I think it deserves its own general, not enough info for one thread
John Hughes
>White nationalists plan to show up and defend Trump
They should just fuck off already and celebrate his success in private. If they appear, the media kikes are going to make sure they spout retarded shit on camera.
Elijah Martinez
Alternate at-large delegate.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
I live near Cleveland. I would go but I think I can't really do much there so I won't.
Gabriel Myers
>BLM and white nationalists will be at the RNC we're going to have a racewar gentlemen
Noah Torres
Let me put it this way. There are some hardcore bad goyim among the Trump delegates.
Joshua Mitchell
It's going to be like the 1968 all over again
Landon Gonzalez
Rumor mill has it that John Kucksich is going to allow BLM and La Raza to protest INSIDE the arena. I doubt that it's true, but I wouldn't put it past that fuckboi.