Jesus Christ
That's more people than live in my entire state.
And this doesn't include all the trans/queer/whatever kids.
There's no going back, is there? This is the future we chose?
Jesus Christ
That's more people than live in my entire state.
And this doesn't include all the trans/queer/whatever kids.
There's no going back, is there? This is the future we chose?
This should be illegal.
It's a good thing.
You'll have 1,4 million LESS liberals in the next generation.
i was upset, until i read this, senpai.
That's one of the few webms I just can't stomach while eating.
Is there anything to support this being mass hysteria of some sort?
i will never eat noodles, eggs, or string cheese again.
>be crossdressing fag
>can't walk out in public to fulfill my fetish while saying im a man
>say im transgender instead
Ever heard of adoption, faggot?
These creatures are forcing their beliefs on their adopted kids and in the schools to tens of millions of impressionable children.
Their ranks are only going to increase.
I wasn't ready...