
That's Iraq.
A Slav in Iraq.
You are slavic like Tyrone is Slavic.
>that facial expression
>How can Germanic boys even compete?
Let's take a closer look.
>speak Slavic language
>cultural and historical continuity with Slavs who came to Balkans
>feel as Slavs
>''u're not slav lol bcus memes n shieeet''
Okay Tyrese, now go get shot or something
Is Russia the most pointless empire?
by getting pounded in the ass
>speak Slavic language
There are also Niggers and Chinks who speak English, does not change their race thought
>cultural and historical continuity with Slavs who came to Balkans
You can end the cultural enrichment any time
>feel as Slavs
I feel like as an Apache attack helicopter
>''u're not slav lol bcus memes n shieeet''
There is some truth behind every meme.
I don't really get your argument here, posting HIV, GDP per capita and other're literally bred out of existence and your culture is under savage assault by your own people.
Meanwhile, in Russia for example trend is opposite, they're experiencing a revival after communist plague.
Why does it matter that you're rich and they're poor, when you're going to shit and they're improving?
And I'm not even talking about centuries, it's about mere decades.
nabijem ti rusiju na kurac
t. slavshit culture stealer
>Niggers and Chinks who speak English
As a secondary language maybe. But I don't see your point, how can you compare Slavic invasion of Balkans and our historical evolution with some blacks and Asians adopting English as secondary language because of colonialism?
Besides, what ''race"? There is only European race. We're talking about (pan)ethnicity.
>You can end the cultural enrichment any time
slavic is just a linguistic term whitey
no one cares about "muh blood"
>a fucking roach
really makes you think
Slav countries will always be shit, because Slavs are mongrels consisting of Whites, a lot of Mongolian and some Black. All good Slavs died under communism, only the most corrupt and vile ones survived. Thus, Slavs are not capable of building a higher civilization anymore. The downfall of Germanic countries does not change the fact.
Pusti me bolan da prcam Zapadnjake koji ti je kurac majmune
>says a literal mutt, product of Greeks, Armos and Slavs converting to Islam
Simply Eric my Turanic friend.
banjo aj ih ne prcaj izadi rade napolje pucat loptu
And you know what's beautiful? Even if that's all true, you literally can't do shit about it.
Norway. A fucking pony and a wind turbine
>no one cares about "muh blood"
So you are saying race does not exist? Good goy.
ma vruće u pičku materinu sad sam s napolja čekam Poljake da gledam
Germanics weren't our slaves.
>not being a dinaric 2m tall master race
how can manlets even compete?
kek never said that you manlet
delet this now
everyone outside of Montenegro/Herzegovina/Dalmatia is a wannabe desu familijo
Can someone update Sweden on the map with captain Sweden and kebabs raping Swedish women?
By having way better countries to live in? I mean cmon, let's fix our shit first and start shit throwing later.
Norway how's that space program coming alo...
Oh right
Fully thing is that Slavs have contributed more to the world than Nordic "people"
Enjoy Ahmed's cock
>kek never said that you manlet
It's a language group.
material wealth is temporary
they literally sold their future for material wealth
do you want to do the same?
Tbh that map is a really bad comeback. It literally needs to Photoshop Russia to make a point. Kinda sad imo
By this logic Giraffe is king of all animals, even though we all know the natural and predatory instinct of the Lion (Germanics) rules over all
>Fully thing is that Slavs have contributed more to the world than Nordic "people"
Except that National Socialists landed us on the moon. Also, the whole Soviet space program was based on stolen research when they occupied the German facility in Peenemünde. They whole Slavic space program is actually Germanic.
you don't even rule over your own bedrooms anymore kek
It's both.
Britfags just shown that they could have future and wealth. Switzerland has both as well.
If we want to compete we need to have industry, science, culture development. None of those possible without material wealth.
if anything,they are,self suicidal sheep who would let other predotors eat their delicious mutton
yeah and as I said, there's literally nothing you can do about it, even if it's true
just like you won't do anything about destruction of your countries
you're only strong on words, yet words are meaningless when backed by nothing
it's like those English hooligans, chatting shit for weeks and then getting hammered by 20 good Russians
you can just reminiscence about past when there were actual men living in Germany, Norway, Sweden etc.
but it's gone
The constantly shitposting montenigger has single handedly made me dislike montenegro.
>Britfags just shown that they could have future and wealth
it's been few days bro
a peculiar case, also I don't know if you're aware of it but they're like 20% immigrant
>None of those possible without material wealth.
I'm not speaking against material wealth, I'm speaking against material wealth as being the only focus
>The German rocket program amazed Russian engineers who inspected its remains at Peenemünde and Mittelwerk after the end of the war in Europe. The Americans had secretly moved most leading German scientists and 100 V-2 rockets to the United States in Operation Paperclip, but the Russian program greatly benefited from captured German records and scientists, in particular drawings obtained from the V-2 production sites.
> They whole Slavic space program is actually Germanic.
Kek, this is what nordcucks are actually believe in.
See this
so? spoils of war
>greatly benefited
doesn't mean Germans literally designed R7 you dumb nigger
>if anything,they are,self suicidal sheep who would let other predotors eat their delicious mutton
Then why do some Slavic countries have one of the highest suicide rates in the world?
was performed mainly by Soviet engineers and scientists after 1955, and was based on some unique Soviet andImperial Russiantheoretical developments, many derived byKonstantin Tsiolkovsky, sometimes known as the father of theoreticalastronautics.[4][5]Sergey Korolev(also transliterated as Korolyov) was the head of the principal design group; his official title was "chief designer" (a standard title for similar positions in the USSR). Unlike its American competitor in the "Space Race", which hadNASAas a single coordinating agency, the USSR's program was split among several competing design groups led by Korolev,Mikhail Yangel,Valentin Glushko, andVladimir Chelomei.
only Slavic country on that list is Russia
I think it's pretty good because it outlines our rightful clay.
>whole Soviet space program was based on stolen research
I don't know, german boys today still got a few tricks up their sleeves, preparing for the future.
I just remembered I need to feed you now and then, otherwise you'd starve.
This thread pleases my balls.
See this
>doesn't mean Germans literally designed R7 you dumb nigger
Yes, this is exactly what it means, the whole Soviet space program was based on stolen German technology, they also used captured German scientists. Of course, officially they falsely claimed Soviet scientists to be the inventors for propaganda reasons.
>Slavs show pride in themselves
u r subhuman le slave whaaaa
What is that
>because Slavs are mongrels consisting of Whites, a lot of Mongolian and some Black
Pure slav reporting in
they are just butthurt that they will lose all national identity and tradition in the coming decade
while being butthurt and posting GDP graphs of how rich the immigrants are gonna be in the future
Mongolian is central Asian.
watch carefully, according to our Norwegian friend this is literally same thing as V2
>b-but Germans built it they just weren't credited
Just a load of crap. Especially since german space program was a dead end.
You are as culturally enriched as we are. See this photograph of masses of muslims praying on the street in Moscow.
>not pinker than surrounding countries
make Hungary Mongolia again desu
These niggers think Russia somehow represents all Slavs much like Germany represents the Germanics.
And of course by Russia they mean the worst aspects of it
As I said, Soviets also captured German scientists who were responsible for the Soviet space program. The same applies to the US, see operation paperclip.
Why compete? I'm happy for you lads. I only wish there were MORE "cousin" branches of European humanity. Best of luck to you, bratya!
t. Englishman
Is that a boy?
Who is that, Why do people post it on here?
pray tell where these muslims who pray at the streets of Moscow are from?
are they half the world away and unaturally came to Russia
or where they conquered by the Rus and are natives of the Russian Federation?
>You are as culturally enriched as we are
>always posting this one street in Moscow where such shit is allowed
keep deluding yourself mehmet
See this
You really think Slavs would be capable of developing space rockets? I'm lying in tears of laughter on the floor right now.
They have way higher birthrate then Ruscucks. Russians may have conquered them but Putin sucks their dick and cucks Russians in favor of Muslims.
So much denial
You know those are literally russian citizens for centuries, right?
>Literally one of the founding fathers of the astronautic is slav
>First satellite and delivery rocket was developed by slavs
Once again, see this
What is this degeneracy
90% of this map is uninhabited
Who does? Chechens who number 1 million, or less than 1% of Russia? oh wow Russia is DOOMED
memes aside Russian Muslims are there for centuries and majority are Tatars and Bashkirs who are chill people
What is your point m8?