welcome to Sup Forums newfag.
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Omnem dimittite spem, o vos intrantes!
everything he is saying was already happening in america when he was saying it. the talk he gives was at a paranoid anti-communist right wing organisation, he was just feeding them whatever bullshit they wanted to hear.
Bezmenov was a deep double agent posing as a defector to get close to Canadian oil drilling companies and arrange a sweetheart deal for mother russia, back when there were heavy sanctions between the North American bloc and the soviet one.
He never died, just disappeared. That alone tells you he was just doing espionage and must of the shit he said is just tinfoil hat madness with a tiny bit of truth spun in for good measure.
The left rises in natural opposition to the right and the communists would sometimes fund or run guns to them. The CIA did the same thing by the way, sometimes supporting terrorists, sometimes communists, sometimes right wing nationalists in shitty countries all over Latin America and Asia.
That's because both USSR and USA were in a fight to install puppet dictators which would create easy opportunities for big business to come in and operate.
Of course he can't tell you any of this shit, so he mentions the soviet puppet leaders and the evil KGB and then his pseudo theory of destabilization, which he predicted would happen by the early 90s (meaning full scale civil war).
Like any good showman he is entertaining and funny, but don't believe his lies, his job was to spin tales and convince gullible idiots of falsehoods.
He is basically telling a paranoid Christian audience exactly what they want to hear.
I'm a newfag alright, I always thought Sup Forums was insane and never bothered coming here. I started to come here a few weeks ago and I'm just having trouble unwrapping all of this without anyone to guide or help me. I guess that's because I grew up in a very sheltered home and school system, it's really scary to realize these things about yourself.
Here is your real red pill, if you are interested
The SJW millennials are exactly the 20-year brainwashing education generation he described. If the Soviet Union still existed, millennials would have been their revolutionary subversive foot soldiers designed to collapse the country. However, with the end of the USSR, there is no longer a mother ship to direct the efforts of the fruits of the seeds they planted decades ago.
Millennials were meant to be the Manchurian Generation.
Since you're new to all of this, you should know that the great lord KEK is helping us to achieve happenings.
Remember to praise him. PRAISE KEK!
yuri was on Sup Forums a few months ago
(i was too lazy to screencap it)
has leftism not gotten much much worse since then?