>Sup Forums supported Trump over an experienced leader with true conservative values
Explain yourselves.
>Sup Forums supported Trump over an experienced leader with true conservative values
Explain yourselves.
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shills out in force today
Jeb, it's time to stop posting. We have turtle races tomorrow and you get extra mean when you stay up late shitposting
>giving tax cuts to the filthy rich
>bought by banks
>being a retard in general
pretty much is a true conservative
Why would a national socialist board support a "true conservative"?
What is it with autists and their weird facial expressions?
he never had a chance. we would never tolerate another bush, which is why people willing to tolerate another clinton are so confusing to me.
only after the 2nd one is when they get tired of it.
Yo, homies. Wanna ride our skaterboards down to the mall and get some yogurt cones?
i miss the guac man, Jeb posting brightened many a day.
True conservative values haven't been seen since Ike.
Fuck off.
This asshole's brother and father are both guilty of crimes against humanity.
It's only a matter of time before they would have roped Yeb(!) into another masonic ritual sacrifice to appease the Bush dynasty and it's ties to Nazi Germoney, the fall of western society and ISIS.
Thanks OP for posting this.
I've got a folder full of Jeb mockery. I was scared it would never see daylight again after his resignation.
>experienced leader with true conservative values
You're talking about Cruz.
I'm convinced the GOP likes to lose presidential elections so they can continue to feel like victims.
>tru consevavavatoove meh meh
You mean another neocon globalist?
Sup Forums is filled with libertarians and nationalists. Neither of which are "republicans".
You don't words good
i don't consider them separate families.
I don't like conservative values. I prefer Trump
don't confuse Sup Forums for Republicans
>PNAC signer
>voting for beta cucks
even Sanders was manlier than him.
>Sup Forums is filled with kids
This is accurate. One, seems like the GOP base enjoys being outraged. Two, outlets like Breitbart, Fox, Limbaugh etc all do extremely well when there's a Democrat in the white house. A Hillary presidency would be great for both those groups, and there's no better way to ensure a Hillary win than nominating Trump
if the gop base enjoys being outraged what does that say about liberals? i don't see too many conservatives participating in the oppression olympics.
>pol isn't conservative
>Supporting American political oligarchies
Hey Switz, by Omega needs a servicing, what's the address to your workshop again?
i find it hard to believe anyone could deny liberals absolutely own the victim market.
I, personally, think that the US has had enough of the Bush/Clinton dynasty. We need to overthrow our royal families and abolish the monarchy.
post it all
jeb! has deposited 1 pocket turtle into your account
>muh crimes against humans!
>but seriously gas the kikes and mudslimes
And yes Sup Forums is one person
Your "experienced leader with true conservative values" is supporting Trump.
here's the ultimate redpill about jeb
Hillary would have trashed him harder than Trump could have ever hope.
Low energy bruh.
>an experienced leader with true conservative values
yeah, but his guac recipe was shit. I couldn't eat it, my children wouldn't eat it, fed it to my dog, now he's dead.
Fuck you Jeb.
awwww poor little iYeb!
Someone post the George Bush book where he just shits on Yeb and cucks him
Hu, really makes you think
Dank memes aside, you want a redpill on what a controlling sociopathic shithead Jeb Bush is? Just read up on his involvement in the Terry Chivo case while he was govenor, and you'll see how much he loves the "small government" he claims to advocate for.
Well, even Trump admitted Jeb's mommy should be running instead.
No matter what happens from here on out, we can be thankful to Trump for crushing the Bush dynasty
This guy comes off as awkward and is in the defensive in every interview, in one someone asked him about movies and he got all pouty
joke candidate
Bush was a cuck. That's why we didn't like him.
did you know that guy is a literal faggot as well?
Was he really? That's unfortunate. He possessed great retard strength from the looks of it.
I head Arnold's mijo is getting into film. Or at least has a lot of potential, he definitely looks like him.
hmmmm... rely makes u think
A friggin Murf (Brown Smurf) for first lady? I don't think so.
Sup Forums just wants to see the establishments shit get fucked up
Prove me wrong.
Go to bed, Jeb.
Shouldn't you be at a Dunkin Donuts?
Jeb was fun. I wish big T just brought him on as VP so he could give him wedgies and noogies for 8 years.
I unironically miss Jeb.
Trump is an experienced leader
He was ok but another Bush wasn't going to win since the last one is still a meme.