Brits, is Theresa based and redpilled?

Will she be a new Maggie Thatcher or is she more of an Angela Merkel type of fake conservative?

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She's a fascist cunt. I hope she dies

That is fucking nuts. Why is she still in government... AND The frontrunner for PM?

>She's a fascist cunt. I hope she dies
Why do you not like fascists?

>comparingmay to based mosley and Il DUCE

How does the conservative party choose their leadership?

She could be, with some rule 34 porn of her and some police dogs.


> First, Brexit means Brexit. The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high, and the public gave their verdict. There must be no attempts to remain inside the EU, no attempts to rejoin it through the back door, and no second referendum. The country voted to leave the European Union, and it is the duty of the Government and of Parliament to make sure we do just that.

That is what she said today.
I do not care about much else at the moment. We just need someone who will take us out.

No we need Leadsom, Boris will probably throw his weight behind her anyways.

>I do not care about much else at the moment. We just need someone who will take us out.
Is there any conservative MP that is running for PM and wants to stay in? That would be political suicide.

We need somebody who will take us out... and that certainly isn't somebody who was on the Remain side. She might "leave", but it will be a totally artificial change and keep all the old problems.

Remainers just don't "get" Brexit, and they never will.

That's very short sighted and dangerous thinking

Boris got shanked and roasted by Gove and May before he announced running for PM so he quit before he started.

Makes Gove and May look like cunts.

She's gonna be PM without a doubt

So May would be a Cameron replacement, and Gove a Johnson replacement? That about right?

>Is there any conservative MP that is running for PM and wants to stay in? That would be political suicide.
Jeremy Hunt thought about running and said we could have a second regerendum.

That statement I quoted from May is more pro-Leave than anything Gove has said since Leave won.

>That remain supporting 1984 cunt
Fuck her I hope she ends up like jo

No. May and Gove are going for Cameron replacement.

Boris is still Boris, but isn't going for PM and isn't Mayor like he used to be. Still a politician though.

She'll fight to ban open discussion websites like Sup Forums. Or at least make it so users who connect to them get tracked.

She's also pro smoking, so smokers will love the shit out of her.

>she takes us out
>so she can freely impose totalitarian rule

>so she can freely impose totalitarian rule

Brexit was a mistake....

I meant in the sense that she wanted to remain, and Gove did not.

>since Leave won

Think about what you're saying FFS. Theresa May is an opportunist snake. Gove and Leadsom (Fox has no chance, sadly) are the only choices for anybody serious about wanting to leave the EUSSR behind.

Gove doesn't need to say he won't ignore the referendum because he WON it. (And he's said much more Brexit-y stuff than her since the result on the things which matter - migration, article 50, etc. - and doesn't have to waste time telling us he's not a closet Remainiac because he already showed us his passion before the vote.

>AND The frontrunner for PM?

One of the bigger parties is shitting itself as a wave of populism breaks it. And apparently everyone else jumped out of the way.

Why has May backed down over withdrawing from the European court of Human Rights?

She said we should withdraw when we were in the EU, why would she change her mind now we;re going to leave?

I imagine they just say some of these things to get votes and don't actually mean any of it.

Boy did that strategy bite the Tories in the arse, eh lads?

Because she thinks saying that will help her (it won't, unless I've seriously underestimated the Tory members).

She'll say anything to win. If she wins, it will be death of this country.




She will keep us in the EU

What are the upsides exactly if you're not racist and actually care about the part of the country that adds value to the world?

Library of the Royal United Services Institute, Whitehall.
Cosiest square footage on the planet.
Smells of tweed, crumpets, pipe smoke and empire.

Or you'll ''''leave''''

>...ah EU I get it.

Well a few correction then. Would seem Boris was more remain but because he was in the leave campaign it was suspected or likely he was trying to keep us in the EU through a backdoor.

Gove is leave but I don't know if he is really dedicated to leave or remain cause that well and will just have to consider him neutral.

May is remain but has to get the country ready for conditions under leave, but being Home Secretary she will do something super cunty that will make things shit.
Like to try some remain silliness like the PM in Scotland but many suspect increased surveillance online and general invasion of privacy.

Hard to now how cunty May could be as I suspect she may surpass the nastiness many are suspecting. I just don't know how bad though.

Theresa May will get every user here put on a public record for posting about chinese cartoons


series of ballots where party MPs vote for their preferred choice, with the candidate with the lowest number of votes dropping out at each round until there's 2 left. at that point the party members vote for who they think they should be leader and the winner of that vote wins the leadership

>Independence, the freedom of a self-governing nation, is in my estimation the highest political good, for which any disadvantage, if need be, and any sacrifice are a cheap price.

The benefits are too numerous to even begin listing in full but, fundamentally, having a government who care about your country (and can act quickly to help it if need be, and not wait for 27 other nations with different interests to agree), and that you can democratically remove if need, are essential to living a free life (the exact opposite of what May would want to happen to us).

Young man, take off your clothes this instant - or I will be forced to take punitive measures.



>party MPs vote
you're fucked then. aren't they majority pro remain?

She's being shilled hard by our media around here as some kind of moderate-conservative politican, that can bring calm to the conservative party.

So the conclusion is, knowing our media, that she is a Brussels-sycophant and is more tha ready to throw her country and her people under the bus, just to get some more shekels in addition to being a
>modern western women.

Reading this it seems I guessed correctly.

>you're fucked then. aren't they majority pro remain?

This ensures that May will be in the final two. But the other will be a Brexiteer, and we have to meme them to victory.

Quite split for those of remain and leave surprisingly in the Conservatives or at least it was before the referendum.

Likely a pro remain in the end but there could be a surprise with a bit of luck.

majority are yes, but tory party has been split over the EU for years

>against degeneracy
>pro smoking

She will be an authoritarian disaster. Especially when we have no opposition party to speak of.

She wants to ban your waifu

Reminder May will block Sup Forums in the UK

Vote Gove or Andrea Leadsom (she seems nice) and make anime real!

Based on what I've read about her, she's anti-immigration, and that's the most important thing to me.

That being said, I didn't know who this woman was a few days ago, so my knowledge of her political views is extremely limited.

Boris was a pro-immigration fag. I don't know why this board likes him.

>she's anti-immigration

She *pretends to be* anti immigration, but it's shot up on her watch as Home Secretary.

She things sharia law has been positive in the UK for God's sake...

I'm willing to bet there's more Labour members than Conservative members on this board

nevertheless we need to rally around Gove

least worst of a bad bunch, at least he supported brexit

Reminder May will make shitposting illegal.

Yes Gove is the best option.

>working class background
>incredibly intelligent (see what school he got into when he came from a poor family)
>Pro controlled immigration
>Pro British supremacy of law

That's not a real account.

That's heavily paraphrased. The actual quote was just pandering to the PC crowd:

“Many British people of different faiths follow religious codes and practices, and benefit a great deal from the guidance they offer.

“A number of women have reportedly been victims of what appear to be discriminatory decisions taken by Sharia councils, and that is a significant concern.

“There is only one rule of law in our country, which provides rights and security for every citizen.

“Professor Siddiqui, supported by a panel with a strong balance of academic, religious and legal expertise, will help us better understand whether and the extent to which Sharia law is being misused or exploited and make recommendations to the Government on how to address this.”^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

SHe was one of the main supporters of the snoopers charter, she will be looking to include in oru rules when we leave the eu

>the exact opposite of what May would want to happen to us

Well that's kind of an important point isn't it.

We don't have, and haven't had a government for a long while now (see: Cameron) who actually cares about the country.

That's why he's sold off everything he can that belongs to the taxpayer to private interests on the cheap.

Austerity doesn't work, it never has, (in fact it has been ruled a violation of human rights) and it has fucked the few things in this country that were put there by people who cared about it's citizens (see: the NHS, cheap skilled foreign labour, taxpayer owned national services).

In fact, EU environmental protections are the only thing that kept Cameron from fracking the country to death for corporate slave drivers. Like, literally fire coming out of your taps and he doesn't give a single fuck.

So many regions that benefitted from EU investment that they would NEVER in a million years get under a Tory government voted to kill the golden (albeit giant and terrifying) goose.

And as the fabric of British society crumbles and racists the world over rejoice, you're still seemingly happy about this?

We had a good thing guys. Lots of the benefits with none of the really shitty parts of EU membership.

You all knew this would fuck England up. You saw the same data as I did. But instead chose willingly to fuck the economy, send parliament into fucking turmoil and god knows what else.
This is so fucked. I am honestly so shocked that so many people are seemingly so oblivious to the fact Farage, Boris and Cameron are all opportunistic self serving wankers manipulating subhuman prejudices and that all of this was so obviously going to fucking happen.




Theresa May is by far the scariest of the bunch. Cameron and Boris are selfish, spoiled rich little cunts who appealed to racists to get where they are and Gove is a completely inept snivelling moron, but Teresa May.

She is actually fucking evil incarnate.

Remember outbongs, this is what you voted for.


Boris is a fat spoiled bipolar cunt, who hides his sociopathy behind a fake 'legernd' persona.

He is a piece of shit that would turn this country Muslim in a week if it advanced his career.

The reason for a woeful government is the EU: the people knew they had no real control so they didn't care about elections.

This will all change now, as long as you cucks don't fuck everything up stop us Taking Back Control.

>If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

Someone take one for the team and kill her please.

She's everything this country doesn't need. Why are female leaders the absolute shittest of the shit Sup Forums?

Clinton, May, Merkel. They are going to be the trifecta of fucking absolute shit. Ovarian cancer airborne when?

At least for all it's ills the EU served some good for the people. You are clearly uninformed on the subject if you still blame the EU for the damage raught by the corporate shills of the Tory government and private interests.

I'm a freedom loving libertarian.

But if you think this is freedom, you're a fool.

This is simply jumping out of the cool part of the frying pan into the fire.


>Gove is a completely inep
Gove's extremely devious.

The fact that he is self serving doesn't make him any less inept.