Can you Sup Forumsfags actually recover from this?
The Jew is right, you guys are pretty much the 'cucks' he's talking about
Can you Sup Forumsfags actually recover from this?
The Jew is right, you guys are pretty much the 'cucks' he's talking about
Other urls found in this thread:
what a cuck
why does he wear that hat Sup Forums ?
cuckold status achieved
He's actually right though.
how will we ever recover Sup Forums
The first 5 posts pretty much proves his point.
Dear Ben
Make a formal apology about Michelle Fields and expose her and yourself as liars. Then, stop catering to SJW's.
Then and only then will you find a lesser degree of acceptance again where you will have to be indentured to conservatism and work back the trust.
You'll never be truly trusted because.. you know.. Jew. But it's the next best thing.
100% Correct.
Thank you base Ben.
>if you post "nigger" or "cuck" on an anonymous forum you won't ever get a job
>people should follow my idea of political correctness of yelling at poor children that their parents are fuck ups
What a cuck
>if if if if if if if if if
>Completely misunderstanding the whole point of this video
Based Benny strikes again.
I wonder if i would be friends with ben in real life
Please, enlighten me
He's still 5'6
>Shouting "cuck" doesn't get you anywhere
Well the left got pretty far by just shouting "racist"
>/btfo/ of any kind
Into the sage it goes
>the Reddits and the 4chans
I am now a #HillaryClit
>Employers can search for you and find you saying the N word Sup Forums
Looks like no one on Sup Forums will ever get a job then :^)
It's all sheekyforums.
Why is he trying to pin it on us?
Found the cuck
>are you familiar with /pol
pic related
"I'm the guy who guys to high schools with und--er um poor kids to talk about political correctness"
what did he mean by this?
also for being a jew he sure is stupid for not ignoring trolls
Just quoting the cuck in the video.
>77.35% white and a nigger for a president.
he is balding
>being provocative is only fine when I do it
>using your real name on the internet
Why are jews so obsessed with CHANGING THE WORLD. Don't they have anything better to do with their lives?
just called mom's new boyfriend a cuck
The kike says he's totally against PC but then says "the n word" instead of just nigger. Don't trust him
Trump says he's not PC but he can't even say "Transgender men are women" on live TV. Don't trust him :^)
Also, saying nigger isn't politically incorrect, it just makes you look like an asshole
let's hope may wins so those WEEABOOS LEAVE this fucking place and get a job or go back to school or w/e
Ben, you posted this yesterday. Go get good with a dreidel like your father wanted and stop shitposting on Sup Forums.
uhhhg, you are the worst type of person
i get what he's saying. saying nigger and cuck for the sake of saying those words doesn't really do anything, but the fact that he cares so much about those words to point them out as something to discredit Sup Forums and milo, shows how actually cucked he is
Spouting character attacks like a true liberal.
that just makes you a hypocuck
Jews playing both sides of the field and still throwing the dummy when since michelle fields ben shapiro is literally irrelevant, from the real world to this mongolian candle forum, everyone has seen his small man syndrome sperge out.
Stop shilling yourself to try and stay relevant benno, your kike homo mate will be next to fuck off.
Watch as the kike stammers to get his point across once Sup Forums is brought up.
Don't be so worried benny boy. I'm sure you don't leave your house considering your pale as fuck.
This is Ben's position.
Hillary is pure evil.
Trump is not as conservative as Ben would like him to be.
So Ben is not going to try to stop evil from taking power over the world.
In not fighting evil, he became evil.
Ben is so triggered kek
He's acting like a liberal and trying to cast it as being a conservative.
Yep. He is the same as the establishment. They raise so much hell about Trump and get very emotional and passionate and then about Hillary or Obama it's just the usual tepid criticism.
>let's destroy PC in one day
get real
I've always felt this way about people saying things like cuck, nigger and faggot. Yet this position will now forever be associated with the manlet Jew Ben Shapiro.
what a cute manlet showing how provocateurs can get to him
Tell that to the german. Not the one who brought it up
He is right and you all know it. Except the part about pot.
What a cuck
Sup Forums on suicide watch
What a nigger cuck
i feel really cool when i say the word
>I'm conservative goy
>Don't vote for Trump, good goy
He is a literal Jew spy, dismissing American culture as "unimportant".
>He went on Crowders podcast
>Complains saying Trannies are mentally ill for wanting to cut their dick off
>Within 5 mins says it's okay to cut your babbies dick
This fucking kike
kike is right
>A Neo-Con kike
I never cared about his opinions in the first place
>I never cared about his opinions in the first place
At least his opinion actually has some worth, unlike the faggot who wants black dick in his mouth every 3 minutes
Based Ben bringing it as usual.
Also, Sup Forums is not one guy. Not all of us will turn on a guy simply because we've gone off the deep end.
>PC is destroyed by being a loud mouthed asshole
get real
You. I like you.
>take money that changes your political opinion
Ay bby u want sum fuk?
Seriously though, loud mouthed assholes have been around since forever. If that's all it took to bring political correctness down, it would never have come about in the first place. However the notion came about that 'keeping it real' would serve to defeat it shows a shocking immaturity, not just emotional but of the political kind. How it did come about and what does destroy it is explicitly stated in the label. Respectively, politics, and political control. Give the right--the right kind of right--as long a turn at power as the progressive movement got and the thing would go away, not all at once but just as sure as new generations are born, come into their own and take over from the old farts who die off, taking their bad ideas with them.
Sup Forums is too harsh on Shapiro.
I agree the Fields incicent was fucked, but he shares most of Sup Forums's opinions, and does more good than harm.
I still like ben.
>he thinks they can get us for saying niggers on Sup Forums
To boldly confront the narrative of your opponents and win allies from their camp to your side, not to hide away in presumed anonymity spewing as much bile as you think you can get away with because you're too much of a frustrated coward to make a public case for your ideas.
Ben talks a lot about how evidence should inform politics yet he believes in god
Ben lost all credibility in the Fields scandal. He and Michelle both continuously repeated the lie that she was thrown to the ground, after video evidence proved only her arm was grabbed.
His position on Israel is also asinine.
He's also a manlet who lies about his height
>wearing a shoah hat while saying all this
>Implying I am not self employed, nigger.
How many times are we going to have this thread.
Sup Forums btfo, really makes u think how can Sup Forums ever recover?
Saged and pic related
He's literally just saying what everybody here that isn't a "muh 2nd amendment" meme spouter and infograph reposter already knows. The people that haven't figured this out yet are probably beyond help.
oy vey
>"muh 2nd amendment" meme spouter and infograph reposter
That's actually somewhat legitimate, though, bong. There isn't anything to debate. My right isn't someone else to debate. If only there were the same passion for all those other rights of man our forefathers once secured, and the same understanding of their reason and necessity, we wouldn't be were we are today.
Anyone else think the death of his career is making him look less like a boy and more like a regular manlet (kikelet)?
Rather be an asshole then a nigger.
checked and agreed
His relevance in the political world is slipping, and he knows it. First Trump, then Milo, and now this. He is backed to a corner, grasping whatever straws his feeble height and toddler hands could allow him to grab. He's too afraid to talk about this board, directly. He knows what Sup Forums is. He knows the people who are meming him out of political existence.
For a bunch of mom's basement-dwelling losers who jerk off all day and play videogames......
It sure seems like everyone knows who the fuck Sup Forums is if they talk about it at large gatherings of people and the most prominent speakers can comment on the matter without having to be informed as to what and who Sup Forums are.
He sounds fucking pathetic.
The point of the video is that Ben got super triggered by people shitposting on his Twitter and he interpreted it as serious political debate because he's an oversensitive jew
Ben Shapiro reminds me of Marco Rubio.
Kek sure we are which is why the government actually monitors /pol. What a cuck
>Ben Shapiro reminds me of Marco Rubio.
Well, he is little. Little Shapiro.
I think he is very low power too, you know, unlike Milo.
>muh sekrit club
newsflash: it's no longer 2003.
A real conservative that has great ideas on how to fix America is shouted down by a bunch of his intellectual inferiors that think they know everything about the world because they post on Sup Forums, calling him a cuck because he doesent support a populist idiot that has no idea on how to actually do anything related to statecraft.
What a nigger faggot cuck.
Shapiro is a Globalist shill who will lash out like a 5yr old kid on anyone who disagrees with his anti-Globalist views.
Not to mention he is also about the height of a 5yr old kid.
and your dick is the size of a 5 yr olds, you med jewboy spits more fire than north korea will rain down on your home as soon as trump takes office and pulls the troops out?
Hes right, I still hate niggers though
Or your just a Cuck :^)
holy shit he sounds like such a cuck.