¿When did hype around asian girls start?
¿When? Who started it?
Holy fuck pure east asian girls are gross and disgusting, normal looking jap girls are mostly ainu mixed jomons.
But everything chinese and korean are just like diarrhea shitted toilets.
They look like dogs.
They act like kids, most of them are dumber than western women. Thats one of the reason of high natalism. Infantile dumbs cant handle their sexuality and fuck like dogs
Hype about asian girls
Mainly male libtards/cucks who couldn't find any good girls went for below average chink ones (Example, Mark Cuckerberg)
Because white women are mostly entitled sluts while East Asian women are more traditional, but that's changing too.
>¿When did hype around asian girls start?
I don't remember.
>¿When? Who started it?
Iggy pop/david/Bowies china girl.
Only a few vietnamese and filpinno asian chicks are hot the rest are ugly as dogs.
His wife looks like a dog
I have dated a few asian girls and I am marrying one. Heres a non exhaustive list of reasons why asian girls are great:
> They are hot
> They are generally red pilled
> They are traditional
> They are smart
> They are submissive
> They are pleasers
> Giving blowjobs is foreplay for them
> They are tight
> Less previous boyfriends compared to white sluts
> Hate niggers
> Etc.
>Because white women are mostly entitled sluts while East Asian women are more traditional
TL;DR essentially this.
White women spread their legs like it's open season.
kazakhs are cute no?
What a fine argument from our mongol friend
I would take a white girl with big tits and a PhD in Chemistry over an asian girl with a degree in engineering but there are fewer of the former than of the latter
This. I've dated white and asian girls. Asian girls are infinitely better for all these reasons.
>Not white
Ahahaha, white pigs run away from their own women, because the blacks cuck them.
Whats wrong with that?
After 25s no mater what you start losing your libido, at least dont fyck dogs
I dont like asian women
Even cute ones have disgusting manlish character and brown pussy, yuuuuuck
Asians are the best long term ibvestment. Find you a decent one and her white equivalent will be bloated before they both hit 40.
are you russian?
pic related
Our "own" women are degenerate. I have a dick that can compete with niggers and the testosterone levels to back it up, that doesn't mean I go for a used cumbucket though.
This is not true
It's Jewish propaganda and lots of white men started becoming traitors, eve on Sup Forums, white women don't even like black men that much, white men are the bigger traitors. tons of Asians are sluts too, it's not like there are no traditional white women anymore.
>Implying that you deserve any of that
You're probably not even "traditional", especially because you come from a different background and culture, retard. Have fun having elliot rodgers that won't look anything like you, trashy loser.
And you call yourself red-pilled...
Looks like a child and an alien at the same time, if you like that, there is something wrong with you.
>especially because you come from a different background and culture
She lives in my country you cuck
She is well adjusted and integrated
Now please enlighten us with your theories of why I am not traditional
Eliot rodgers was a failure of parenting more than anything
>She is well adjusted and integrated
>she is traditional
Dumbass how can she be traditional and be itegrated into kanker morrokain mix culture and date other race?
Traditionalists dont mix with other races
Especially autist east asians
Least fat population
Also asian women have the most feminine faces
made me think
I am now #ayysexual
Shes integrated into dutch culture, not into dutch arabia culture you mongol
She is traditionalist in the same way that I am, euro style. She hate backwards traditional chinese customs.
japanese porn portrayed them as submissive inexperienced virgins with the social maturity of a 5 year old girl.
thats basically it.
irl they are horrible monsters, every single one.
>she is traditionalist
>she hate backward traditional chinese customs
Dumbass most customs are not backsward
For example kikes and arabs executing
Kikes in fact executed criminals to save that criminals souls firtsly and then condemn the law
But anonymous "all knowing redpilled" white warriors know it better
>Well adjusted and integrated
Yet with those reasons you first wrote, you're saying that she is different from women of your own race and country.
Not traditional? You don't even seem like someone that proves himself as a man so you can find a woman of his own race to have many children. Let me guess, you gave up on that.
You're onlyy proving that you will be the kind of trashy father and her, probably what people call a tiger mom
>Integrated into dutch culture
Kek, so she's a liberal.
Shes integrated into dutch culture, not into dutch arabia culture
She is how women of my race and country ought to be. Sad state of affairs, but there you go.
>You don't even seem like someone that proves himself as a man so you can find a woman of his own race to have many children
Don't project your cuck fetish on me you mongrel
>Dumbass most customs are not backsward
Most are. Pic related
>For example kikes and arabs executing Kikes in fact executed criminals to save that criminals souls firtsly and then condemn the law
does it mane?
A black man holding a cock probably in shaminc voodoo ritual.
Whats wrong with that?
He is not raping or killing a human being
>dutch culture
That's liberal, that's how they let the other culture in, delusional druggie.
>hate backwards traditional chinese customs
So she hates her asian side and then will make your children hate their asian side and there you go, elliot rodgers. Trust me, they'll look asian and nothing like you
>says they are traditional
>posts a pic of a degenerate gravure idol
>brings up how good they succ and how tight they are
Women of any race spread their legs easily
If you don't believe such, you are a massive beta
> He is not raping or killing a human being
Aim fort the stars
that's like all the reasons why i love latinas
38 posts and just one beta posting their waifus
I am surprised
Let's just wait until the buttdevestated yellow fever autists join the thread
They're just nicer to be around.
Never had an argument with my wife of 7 years.
who /left/ here?
>I have a dick that can compete with niggers and the testosterone levels to back it up, that doesn't mean I go for a used cumbucket though.
sorry user but that's the attitude of a future child molester. Please find help
Ask Yuri Bezmenov if you can find him.