I went and bought 10 6 packs of new castle today
We love you dad
Anglo empire when?
I went and bought 10 6 packs of new castle today
We love you dad
Anglo empire when?
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Nice. I'll have to get some for my folks to drink on the 4th.
How are you guys supporting globalism? OP drinks foreign-owned beer.
I bought some Peroni to help Italy's failing banks
That's not Boddington's
I'm just a monkey from Banana Land so I can't do much but I bought cadbury, heard from ck it was good.
Also got some of this beer
pic related for both
Geordie here, thank you, could you recommend me any decent American beer?
Good lad.
How did I do guys? I haven't tried any of them yet, will do it tonight
What do you like?
I lived in the USA for a while.
You could try Dogfish
Irish death is an amazing microbrew but its growing so nationwide soon??
I know it sounds hipsterish and meme filled but dont buy any mass produced american beer
find a good microbrew or american cider
Stinger blackberry cider is breddy gud
I pissed on 2 globalists today!
I like yourI idea OP. it's Canada day tomorrow and I think I'll support the common wealth.
I really haven't had much American beer outside of some craft stuff my local Weatherspoons serves but I'll jot those names down and make sure to pick those ones up sometime.
bought some scottish bacon (turned out to be surprisingly good), shitload of mcvitie's (honeycomb/orange/digestives), lucozade, curry powder, hp sauce, jammie dodgers etc.
I'm a Geordie too. I haven't have a brown ale since they closed the brewery.
Newcastle is honestly one of the worst beers I have ever tasted. That shit is fucking awful
Picked up a case of McEwans. Not as good as the Red, but that isn't imported.
You must be addicted to putting shit in your mouth
Because when you finally tasted something good that wasnt shit
you were so used to shit that you didnt know it was good
Newcastle is a city, if you stick the city in your mouth it will taste aweful.
rubbish stout with artificial flavouring, Cadbury are owned by Kraft now
Made and Produced by Heineken.
Drink Boddington's or something else. I like New Castle as well, but it's as English as Guinness is Irish these days.
>In 2000, there were around 500 breweries in the UK, the 2015 edition of the Good Beer Guide lists 1,285 breweries now operating in Britain. A 2015 government analysis reveals a new brewery is opening in Britain every other day with Britain becoming a 'brewing powerhouse'. - Wiki
If you're celebrating Brexit (and you'd better be) buy ONLY from the brewers in this link: en.wikipedia.org
Boddingtons is jointly owned by the Brazilians and the Belgians. It sold out like Newcastle
Why not from Scottish, Welsh or Irish?
You fucking moron, your founding fathers are spining in their grave
Used to park near the brewery with my dad when we went to watch the match.
Those days are long gone now ;_;
I told everybody jolly good today.
Heineken is British you dumb fucks.
nope Dutch, are you thick m8?
I will honestly go out and buy Newcastle if it means I'm actually supporting England and the Brexit. Is it actually supporting them?
Newcastle is the best beer.
Drinking some of this right now.
Sorry, I'm drunk. I think I was thinking of Kronenbourg which is owned by Carlsberg.
Drinking Guinness actually so I guess I'm a traitor
None of you sopping cunts can handle a good drink.
I will purchase British brews for my 4th of July party.
I bought an 8 pack of guiness. close enough
>admiralty strength
I attended university in the UK, and recently sent in another alumnus donation. It felt pretty good.
I drink Yeungling almost exclusively but I'd be willing to switch for awhile to help the Anglo cause. Point me in a good direction Sup Forums
I have to say, I actually expected that you would just call me a cunt, or a fag or something, so I'm eternally grateful to you for taking the time to retrieve those URLs, and post them here for fellow Sup Forumssters.
I genuinely do hope you have a lovely day.
is this British?
I'm sure the Chinks attending will really appreciate it
I lit one of these and threw it at a Polish family
Good lad
Also a good lad
Thank you, my brother. I hope you have a wonderful evening! Cheers.
I bought two 12 last weekend. I'm drinking coronas tonight though.
welsh alcohol is based
I went out and shot an invading roman
Trying to find a british bar in tel aviv soon
I hope they sell actual british beer
It's a bit heavy on the fiz but it's well known and popular because it, along with John Smith's, and Guinness, is that you can get at least one of them in every shitty bar. They aren't there to compete with real ale they are there so you have something to drink that isn't pisswater or spirits in bars at airports/train stations/your office's Christmas party. I'd recommend anything by Wychwood, and Old Speckled Hen as beers that are available across the country in non-specialist bars/shops that are also pretty decent.
I work in a couple of different Wetherspoon's and I'm pretty sure we don't sell any of those. We do have a very nice APA called Shipyard though, that would be my recommendation.
I've witnessed too many lilly livered people with no tolerance to srotnbsrt js;kr ts ks jknsnrtnsdrjt dr ks srt jkn sr tstk s srhe,lp
I saw Robin Leach yesterday (the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous guy) at a media event. I was at a big dinner with him just a few days before Brexit vote and he and I were the only two people that supported it.
Yesterday I said to him, "Good to see you Robin. Oh and congratulations on the independence."
It was literally the first time I saw him laugh without acting.
the worst console i have ever owned.
What kind of air gun is that? I am have ben tempted to buy a quality .22 or .357 caliber air gun but I feel compelled to spend that money on semi-auto firearms while they are still cheap here.
AirArms S410 .22
Still waiting on my firearms and shotgun certificate coming through so having to make do. But its never let me down yet so I cant complain.
So wait, even though scotland stayed in the EU i can still buy scotch and support british economy on the same level?
>Scotland stayed in the EU
We didn't.
We didn't. But the fucking traitorus cunt Sturgeon wants to keep us in the EU and drag us out of the UK
Both of those are delicious.
>Shooting an innocent bunny
You are a sick fuck. -100 karma
I went to the gym and trained back and bis in preparation for the upcoming civil conflict.
Hehehehe....the leaf....is everywhere!
That must be it then, getting craft confused with the small American beers, I remember trying one from New York and Chicago, also had Shipyard before and I really liked it.
I wouldn't recommend sticking any city in your mouth let alone Newcastle, especially with how polluted the Tyne is. Only a fool would dare to go in there or drink from it.
>I went and bought 10 6 packs of new castle today
I know what I'm drinking tonight.
Here's to you Papa!
Bought some fucking tea, but it doesnt keep me up so Im still on the coffee. Also since the brits instantly turned on us on here, Ive been reconsidering my whole "maybe they arnt so bad" views.
you are one of the leaks. We are trying to inflate your economy, not allow you to give it away to other idiots.
I bought tea
no its disgusting
You're giving your money to the EU, idiot.