Are black people human beings?
Are black people human beings?
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They do bleed when killed, that's what matters
The negroid race is like the Leader Price of the human specie.
Fuck off.
>threading yourself
>Are black people human beings?
>Should we still gas them?
technically, subhumans.
Find me a single city where the black crime rate is lower than the white crime rate.
Just one single city in the entire world. Just one. Seriously, just one city.
If the meme of "we're all equal" exists, this should happen at least 1% of the time.
No. They are subhuman garbage.
Religiously speaking they bare the mark of Cain. Therefore inferior.
Scientifically speaking they are inferior due to their genetics. They cannot swim, cannot think, and lack empathy.
Research breeding of any animal.
By all taxonomy standards, negroids are a separate species, separate from modern humans (Caucasians and Asians)
Unfortunately they will argue that the reason black crime is higher is because of how "oppressed" they are by whitey. Then they will declare they've won the argument, because any facts you pull from thereon out are deemed racist. Of which I personally would spew those facts and proudly state that I am racist.
someone link me the picture where the black football player got 3 month sentence for rape please. i just need his name
Warsaw, Poland
We just don't have niggers
choose one
Niggers made america great
>Unfortunately they will argue that the reason black crime is higher is because of how "oppressed" they are by whitey
Whites mixed with Neanderthals.
Blacks are more human than whites.
Just look at their men, they look more manlier than white men. Even their women are more manlier than white men.
I also feel oppressed
No, they are human beans
First we need to understand where this "human beings" comes from. It comes from atheism apologisers, who try to replace religious concept of "fellowman" with "fellow humans".
Replace "people, who are true to Christian culture" with "muh humies with [undefined] universal values".
In what I see, niggers do not follow Christian morals, but they follow atheism willingly. Atheism is covert name for satanism branch of cultural-marxism-satanism. So niggers are the servants of the devil.
This does not mean we need to kill anyone for this. But we need to always remember to not throw pearls to swines - just to be safe. A simple act of kindness - ok. A benevolence theme park - not ok.
Love your christian fellowman. Do not love pagans, cargo-cultists and other devil worshipers.
This will only help decent niggers to chose the right path.
What's worse 100 niggers or 100 sandniggers? I keep flip-flopping.
just great
A few are, but many aren't. Just look at the Ferguson riots.
Based fif
They have the opportunity to be respectable human beings just as much as anyone else does. I will never merely notice black skin and assume anything about their personality.
But statistically black people become niggers. I don't assume it of anyone, but when it happens I sure as hell am not surprised.
Black, yellow, red, blue, green or white, we are all humans. We all have the same desires, dreams and abililities. Lets be what we all are - humans.
I've never actually seen any concrete proof that they can breed with whites. All I've ever seen are a couple of babies with rare lightskin mutations that are being used for kike propaganda.
No, they are primarily Homo Erectus.
>same desires
So white people all desire to fuck 9 year old children and rape anything they can? Shitskins have those desires
White people do not dream of sex the same way shitskins do. They've no respect for others.
White folk do not have the same rape abilities as mudslims and niggers.
So, essentially you're saying:
>Let's be what we all are - rapists.
They're 3/5 human
I live in NY so I only have this as reference but Hillcrest Elmont both have a sizable black population and relatively low crime rates.
And while I can't remember them right now ive visited a number of southern towns with black communties that are down right humble.
You really need to stop basing your entire opinion of black folk only on the inner city youth.
doesnt fiddy support trump?