Why won't the eternal racial shilling stop?

Why won't the eternal racial shilling stop?

you do realize that dividing people into races has been used for thousands of years in order to DIVIDE and CONQUER right?

How does it feel to be a true racecuck and buying into the "blacks are inferior" myth.


While you're worried about tyrone dicking your wife. The actual parasite is usurping your wages and you cuckslave your life away in exchange for "muh white suburb" where i feel safe from blacks and moslems.


>1000 AD

Fucking wew

That palace was built after the KANGZ had encountered the Arabs... Of course the Arabs showed them math, engineering, science, etc... The KANGZ did not build it on their own

Pic related was built in AD 70

>blacks are inferior

I'm pretty sure the Saxons have built more beautiful buildings around that time. A lot of churches are built even before that date

Even Norwegian stave churches, which were numerous, unlike the cherry picked palace in the OP. It probably had a lot to due with muslims, not just Africans as well.

So intolerant.Will you buy my dank memes?

pic related was built sometime between 7000BCE and 1900BCE

I hate Jews AND niggers, OP, it's the best option, why not try it?

Norway didn't have Christianity before 1100s.

Those Minoans really loved their 90 degree angles

>wow these guys who lived up north with cold winters didn't produce things that people in warm place full of resources

Who could have guessed?

They also had more advanced technology than the Roman Empire 1000 years before it.

Christianity has existed in Norway since the 10th century, dog. It was only a few scattered bumpkins in the north that were still pagan in the later middle ages

Too bad they didn't build walls and got fucked.

if the one on the right isn't a model then something's certainly not right about it.

Their both miniature models

So you have no rocks?

Their main city (Atlantis) was built on a volcano that exploded and sent a tsunami over Crete, which sparked their downfall.

You also realise that subversion and brain washing of a nation, race mixing and creating a a unified state leads to totalitarian control which only the elites would gain from? There are of course other alternatives, not that OPs interested in his troll thread

What's this advanced technology you speak of.

You fucking dumbass. Do you have any idea how much firewood it would take to keep a big castle warm during the winter?

Saxon palace is more economical.
The ability to erect low expense housing allowed for us to expand with relative ease. Freeing up resources that could be better spent else where.

Picture B
Clearly blatantly shows a lavish and wasteful use of funds and man power. For that their ability to grab power was counter balanced by their need for pricy amenities.

We didn't have the time and energy. Getting food was harder and you needed more. Also you needed to store food for the winter when there was even less food available.

earthquake proof wall design

fresh, running, hot and cold water

advanced toilet and sewer system

ingenious architecture design that helped air circulate into inner rooms to keep them cool

that's what I remember off the top of my head


But the Romans had all of that except earthquake proof walls from my knowledge. what makes them more advanced other than architecture and infrastructure?

Also you add "ingenious" and advanced" but that just makes you sound bias.

>But the Romans had all of that

1000 years after the Minoans

meant for

Yes buy Rome was a conglomerate of multiple establishes civilisations.

Greece and Macedonia off the top of my head.

I think you're right. Blacks isn't the problem, the problem is that whites literally do nothing outside of the suburban existence you described. Hell, blacks might even be more red-pilled.

someone redpill me on globekli tepe. surely the turks couldn't have built that shit

What the fuck is that first picture even of? Looks like a low quality picture of some miniatures.

This is doubtful since Denmark already had a Christian king in the 900s.

Ancient slavic commie blocks?

Without proper heating you want your castle be either small or it's very cold. It's very difficult to produce castle that's warm and big mate. Not to mention pop of Nordic countries was never high, not even today