Wtf is up with this satanic shit. This woman is a fucking demon. Praise Kek
Wtf is up with this satanic shit. This woman is a fucking demon. Praise Kek
"Satanic" shit is just indigenous European shit.
>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
>the Swedes, as head of the EU, and have told him that they will take their cue from the US and will support US actions.
Oh unbunch your panties already
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05764911 Date: 07/31/2015 With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
y-you too
>some irrelevant site has more Trump supporters so that means Trump is going to win
at the same time Hillary has beaten Trump in every poll other than that and you whine about it
who cares about this? we're fucked. get over it.
go fuck some jap booty
misogynists have been calling strong women witches for centuries
look up salem witch trial if you are curious
fucking idiots
Fuck off shill.
Asians are disgusting
>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
What did she mean by this?
Fucking Hilary supporters man, fuck off
Illumipoopy confirmed
Best women though. Well, save the Chinese.
Jews are Canaanites.
PERFECT ass.......
>Strong women
Have values that they stand by consistently. It does not.
I know this is bait but...
Men were killed in Salem as well and the entire thing, that by the way was more about class friction than anything, was started by a bunch of girls throwing accusations of witchcraft.
Then again I don't expect a burgerian to know much about history.
I'm starting to believe they actually are devil worshippers. Is moloch the same as baal?
Is chicken a codeword for children?
Moloch was the original bad guy in the silmarilion.
>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
delete your account
you like?
good way to get over this kind of stuff is plump japa booty
is there a source on this?
On one hand it's probably a joke but on the other it's an oddly specific joke. Moloch isn't exactly the first deity that pops to mind when normal people crack wise about making a sacrifice for luck.
At a bare minimum it implies an unconscious acknowledgment of the sinister nature of your goals.
Moloch is the god of child sacrifices and murder/deceit.
The Hebrews were banished by God from the holy land because of the atrocities conducted in worship of Moloch.
i sacrifice this jap rump to moloch
>Haha! You cucks worship a kike on a stick from the middle east. Remember your ancestral gods instead!
>You know, gods like Moloch....
Filter and block this shill, he is trying to normalize this.
Where is your satan now?
are you implying im getting paid for this? why not cheer my bros up with nice looking girls? is this not PC?
Our leaders worship and gain their power from evil demons. We need to counteract this.
by KEK
This is not a subject for cheering.
NO shit, in other news water is wet and all politicians lie.
the chicken is a young virgin girl.
what about white booty? is this chicken? if this is chicken count me in
I got my own jap booty:) mixed of course
Strange. Genuinely curious if there are more instances. I searched Moloch with no other results. Wonder WTF that is about.
skyping with her? tell her to take it off, senpai. looks good
Hillary stop trying to derail. Go sacrifice another chicking, you cunt.
That is such a great way to end an email. Going to start ending all my emails like that.
it's called a joke you retards
the email in question isn't even from hillary
Fuck Daniel Radcliff.
Sure, that's what a witch craft defense force shill would say.
To the pyre with you!
Can Kek defeat Moloch?
No - I just admire the Ass- i just film on my iPhone for late fapping if I'm away on business travel. Been with her for 5 years and I'm telling yoy - a mixed jap and white girl is red pilled as fuck
>some fucking site
Niglet about to be burned for Moloch
Of course !
post more you lucky son of a bitch
sadly yes.
Who actually said that, text is garbled as fuck, is it Cheryl Mills? Or hilldawg herself?
Moloch is just an aspect of KEK.
Good old Molloch. Great idea! His followers totally prospered and did such great things, like
(your move user)
I think we have something stronger than old Moloch
truth, why do the storm fags worship a jew god ?
On an airplane with Loretta Lynch...?
>I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch
>a "chicken"
Why aren't you more surprised about the Moloch bit?
He's vegan.
What you call jews are the descendents of ethnic Persians and Greeks from anatolia who were raped by turkic mongols and converted to "Judaism" in the 2nd century AD
This "Judaism" was a development of the corrupted israelite faith against which Christ preached as "the synagogue of Satan", which led to his crucifixion.
Modern Judaism considers the commentaries of the rabbis (most of which was written 600 years ago or less) to be more important than the old testament.
"Jews" have nothing to do ethnically or religiously with the israelites of the Bible. Their religion is younger than christianity, and rooted in pagan heresies and rejection of the word of God in favor of their own egotism, the only thing it truly reveres is "Jewishness" which is why there are atheists who still consider themselves jews
Muh jew on a stick is thus literally the most ignorance-based meme in existence
Fuck off JIDF
Because I already knew Hillary and her NWO pals worshipped Moloch
Also my point was that "chicken" was a euphemism...
Yeah your point was cool and all, but Moloch...
moloch and baal are two different ancient gods, but they are both devils
Agreed 100%
No. Moloch is probably a derivative of Marduk as far as anyone can tell, which would be the Mesopotamian head/sky god. Baal is harder to pin down because Baal is simply a title meaning 'Lord' and various deities and people have had it appended to their name. In Goetic demonology though he is a King of Hell with the body of a spider and the head of a man, a cat and a spider.
So can anyone explain? who said the moloch bit? anyone relevant?
its fucking weird as well but Idk if this is real or what
how do you fap to this blurry shit!?
Also worth noting that as Moloch, he is really big into child sacrifice.
>moloch and baal are two different ancient gods, but they are both devils
Nearly correct, back in the late bronze age and around the time Israel became unified from Canaanite city states, Israelites elevated Yahweh from a warrior god to the supreme god and demonized any and all other gods of the region, including Baal, Moloch, and others whose worshipers were driven underground.
You're not. Its here to attempt to derail this thread. Fucking new fags can't even spidey
Clearly a joke with fingers crossed etc. Man you guys are dense.
If you're looking for satanism and human sacrifice just study islamic texts and islamic law.
>UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05764911 Date: 07/31/2015 With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
lol I'm fucking dying
i think it's a cryptic phrase that means something only they know
probably are satanic though
really specific joke considering moloch isnt known by most people and is rumored to be worshipped by elites