tommorow celebrates the greatest country god evr
Canada day anticipation
shit country, shit people. I wish I was American or even Mexican.
stfu bud
Canada used to be good.
the damn french really fucked us on that one.
Got my bottle of maple whiskey early. The only good thing the french ever make.
>maple whiskey
what is this?
It's my birthday tomorrow.
I hope no one wishes you a happy birthday
It's rainy as fuck, nobody wants to go camping, nobody wants to leave the house, next Stat is a month away, gonna be cold and rainy by then. Welp, summer basically ruined fuck canada day. The one weekend I get to do shit and nobody wants to do anything because of a bit of rain
Canada Day -> Independence Day
Hanukkah -> Christmas
He's not your buddy, guy.
I'm really hoping some mudslime does a terrorist attack during Canada celebrations to get our cucked country to wake the fuck up, cause that sandnigger with the lever action didn't do shit.
>It's rainy as fuck
Where you at? We just had a huge storm in Calgary
>attacks parliament
>with a lever action
What could go wrong?
It's for people who piss sitting down.
Unibroue makes some fairly good beer, I'd say that qualifies.
>Not posting the superior version
Congratulations, neighbors. We could use more Canada.
Edmonton, I want to head up north camping but everyone thinks it will hit up there.
I haz fears. If digits
Does that mean the White House will be decorated with Canadian flags tomorrow?
Don't give up, just try to convince them anyway. Even of it does rain it won't hurt anything, rain on a rent is nice.
>I'm really hoping some mudslime does a terrorist attack during Canada celebrations
Fuck you. Just fuck off.
If you celebrate, you lose.
We're in a severe drought right now and we're still going to have fireworks.
Seems like a bad idea, even though they're down by the river.
What area of Canada?
Had some relatives in Canada, had a wedding in July 2014 and August 2015 in Vancouver.
July 2014 was so green, August 2015 was pretty fucking dry, it was crazy.
>Canada day
More like colonialist oppressor day. Great idea, let's celebrate the genocide of the original Canadians!
Yesterday I forgot the name of your country during a conversation.
Just West of Ottawa.
those are just fauna.
homeboy didn't have an extra 30 days after the 30 days for his pal so he could get his restricted license.
This honestly if you are drinking whiskey that isn't 100% rye you need to surgically remove your cock and turn it into a gash.
I can't celebrate with this shit happening
It's Ontario, what do you expect?
Toronto boys ww@?
who else is going to ribfest tomorrow?
But St-Jean-Baptiste already happened. Enjoy Multiculturalism and Immigration day though, Anglicuck
Enjoy the niggers and welfare, its not like you frenchies have done anything productive for this country except beg for money to bail bombardier out only to have them outsource jobs to shitskins because they are so broke.
The saddest part is that you cant leave Canada because your entire province is on the dole.
Don't you mean Dominion Day, the holiday created to celebrate your subordination to another country?
Fun fact:. They changed the name of the holiday, but not your legal status as a Dominion of the UK. You leaf fags aren't even living in a sovereign country.
god isn't real
Oh yeah, us stupid little colonials could never have had a functioning economy (like literally every country out there) if it wasn't for Anglo imperialists imposing their system on us
I have to figure out what I will eat while I spend the day alone because I have no energy to go outside.
Lmao, Montreal is all North Africans and Haitians now.
True fact: Québec is the only homogenous nation in North America.
a fucking leaf
Just stay off the hill after sundown, shit goes 0-60 real fast.
>Canada: 77% white
>Quebec: 87% white
Stay jealous Anglo cuck
We come from a single stock: Franco-Norman. Not like the anglo/scot/irish mongrels of Anglonadia.
Happy bday in advance user