Well, Christcucks, want to explain?


Other urls found in this thread:


>Occupy Democrats

Gas yourself

Condemned them and made hate crimes illegal?

I would, but you won't be back in this thread anytime soon

ISIS killed more people last month than the KKK did in a hundred years.

>anything but an FBI honeypot these days

Not much, but we did veer away from their views and gave niggers rights, along with letting them live in the country?

What have Muslims done about islamic terrorism? What are feminists going to do about this fuck?

the KKK haven't killed anyone in decades


>another (((1 post by this ID))) impkying the KKK is relevant at all


>Occupy democrats
>1 post by this ID
0.05 has been deposited into your account

Are KKK active anymore?

I thought that they had grown too old to be of any concern.

>feminists support eugenics

We don't see the KKK bombing mosquees, sadly

The last time they were truly a threat was the 60s, during the height of the civil rights movement. The FBI thoroughly infiltrated and neutered them afterwards, the only relevance they have now is as a liberal boogeyman.

Literally this

I don't see why people bother complaining about the KKK these days, all they ever do now is shout "Nigger" and speak out against interacial marriage, it's not it was back in the 19th and early 20th century where you had many of them group together and actually lynch blacks, catholics and any other minority.

It's like that one editorial I read one day saying "Isis and the Buddhist shooters are no better than West Boro Baptist church" (Literally as if WBC and christianity is the first thing they think of when they hear "Religious extremist")... Yeah, and I guess murder and rape is no better than accidentally walking outside of your house with your pants off

What the absolute fuck.

Pretty sure it's a troll.

I personally filed lawsuits that drove them into bankruptcy.

FYI, I'm white.

White people have reduced the KKK to a tiny, harmless outsider group with zero popular support. They're a living joke.

>FYI I'm white

1. The KKK didn't do what they did in the name of Christ.
2. ISIS kills in the name of their religion.
3. You can't cite specific passages that told the KKK to do what they did.
4. There is no such thing as a "moderate" Muslim.
5. The Muslims aren't doing anything about ISIS.
6. ISIS has killed more than the KKK ever has.
7. Blacks kill more blacks in six months than the KKK has its entire existence.

>I personally filed lawsuits that drove them into bankruptcy.
Prove it.

>FYI, I'm white.
Prove it.

except the KKK don't claim to be a Christian group and haven't committed any major crimes in decades

I'm pretty sure the KKK has been prohibited three times during the history of the US

Feminsts and other SJWs supports everything that most far-right extremeists support, as long as it's done against groups they disagree with. Usually the target is white men, for example through minority and gender quotas and affirmative action. Trump has shown us that SJWs support and even encourage violence against political opponents, while Brexit has shown that they don't believe in democracy and want to ignore the results. They also want to take away voting rights from the elderly, because they don't vote the way the fascist SJWs want.

>burn crosses
>lol they are christian trust me

Destroyed them utterly, freed slaves. Now, can you do that to ISIS?

the best part is that the KKK was made by democrats

>1 post by this ID

>what have you done about the kkk?
We keep them isolated in their circlejerk farms

Because I'm Catholic and the KKK hated us too?

Can we just get rid of the abrahamic religions already?


Aren't you an edgy little fuckstick?

How do you plan on "getting rid" of them, little retard?


First and foremost, critical thinking should be taught in schools from a young age. Also, in countries that haven't done it yet, take away their tax exempt status and take away any blasphemy laws that exist. In a general way, we need to get rid of this idea that it's a faux pas to confront religious people with rational thought and challenge their beliefs. We need to have a general culture of demanding evidence from these people for their wild claims.

Or you know, we could just return the favour for what they've done to European people in the past: force them to think like us and kill everyone who disagrees.

Honestly the KKK is more of a Democrat party problem than a Christian one

When was the last time you've seen a KKK member committing mass shootings over religion?

>KKK is a prominent issue in modern day politics
>lets just forget that the KKK was founded by democrats

I cannot find a more ironic post especially when its posted by Occupy Democrats

There is no KKK. The Christians got rid of them, you dumb fuck.

I don't know, maybe we should start funding them?


>KKK doesn't kill anybody anymore
>their words are just as big of a problem as ISIS
We weren't meant to survive as a species, were we?

>First and foremost, critical thinking should be taught in schools from a young age.
And wanting to "ban all abrahamic religions" comes from "critical thinking", right?

>Also, in countries that haven't done it yet, take away their tax exempt status and take away any blasphemy laws that exist.
So force every country on the planet to do what you want?

> In a general way, we
Who is "we"

>need to get rid of this idea that it's a faux pas to confront religious people with rational thought and challenge their beliefs.
So now all religion is "irrational" and you atheists must be allowed to "challenge" their beliefs?

>We need to have a general culture of demanding evidence from these people for their wild claims.
What "wild claims" would those be?

>Or you know, we could just return the favour for what they've done to European people in the past: force them to think like us and kill everyone who disagrees.
You really are an edgy little atheist, aren't you?

I think thats a mod my man. See the green M next to their name?

>>KKK is a prominent issue in modern day politics
I don't get why, they haven't done anything major recently, other than just exist.

Next time I hear some one complain about the KKK, I'll just tell them "What has the KKK done in the last 5 years?"

A Republican named Herbert Hoover stopped them.

The last 70 years.

>"God, I hate when Christians force their beliefs on others."
It's called faith, jackass. And nobody has to prove shit to you.

The KKK is more FBI uncover agents then actual members now.

The KKK has been ostracized and there hasn't been in lynching in over 30 years. ISIS has killed dozens just this week.

>Americans killed by KKK since 1990

How many?

There isn't anything to explain. Imo it doesn't really matter, if people will keep reaching towards irrelevant shit like the KKK as an argument, there is nothing that would convince them. It's one of the most unreasonable bizarre save my world view comparisons I can think of.

the last time they killed anyone was in the 1980's.

Funny enough, black people have done more harm to black people in about one year than the KKK has done in it's whole life.



>1 post by this ID
sage, report, hide.

the best part is that the KKK was made by democrats

>Honestly the KKK is more of a Democrat party problem than a Christian one

>lets just forget that the KKK was founded by democrats

The kKK was created by right-wing conservatives. They used to be Democrats, but the Republican Party deliberately lured all the bigots and racists away with their Southern Strategy.

The KKK is still 100% right-wing conservatives, but now they vote a straight Republican ticket.



True change can only happen from the inside

>strawman against the tea party AND haven't dissuaded my point

Nathaniel Bradford was a registered democrat and also the first leader of the KKK more over during the early days of the KKK all of its members during the first founding were Democrats because they opposed the Republican leadership at the time being inclusive of niggers.

Your two articles in which you posted have nothing to do with my point.

the only reason the KKK aren't killing as many as ISIS is cuz the USA has a strong and stable army

if USA goes into anarchy all kinds of terror groups would pop up
its just that the middle east is unstable
>inb4 why don't christians bomb people
as a matter of fact they do tho they are so few in number and not many care cuz they are a minority
plus most christians are descended from rich families cuz the jizya made sure only the rich christians remained

>And wanting to "ban all abrahamic religions" comes from "critical thinking", right?

Belief and faith are inherently irrational. Religions built around belief and faith are artificial tyrannies of the mind.

religion retards your cognitive ability, and for prolonged periods degrades your mental processes. You're no longer capable of critical thinking and you're far to impaired to figure it out for yourself.


gg wp

>Nathaniel Bradford was a registered democrat and also the first leader of the KKK more over during the early days of the KKK all of its members during the first founding were Democrats

The people who founded the KKK 150 years ago happened to be Democrats.

The people who are members of the KKK today are all Republicans.

It's understandable why you don't want to tell the whole truth. If I were a Republican, I'd be dishonest too.

his point being that the democrats/republicans back then were the opposite of what they are now

democrats were conservative and republicans were liberal and now its the opposite
also i like how noone on this site knows how strawman works
T. captain obvious


stay lost

Why did KKK kill Catholics?