How will The Donald ever recover?
How will The Donald ever recover?
He needs to stop worrying about what goes on in the US, and start worrying about terrorists in the France.
Here in Europe, it's not PC to back Trump. No one likes Trump here. At least, in public.
In the secret of our homes, we true Europeans want a Trump in Europe. We can't speak out.
stop this shit of "how can he ever recover"
It's old
That's bad for her. This guy is an inverted lucky charm.
Stupide leaf is stupide.
What the fuck? Where does this guy get off? I don't see our politicians mouthing off about European candidates
Not a surprise, he is bluepilled, incompetent, coward, he hates the people as proove his private declarations, probably corrupted and he his the most hated political figure in France in our whole history
Less than 10% of the population endorse him according to the opinion polls, and nobody knows who the fuck are those 10%
>stop this shit of "how can he ever recover" It's old
What did he mean by this?
>no one on earth think the opinion of this jew puppet turd is important.
polls grant him with 11% of popularity in france, it trice worse than the most hated french president before in the all 5th republic, it's a chance for him that our country is filled with obeident wageslaves, shitskins and cucks because if not he would probably have been guillotiné since a while
>accusing Trump of inciting “fear of waves of immigrants, the stigmatization of Islam, the questioning of representative democracy and the denunciation of elites.
Those are things he sees as bad. Now you know why we're deep in shit.
Btw with only 4 MPs from FN, France doesn't qualify as a representative democracy, so he should shut his mouth on that topic.
Hollande gave an award to Saudi Arabia for "fighting terrorism" a few months after the Paris attacks, orchestrated by a group Saudi Arabia has armed and supported. He is a traitor.
You really made me think
Le plus drôle c'est que même des candidats inutiles et dignes des memes comme mélenchon ou bayrou sont mieux placés que lui pour les présidentielles
il nous faut Asselineau :3
> French President Hollande endorses Clinton
Trump immediately jump 5 points in the polls.
>10% of favorable opinion
>country is controled by germans and eu bureaucrats
>economic crisis incoming
>mudslimes invading and killing people
>big cities flooded by niggers
>french people exhausted and angry as never
l-lets talk about US politics g-guys
Le parti qui monte malgré le silence des médias, ne me fait pas rire c'est inutile de voter UPR
Il a pas encore decuve de la soiree electorale du Brexit.
Nous ne sommes que des sans-dents, il connaît mieux les priorités que nous
François "Marine is a Nazi Reeeee" Asselineau
La légende raconte que quelqu'un sait qui sont les 10% qui approuvent Hollande
Are these les mèmes français infâmes?
François "la CIA a créé Le Pen pour m'empecher d'avoir de la visibilité sur TF1 REEEEEE" Asselineau
les immigrés
les cocus
That's how it started in the states.
Ca c'est Nicolas Cuckpon-Aignant.
go to bed hollande
Really? Not one US political figurehead has commented on Brexit or the recent tragedies in Europe?
>least popular french president EVER
>has brought france to the brink of civil war
>his presidency saw the far-right FN make historically unpreceded gains
yeah, that convinced me. guess i will #ShillForHill now.
Asselineau n'a pas une carrure de President, mais ses conferences sont asez interessantes.
C'est Soral avec 40 points de QI de plus.
Et dire qu'avant nous avions le président de la classe et que maintenant nous avons un flan
>caring what the leader of a bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys says about anything
>we true Europeans want a Trump in Europe
right, fucking deluded basement dwelling Sup Forumstard.
Sup Forums isn't representative of the real world, every poll prove you wrong.
Add it to your filter.
implying a give a fuck what that cuck thinks
>seeing white people
The leaf is right. Hollande should helium nao, it would be the best option.
allahu akbar brother!
almawt al kaffir!
>abdul ibn rahman al muhammad talking about europe
He is gone in 1 year thanks fully
Irrelevant as fuck endorses Clinton. How will Trump every recover ?
I dunno. Probably the same way he's recovered from the 8 billion times he's been "stumped" according to your fellow shit posters.
Marine Le Pen was interviewed on British TV the other night, and when asked if she supported Trump or not she replied:
>Anyone but Clinton
>ANYTHING but Clinton
Grosse répartie.
>every poll prove you wrong.
>right wing at 35%, 80% of the people that vote for them see muslims as a threat
>far right at 35%, 98% of the people that vote for them see muslims as a threat
>even 30% of the cuck left voters agree that there is a problem with muslims
Basically, outside of the sjw, commies and muslims themselves no one can stand them.
what on earth I'm looking at lol
>Disgusting socialist frog indirectly endorses Donald Trump
oh no, a frog endorses someone slimy. no one saw that coming
>Dat nose
Didn't Trump fuck this guy's wife before they married? Mick Jagger too if I'm not mistaken.
Wait, Trump fucked Mick Jagger?
loving eovery laff
Guy's about as popular as Louie the 14th.
Still better than de Gaulle
Same with Farage
>most hated man in France supports Shillary
So Trump is going to get support then
you guys always make fun of transexual for trying to make people consider them as what they aren't, yet you do the same.
are you killing yourself rn or what ?
Why is Buddha asian? He was a Scythian