Why is New England so liberal? Its literally the whitest part of the nations.
Why is New England so liberal? Its literally the whitest part of the nations
Why is the south so conservative? It's literally the blackest part of your nation.
They still feel guilty about slavery.
You answered your question by asking it.
Ivy League Schools
NE is eugenics liberal. Browns, women, and fags are great pets, and devoted voters...
But in moderation, and NIMBY
It's the same here in the NW.
Overall it's liberal, but there are some very conservative areas. Even in states like CT.
the GOP turned republicans in the north east by embracing social conservatism, and among other things denying climate change and becoming the worlds policemen.
The party has become so outlandish they ruled out NE Republicans voting for them.
homogenous states can afford to be liberal because most people look and act like you while pulling their weight in society.
people in more diverse states realize that niggers and spics don't pull the same weight as whites and asians so they turn to conservatism to preserve their values and wealth.
slightly related pic, the more niggers white people interact with the more they hate them
Reagan did all of that and more in 1984 and still won by 57%. In 2012 Obongo though won vermont by 66%.
WTF happened in the 90s that turned Vermont and the rest of new england into a liberal shithole?
Gated Community. Ivory Tower. Chardonnay Socialists.
Take your pick
everyone is free to do whatever they want, very far away from me and my neighborhood.
t. Connecticut
This answers the question.
Liberals in the NE don't understand what is at stake.
We are not. We are not liberal and we are not conservative. We are moderate for the most part.
Are you one of those idiots who think blue states = liberal?
Problem with Republicans is they pander to evangelical christfags in the south. They are the party of ignorance. Then they at the same time suck corporate dick.
>tfw I live between two nigger cities
A lot of Trump signs around here, but if you go north into towns where it's just white people surrounded by more white people, everyone gets a lot more liberal.
>Are you one of those idiots who think blue states = liberal?
Areas that are majority rich white people are always liberal as fuck because they live cushy lives outside of reality.
>why do you stupis rednecks need to own guns, it's not like someone's going to break through the community gates and get past your security guards, oh how quaint!
>New Hampshire
>implying democrats don't pander to the poor, gibs, blacks, hispanics, criminals, ect.
>implying the majority of people aren't retarded
>implying there are enough smart people to offset going after idiots
White people who live in close contact with other races become redpilled quickly.
You'll find that the whitest places in the world are the most egalitarian in terms of race.
A lot of these tenderhearted liberals you see on TV and elsewhere, if you look them up you'll find they live in a 99% white community
you might say it makes you think
they're so liberal because they have never had to do deal with a black
Jew York
Can upstate NY Join?
liberal vs conservative is different in all white areas than in other places
Even in the rural parts of NE they pretend to be conservative but are actually #withher
The old quakers and ancestors established themselves up there. German protestants in the middle and to the west. England had large slave trade and lineage in the south.
Yanks are most qt tbqh. Fucking love Boston and being around our history.
Lol what does teal mean? Primarily likud party voters?
CT here. It's just people sucking their own cocks. Lots of people here say "the smarter you are, the more liberal you are" and take a correlation to mean the more liberal you are, the smarter you are. It's a vicious cycle, because then they say all college grads are liberal so they're more educated too, but the fact is they're just letting in stupider people (women and minorities) who come out indoctrinated.
this. there are plenty of "conservative" people up here--but republicucks based their brand on faggy social conservative identity politics (e.g. "abortion is murder!" "we believe in the bible literally!" etc)
evangelicals can go fuck themselves.
MA currently has a republican governor. he wouldve been a fine presidential candidate honestly and wouldve been a good alternative to the lunatic clown car they presented instead (and i wouldnt be surprised if he went that route down the line)
Whites are extremely generous and want to be kind and helpful. We think the best of peopme until given a reason to thi k otherwise.
...living in diversity gives you that reason.
New Hampshire is pretty independent overall compared to the others in NE. There are very liberal areas in all of the states. Typically it's because the whites don't actually deal with problems from other races, so they don't think multiculturalism is a problem. They also want to support other citizens of their state (who are mostly like them), because they are united and integrate with each other well and want their state to do well. If it became less white, most of the other states would likely lean more conservative. Except Mass, they're brainwashed.
your logic makes zero sense. Boston is both the most "multicultural" area in the entire region and is likewise one of the most liberal areas. Jamaica Plain/Dorchester/Cambridge and surrounding areas are very liberal and they probably have more black/hispanic people than the rest of the state combined.
That's because minorities vote primarily liberal.I'm talking about the whites who don't deal with those minorities. Some will stay liberal because they're cuckolds, a lot will turn conservative.
Boston is also a younger college town. Age tends to play into liberal vs. conservative values as well.
your logic still makes little sense. many communities in and around boston are 90+% white. i just moved to stoneham which is barely 10 miles north of boston. my fiance works in dorchester. it's not like theres a fucking fence/wall around the city.
i mean i get it, you live in a gated community with mommy and daddy in NH. but try to take the shitty memes you hear on Sup Forums with a grain of salt.
You must have moved from San Francisco, you sound like an idiot college aged faggot. I live in Antrim NH and work all over New England, primarily in the cities. It's clear how there's a divide. Those 90+% white communities are likely the expensive and rich areas where minorities can't live and therefore the whites don't have to deal with them, hence the liberalism. Exactly like the gated community you seem to think I live in. If I did live in one, I'd likely be a liberal like you.
Every white girl I know from new england has dated or fucked a black guy. None of the white girls I know from round these parts (New York) have, or at least they have purposefully hid that they did.
How do you explain this?
The majority of people I know are causally racist.
makes sense, surprisingly coming from a leaf
if you draw a ~15 mile radius around boston, ive lived inside it virtually my entire life. i'm 28.
the town i live in is less than 10 miles from the city, 95% white, with avg income around 50k, far from "expensive and rich". of course some towns are ridiculously wealthy--winchester, arlington, wellesley, and so on. but you also have your working class reveres, lynn, saugus, east boston, malden, etc
it's clear youre an underage faggot who grew up in NH. kill yourself.
that's nice. why would i give a shit that all of your past girlfriends are coalburners?
>annexed territory of the evil empire
Lol imperial subject here, why are so many conneticucks in denial about our conquest of their puny territorial annex?
Most of the south is red now because of the GOP southern strategy to get racist pricks to vote for them in the 60s who used to vote for democrats. Basically conservatives and liberals switched with each other party wise.
for clarity's sake, i have lived in jamaica plain, somerville, medford most of my adult life. not that you probably know where any of those places actually are since you clearly live in the sticks.
>thinks i'm from New England
.I have never dated a new england girl in my life.
They come down here and advertise that they are dating bouncers from the slums. Its as if they genuinely have no sense of shame whatsoever.I thought maybe a native cuck such as yourself would have some insight about how people end up mentally jacked up in that way.
I'm also 28, own my house and land. You lived in the city when you were younger. Younger people are more liberal. You moved to a majority white area to escape the shithole areas, to live with the isolated white liberals.
I've also worked all over Boston, so I do know those areas quite well. Keep it up with your assumptions, you're looking great right now.
NH is so terrible, that's why people live here and work in Mass. That's why there's a mass exodus every weekend from Mass to NH to escape the shit hole state you live in.
There's a reason you're all called Massholes.
i'm a homeowner myself.
and the only reason anyone "escapes" to NH is because of favorable taxes. i work with those folks regularly--they commute 60-90+ minutes a day because they cant afford to live closer to the city/work.
i love getting up to NH for the mountains, hiking, skiing etc but i have no desire to live there.
this idea that some of these communities are "isolated" is laughable. if you've ever driven through stoneham, medford, weymouth, or even most of somerville/quincy/watertown/etc, with the exception of OBVIOUS gated communities that EXIST EVERYWHERE, including NH, nothing about it is "isolated".
like i said, you can cling to your faggy Sup Forums memes if you like. whatever helps you sleep.similarly feel free to call me a masshole, i'm thankful everyday to live here.
People go for New Hampshire because the jobs pay more with the least amount of taxes. Maine is less libcucked in my opinion, but only because Massachusetts is not directly next to us.
> being such a white trashy person that you can only afford to live next to niggers
It's your fault tbqh family
So they escape taxes by living in NH and working in Mass? That makes a whole lot of sense. Go pay extremely high property taxes in NH and pay Mass income tax ontop of it. Housing is expensive here. It's actually cheaper to have an apartment in many parts of Boston than most of NH. I'm not saying that areas are literally isolated with walls. They are isolated by property values and racial lines for the most part. I never said gated communities weren't in NH. Most of them just aren't here to keep minorities out like yours are. I'm not using "faggy Sup Forums memes" for an argument. I'm stating facts from experience and observation, while you simply state your own personal situation as proof.
Please stop coming to this state. We need less people like you. You have shitty mountains of your own, so go there.
>assuming Maine is liberal
It was settled by the most vile leftist that could be found in 17th century England.
t. former MA resident that moved to TX
Bcuz theyre educated
Meh, Jersey has better public schools
>tfw you grew up with the dragons
i knew some lace-curtain faggots and i knew some real bumpkin folk. pretty mixed bag there
You will never get your car "smogged", because the EPA will never be able to convince people that it is worth their time.
Fuck, that cuck has the same jacket from target as me. burning that shit..
That's why Bernie and Trump won the primaries, right? And why the state is always up for contention during elections.
Referring to NH, since your pic mentions it.
the smarter people are, the higher tendency to be liberal
*tips fedora*
>tfw a mixture of the left 3 with none of the bottom right.
>the more educated people are, the higher tendency to be liberal
>tfw Tay Sway bought a house in my state is huge news.
.t a rogue islander
I live in MA so I can only speak for here
But it's because this place is a giant bureaucratic fuck fest.
This place is full of career politicians and the only way to make that a worthwhile thing is to have a big government.
I fucking hate it here. The only conservative laws are basically pertaining to liquor where we are still living in 1650.
It might as well be California in terms of guns laws.
State police are basically the Gestapo.
Unions control everything.
Taxes on everything , permits for everything.
Want to evict your tenant? Good luck, they get up to 12 months to stay on your dime.
Place is full of immigrants because the schools and hospitals here are good. Boston is basically a sanctuary city, there's parts where 90% of the population has to be illegal.
The roads fucking suck, the infrastructure is shit, there's road work 24/7
The roads make no sense because the city was built before roads existed so if you're not from here expect to get lost everywhere you go and if you are from here expect to lose your shit in traffic because you're dealing with a bunch of lost tourists.
Rents are astronomical.
I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out but yeah it sucks and unless you're already rich or living off gibmedats you're pretty much giving all your money away on rent and taxes. Whatever's leftover you'll have to spend on parking tickets.
I grew up in MA and now live in NH. The only liberals here are the ones living in College towns. Lowell luckily is still pretty conservative.
All towns that used to be working class and are now full of hipster liberal faggots
Because New Englanders really support Unions and cultural politics alone isn't enough to win them over.
New Hampisher is a lot more conservative than the other states though.
because we have to deal with niggers on a daily basis, so the White population tends to be pretty redpilled in the South.
Preaching to the choir on that one the same thing down here in the plantations
> Its literally the whitest part of the nations.
Answered your own question. Give them some time around niggers and they'll change.
Why is 55% vote majority enough to label the entire state as "just conservatives" or "just liberals?" Even Texas went 40% for Obama in 2012.
Urban areas are liberal, rural and suburban areas are conservative. In every fucking state.
Fuck off Gary johnson
it all goes back to the revolutionary war has forged our core values. personal liberty (freedom to make your own choices), social responsibility (we owe it to each other to make sure our neighbors are ok), and our beliefs in how government should function (to benefit the people not contain them which is why our state constitution, the mass dec. of rights is the most citizen friendly in the country)
i live in mass and i keep hearing people from out of state talk about us having tough gun laws but i don't know one person who was ever denied an FID and at least some kind of LTC.
As far as unrestricted stuff goes they just want you to have training and a few years with a gun incident free before you can get the big stuff. a person getting a full denial is more of a reflection on that person
There's plenty of niggers and spics in Massachusetts
You guys forget this is a place where Irish and Italians would literally kill each other. It wasn't until all the niggers came that they put that shit aside.
People who's families haven't been here for generations don't understand. Check out the desegregation of Boston public schools in the 70s. There were full blown race wars. Blacks down in mattapan were getting the shit kicked out of them by the white cops on a daily basis.
Back in the day when the north end was Italians only if you tried being black in that neighborhood you'd get your ass kicked.
Times have changed because the city has changed.
Go out into the working class towns a few miles outside of boston and see how many liberals you find that aren't welfare leeches.
My street is probably 50% white then there's some Asians that are ok cause they're quiet , some spics,worst are the hatian scum that play their bongo music til 1am, and some African Muslim fucks.
You think we enjoy it? The biggest redpill for racism is spending a significant amount of time with other races. Full time workers don't vote liberal here.
MA votes liberal bc it's full of people living off the govt, be it through welfare, unions who are in bed with the officials, or civil service guys who need their funding.
The gun stuff is more to do with what firearms are legal regardless of LTC status. There are a lot of gun restrictions in this state.
Oh yeah and so are fireworks
Long commutes here.
Let's also not forget that this used to be a very catholic state and how not only atheism has spread but the Catholic Church molestation scandal that happened here. It was very embarrassing to be catholic when that happened and I don't think it's the biggest factor but certainly it didn't help.
Conservative candidates tend to push religion pretty heavy and religious devotion is nearly extinct here.
>Its literally the whitest part of the nation
Just Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. The other parts of New England are not included.
Mainer reporting in. Sure cities like Portland and Lewiston/Auburn are liberal because of all the niggers and cucks there. But take our more rural counties, especially inland and up north... they're just as conservative as where ever bumfuck redneck backwoods you're from.