Wow, really makes you think
Wow, really makes you think
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I assume you can change you skin to a white man, so no big deal. It's not like the majority of people (whites) who are playing this game are going to choose a nigger skin, especially on PC where I will most likely run in to you cucks who say you're going to boycott the game but won't
past battlefield games wouldn't let you change skins, so I doubt this will.
Well at least brits are represented, even if it is by uchronic australian shitskins.
Everybody know that french surrendered in 1914.
No idea why you cucks are mad. They just took out female soldiers from the game to please us.
Any of those soldiers that are negroid can be part of African colonies
On the contrary, all the niggers playing it will make the war 1000000 times more niggery
you wanna tell those swede cucks at DICE to fuck themselves?
big secret here, but ill drop it: don't buy it. don't promote it. don't even have it enter the minds of other people.
But some people want to play it because gameplay looks good. The only bad part is the tanned germans
how much dindus fought in europe during ww1?
then why aren't the black germans/aussies/brits wearing colonial uniforms?
its the same game you've been fed for the past 4 battlefield games.
A WW1 skin over it with historical inaccuracies all over the joint seems pretty boring & tasteless to me.
For the ww1 skin.
I dont care about historical accuracy, except for tanned german
I don't know about the Central Powers, but the Entente had a few different all black units.
is this real? holy shit
Looks like Dave Chapelle lol
On the plus side I can't wait to setup my bipod machine gun and mow down some dindus in no mans land
Dude, buy Verdun. Way better, way less insulting to your intelligence.
Does verdun have tanks?
but in all seriousness there were African corps serving with the German Imperial Army, albeit probably not in Europe.
I think they're working on them actually. I don't know when they'll be released.
I might buy it then.
No fucking way
It's not even inaccuracy, it is voluntary revisionnism at this point.
Will never buy their shit ever again.
You have to go back
There were several thousand askari in German west and east Africa. Thats it.
Yeah, they're spitting in the face of history, and even though its just a video game, I think all history should be represented accurately.
You look up interviews and the lead developers spouting off about the need for diversity & all this affirmative action bullshit.
It's fucking insulting man, if you wanted to be fiction, be outright with it. This is cunty.
whyo no asieno peepre? dis gameru iso layciss to asien peepre
There is
Sikhs are good enough
Nice meme.
>I don't know a fucking thing about the actual war, yet feel I can comment on the historical accuracy of anything involving it: The Thread
Not chimpy enough
>I watched a one hour documentary about the war, clearly I'm in position to make up shit about it and tell others to educate themselves: the post
that webm
fuckin SAVED
So there were no black units in WW1 then? Because that's the only argument I'm seeing here, and it's flat out fucking wrong.
I hope you might know a little bit about it pastanigger, because the Italians did some heavy fighting in the Alps.