Is being a drug addict a politically incorrect act in and of itself or a disease? Does Sup Forums subscribe to the idea that drug use is a disease or that it is a self-control problem?
Is being a drug addict a politically incorrect act in and of itself or a disease...
It's mostly a self control problem, bunch of goddamn rodent people getting hooked on these drugs which are amazing if used responsibly and sparingly
Black girls are surprisingly loyal they are so desperate to find a guy its so easy to land one.
Too bad 48% of them have herpes according to the CDC.
Isn't the most successful (as in lowest divorce rate) racial pairing white man / black woman in the US?
That image always give me nightmares.
internet addiction is a disease that's possibly a bigger threat to modern society than drug addiction.
>when you didnt choose the thug life the thug life chose you
y u jelly?
>Mfw I have cancer
>Mfw every day I have to get up, call my cancer dealer, scrounge up money
>Mfw have to drive all the way across town to get my cancer fix
lack of self control. its classified as a disease so insurance companies and govt can make more money off it. same as obesity-muh genetics
No, it's...
Bring a drug addict is appropriating black culture
IDK but I is asian and there's a group of them hanging around us. A couple of my friends is married to one, they've been highschool sweethearts. But yea, if you managed to get one that isn't already a mother they are very loyal. The only shitty part is they always have a ton of shitty family baggage. I was with a half black, half hispanic girl and we were together for less than a month before her black father asked to borrow some money. Told him no and she sorta disowned them later but fuck that shit was annoying.
Can confirm. Have a co-worker who is a 20 year old black chick. 7/10 in the face. 8-9/10 in the body.
She is CONSTANTLY trying to get with me, even though she knows I have a girlfriend. She has a hot body though, and if I ever leave my girlfriend (Which I don't plan to- she is probably the best I'll ever get.) I'll smash and pass her. But no way in hell will I ever be with her. Maybe a friends with benefits situation if it would ever happen.
I seriously don't know why though. I'm not that good looking, I'm pale white, tall but skinny, and all the likes. I don't even try to interact with her that much, and I have never shown any signs of having any real money. Do they just crave white cock or have lower standards for white males?
They want a child and they know a nigger dad won't stick around but a white guy will. The baby will look like them too. It's a win-win for black chicks. It's a loss for a white guy.
What the fuck do you mean how? They're both ugly as fuck, ape-chaser.
I've been a pothead for over 6 years and it's hard to say. I would say it's not a disease because diseases are usually out of our control, yet I've tried quitting multiple times without much success. Sure I could stop smoking pot for a couple of days or weeks, but after a while the craving keeps coming back.
I think only unhappy people get addicted to drugs, and I don't consider depression to be a ''disease'' because it cannot be spotted by examining your body. But it's not necessarily a self-control problem either because it's really difficult to do something that makes you really uncomfortable (such as quitting an addiction) when you are depressed.
Perhaps it's a vicious cycle. My addiction could be the source of my depression, and my depression makes me unmotivated (especially combined with weed). It's like trying to swim out of a strong whirlpool when you've already accepted your death. You keep swimming with much effort, and you keep wondering why you're swimming at all.
tfw no belly bf
I don't quite understand addiction like that. I'm a completely depressive person and my father has an addictive personality, so you'd assume I'd be prime for substance abuse?
Yet, I've tried marijuana many times and alcohol I drink at least weekly, but they literally do nothing for me. I find the buzz from each to be neat and that's about it. I only ever drink for the taste now with the other benefits as a bonus, as getting 'fucking hammered' is boring as fuck for me. And getting high was only ever really 'sweet' the first few times when it was a new experience.
its a tough question desu, when you say its a disease that removes all blame from the addict, and when you say its just a dude with self control problems that removes all blame from the fact alot of these addictions are the brain chemistry changed to absolutely need the drug, which results in people doing literally anything possible to get their fix.
in my opinion and as an addict for a long time I can say its honestly a bit of both, however, once someone has been addicted to heroin or alcohol for a long time it becomes more about the brain chemistry physiology changing then just having good will power to only use drugs for fun once in a while.
theres really no way to gauge once the person has crossed the line of just making bad decisions to full blown doing anything possible to get their fix, hence this question will always remain in a grey area imo. anyone who thinks its one or the other completely is ignorant
i feel like most bi racial kids look the same, but not like the mom or the dad
Cigarettes and alcohol are ok (if you consider they as drugs)
the rest are degenerate and are not normal.
There is an underclass of people who do nothing but drain society. These people have always existed, and they have families of children who they neglect or - at best - love but can't provide for - who grow into the underclass.
These people are drug addicts.
Long, long time addict here.
Addiction is a particularly strange case. It has both physical and mental manifestations, which is quite rare in disease.
For those of you who say,"But I did X for Y amount of years" blah blah blah; it is genetic. But at worst you have a 50/50 shot of inheriting it from a parent. It also doesn't kick in the first time you put a drug in your body. I've seen people be fine and then at 50, BAM! They're selling their business for crack money. Look at Prince. He was fine until doctors gave him Oxycodone after surgery. Never did drugs.
Some people experience a lack of self control in their late teens early twenties, but it usually goes away naturally.
Anyone claiming to be addicted to pot should kill themselves. Seriously. Try kicking heroin you faggots. Or methadone. Or alcohol. Or benzodiazepines.
benzo and alcohol withdrawl can kill you from seizures
atleast with opiates you just wish you would die
This, almost died from an alcohol withdrawal seizure myself years ago.
It's not like I got addicted after my first joint, it just slowly sneaked into my life. Over here we don't have to go to shady dealers to get our fix since it's legal in my country, so it's easy to get as well.
First it was just a joint or two with a couple of my friends. Then I decided to try it by myself but just on Fridays, and it made me feel awesome. Music sounded better, food tasted better, everything was better somehow. I could fall asleep within a couple of minutes as well, and that was a big deal to me since I had pretty bad insomnia.
But just on Fridays turned to just the weekend, and that turned to just every 2 days, and before I knew it I was smoking 3-4 joints a day.
You can't really say you don't have an addictive personality unless you have the resources to get unlimited drugs without much effort.
Opiate withdrawal is worse because you would slit your own mother's throat in front of her mother to make it go away.
The way your amygdala goes nuts is the worst. That panic feeling is unbearable.
There is a withdrawal from weed, but yeah you're right it's nothing compared to booze, benzos, and opiates.
I'm a recovering alcoholic and recovering benzo addict. I remember the first time I practically cold turkeyed with booze. Hallucinations, delusions, shaking, cold sweats, incredible panic attacks ect.
Alcohol is seriously one of the worst drugs to get addicted to.
>Anyone claiming to be addicted to pot should kill themselves
You realize different personalities get addicted to different kinds of drugs, right? You realize anything can become a habit, right? People get addicted to the weirdest things, saying shit like ''hurr pot isn't as hardcore as my own drugs'' is pretentious as fuck and you're just parroting other edgy kids.
If I quit weed I can't sleep properly for days. I get cold sweats and a piercing headache. Everything gets this ''plastic'' feel to it and I get agitated as fuck. Sure I won't have a chance to die like some heroin junky going cold turkey, but just because it's not as ''extreme'' doesn't mean you can't get addicted to it.
yea it makes you a huge piece of shit my uncle is an addict and he has robbed my grandparents house multiple times for heroin
weed does for me too it will be harder to eat and you get less enjoyment from everything and more irritable
I have been a terrible aclcoholic and heroin addict, and alcohol is far worse. If heroin was legal, there wouldn't be much issue with it. You can't even really tell a junkie unless they are fucked up. As long as they have their fix they are normal.
Nah it is addictive, it's just mentally addictive. I know because I was addicted to it as well, and at one point I was smoking 4-6 ounces of it a month.
I have what I call a hyper-addictive personality.
If the drug has a decent chance of killing you then it's a disease, otherwise it's a self-control problem.
Yup that's about it though. Your appetite comes back after 3-5 days, you feel like shit, and have a lot of trouble sleeping. It passes quickly though and it's not dangerous at all.
makes you think
That sheboon could leave fingerprints on coal
Everyone knows us nerdy white dudes have the big dick
Apes go crazy for white nerds because they know this
they just dont like being seen in public
I dunno about any "withdrawals" from weed besides maybe being a bit irritable. I've never been the type to need it for sleep or appetite. I'm an insomniac with or without it, and I've always had a fucking appetite. My friend swears he can't eat without smoking and I want to smack him in the head.
But it did become such a staple in my daily routine that giving it up was really hard, and it took me a lot of failures to finally stop falling back into it. Saddest part is I was literally going to a dopehouse every day to buy it LOL.
I've been on a lot of drugs in my life but weed was so hard to kick because it's so "harmless". Eventually I realized I was wasting a lot of time and money with it and that it was killing my productivity and motivation, and yet it still took forever to give up. Life is so much better without it.
I am 33. I have a shitload of experience.
And I actually do understand that about cannabis. I was just being an asshole. I know there are withdrawals.
A long time junkie told me something once that made so much since to me....he said,"A $10 habit is as bad as a $1,000 habit if you got it."
It basically means, whatever your fix is, it feels just as bad to you to go without it, no matter what someone else's symptoms might be, and I think that's true.
But no, different personalities don't get addicted to different drugs. The last stop is always opiates. It's either alcohol or opiates.
>Addiction is a particularly strange case. It has both physical and mental manifestations, which is quite rare in disease.
drug addiction interferes directly with the reward and control in the brain.
Indeed it is not just disease but also what makes a criminal rob a store.
speculated because of this post
Uh.... darker
I particularly have a hard time understanding the disease perspective, and I'm a recovering addict and recovering alcoholic.
Is it a disease you're born with, or does it only become one after using?
There are actual scientific correlations between addiction and genetics. Generally people that are more prone to addiction are born with 10-20% less dopamine receptors then a normal person. This makes us more likely to be impulsive and makes us search for thrills or feel-good things.
Here's the only two questions you need to ask about drugs:
1. If you could quit anytime, why not now?
2. If you could live without it completely, why don't you?
Yes, it's a fun experience be young and to get high/drunk with a couple of friends. But it is also ultimately unnecessary and could open the door to a costly addiction.
Is that Sam Hyde?
>he doesn't have himself a tanned Italian gf
>try to stay and shape and look nice
>can't even get an ape bf
why even bother?
For drug addicts their choice of drugs is usually their source of ''happiness''. Every drug gives you dopamine, some just give more than others. You could fry your brain with too much porn just the same, therefore saying weed addiction isn't a thing just because it doesn't give you as much dopamine as heroine or alcohol is stupid.
We all get used mentally to the amount of dopamine the drug gives us, so what your junkie friend said makes a lot of sense. Quitting a harder drugs like heroine might be harder for your body, but I believe the mental struggle is the same for all drugs.
>sam hyde
>skinny white dude
pick one
I don't buy into the disease idea.
To me it always comes down to choice, no matter what an addict tells you they made the choice to take their drug, you don't choose to get cancer or other diseases
t. ex oxy addict