Can we have a Trump hate thread?
Can we have a Trump hate thread?
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build wall
You are using a proxy. My personal addon can tell.
hi mexico
The shills have arrived
Well you can go to Reddit or Tumblr
Have you ever seen the situation of North/South Korea?
People still cross the border, good luck with your so called wall, cuz Mexico ain't paying shit.
The wall got 10ft higher pablo
>1 post
there's a surprise
LOL this place is easier to trigger than reddit. this is the power of the "master race"?
Clearly, they are superior, because they are white, didn't you know?
>Canadian shitposting
Build the wall
El buildo El wallo
This isn't Leddit
The diffrence there is that we want people from north korea to defect to south korea, north koreans arnt rapeing and murdering and bringing drugs and breaking the law and stealing jobs and undercutting us citizens and being violent shitheads
Babbys first election.
People really believe a wall will stop drug and illegal immigrant importation?
You guys have Cubans and chinks floating over in canoes and furniture.
Cartels have submarines and the entire U.S. coastline.
We've had illegals coming in through our ports for DECADES.
Hopefully the wall is built.
I want it to be built so it fails.
Anyways, its not like stopping immigration will save whitey.
There are too many other races already inside America and unlike you permavirgin Sup Forums autists, these people actually have sex and reproduce.
Whitey will be outbred by the hispanics EVEN IF all illegals and anchor babies died this instant.
Its too late for you assmad whiteboys.
You should have done something 40 years ago.
>Bam, Hil, Jeb
Cringe thread? Sure go ahead.
Trump insults are largely cringey and low energy. I laugh when there's a rare good one though.
>muh hugbox
Hi hitler, how is the whole refugees issue going on?
>Trump Hate thread
>It's from Mexico
this is weak shit, lmao
Cant stump the Trump
One of the most isolated places in the world but SOMETIMES a FEW makes it out. You're a fucking retard only proves a wall works.
>have arrived
They never leave
Somehow you've become proud of the fact that millions of your citizens are fleeing your country.
How did you come to this?
>Everyone in this thread.
Trump is a fagget
stop bully pls trumpu sama is a good boy
I made fun of a clown at a local carnival we had. About a week later I was hiking in the woods and I herd an old oogaa horn blow and I knew I was being followed. I called the police and showed them the area and we found this. Clowns are not to be made light of Pablo
>my father live in California and send me 10,000USD for month
Life is good :D
Yes, don't have documents.
why americans are so black?
Becouse they couldnt kill all the indians, like we did.
This is actually clever, but you must be very stupid to do that.
Poor beaner. Hope you enjoy the wall.
sorry i cant learn unga unga
I wouldn't pin my hopes on that wall, my angry racist friends. The last thing Trump built were his casinos.
>unga unga
>Clown runs for president, becomes the most charistmatic leader of the century and wins the elections!
>Donald Trump: making America Great Again.P.12
>10 secrets to start the day with high energy. p.22
>Naming the Globalists: how to be an absolute madman. P.37
>Shilling and chess, similar arts? P.58
>Genociding Canada: cheaper than a second wall? P.62.
>Extra Empires: Hadrian did literally nothing wrong.
ayy the mapuche "roto"
I find that picture funny considering how its mainly niggers and wetbacks that put us at number 1 for obesity.
But Mexihoe is full of fat people!
>Trump hate thread
>Turns into The_Donald tier trump meme thread
source? I love low poly.