Did you used to be a liberal? What changed your mind?
Did you used to be a liberal? What changed your mind?
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Things like that
I was and still sort of am a moderate liberal, but the regressive left has *really* made me lean right this election. SJWs are fucking cancer.
Why can't we all agree that both the left and right have good ideas. Why does it have to be black vs. white. It's bullshit.
When people started calling me a nu-male on /soc/, even if I look like one, I don't have to be on, you know.
Also through this whole Brexit thing, I got more and more right wing anyway.
Identity politics took center stage
I don't give one single fuck who or what you are, stop whining about it you miserable fucking pricks.
Millenials are bad enough but
I fear for all proud westerners when the next generation is allowed to vote
Gen Zor whatever its called
Moving to London.
>Become edgy teen
>Turn right instead of left like most teenagers
>Actually read shit to back up claims.
>Kind of stuck.
SJWs mostly. I'm still pretty liberal, I don't even consider these people to be liberals since their mindset is deeoly authoritarian. I just can't call myself a lefty anymore because the left has been poisoned with cancerous retards.
Gayfag reporting. A few years ago I got accused of being misogynist for not wanting to have sex with women. It was the old "sexuality is a choice" argument but from the left. Thus began my alienation from the left. There was much more that happened, but that was the first time I really started thinking about my views critically.
The Bible.
At first I was like yeah, but then I was like nah. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
When I found out that abbos get a shitload of benefits and handouts for basic "achievements" that whites, asians, and even black people manage to get through just fine in leafland. These include:Graduating high school, turning 18 (19 depending on the province), and starting college. There's probably more, I'm sure Trudeau has some kind of gibs system setup on the way out for them.
wow rly make u thonk....
>Wear assless chaps
>Drink fag juice
>Talk about cocks
I used to, but the last 1 year or 2 changed me. The left became cancer
to be fair you're sort of obligated to do something for them in that vein.
realizing how annoying and transparently contrarian most hipster liberal cunts are and that progressive "values" arent really values at all. because they are not quantifiable, and they are always changing. i like to live my life by a set of rules and morals. i also refuted white guilt, and most progressive policies but didnt even realize it because i viewed conservatives as backwards by nature. i dont know if it was tv, music, msm, or youth but i eventually found most of that stuff revolting once i "grew up"
I bet for 80% of Sup Forums it was other liberals. Any rational person would feel disgust at their behavior and want to disassosciate himself from them.
I even went through the whole phase of trying to tell other fellow liberals "look, I'm on your side, but you shouldn't call them names. Just argue with them calmly and present your position. they'll come around". Of course, nobody cared.
Fuck those vicious cunts. Everybody who's so completely sure of their moral, ethical and intellectual superiority is dangerous.
Someone literally told me that I'm a "white male" so my opinion didn't count.
Fine, they're just one retarded feminist. Then it started happening regularly.
Don't really know what happened. I became anti immigration and anti EU long before Sup Forums when I saw the arguments and thought they were convincing enough.
Used to be a ''Leninist'' in my mid-teens.
I'm not obligated to do shit, residential schools have been closed for years, the only people who went to them are super old or dead now. Why the fuck do I have to pay for "reparations" for crimes I never committed?
high horse. pretentiousness, elitist attitude, etc
It was a gradual process, switching from liberal to conservative. I attest it to actually learning about society.
I actually liked Bernie Sanders once. And then I saw the "Bernie Sanders voter starter pack" picture, and I was like okay, let's see why Bernie Sanders is so stupid with economics.
I've been on the ride ever since. It all makes so much sense now.
They stopped giving a shit about science and all this gender politics bullshit. And I started actually paying attention to world politics and realize the left has nothing to offer.
Sorry, I didn't mean you specifically, I was referring to the state.
And it's just common decency and grace. Your nation isn't exactly hemorrhaging money to pay reparations, and it's not like your aboriginals roam around in large gangs raping your women, so what's the harm?
If you australian, I'd probably agree with you however.
I stopped being a 16 year old idiot who said what he thought everyone else wanted to hear.
used to watch Daily Show. news presented as entertainment is dangerous.
then i got a job made some money. now i'm aware of jewish tricks and chose my side appropriately
Pretty much the same for me too.
It all started with reading about secret nazi weapons, then my intereset switched from their technology to their ideology, started watching documentaries, and now here I am.
I did a lot of drugs during my youth and realized that hitler didn't do anything wrong.
Was more apolitical than liberal desu. It's just that the narrative in school is liberal so you think it is the only right way of thinking.
>If you're not liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you're not conservative by 40, you have no brain.
Sup Forums simply accelerates the process.
I was a "liberal" during the Bush administration because I am just a contrarian prick and I'm against whoever is in power
I got a job and grew up.
when my gf started fucking black guys
I got a job and started paying taxes.
>being a degenerate fuck dependant on the state and gibs from whitey is OK if only a few people do it.
They're just about as criminal as the ones in 'straya, the farther north you go the worse they get. They make up a huge amount of our prison population and don't do fuck all for this country, so why should we give them anything for any reason?
This board. I voted Obama into office the first time. Thought republicans were fat redneck losers. Didn't see a problem with wealth distribution.
I am a changed man with a traditional wife who also lurks here daily. We are having 5 beautiful white children and raising them properly.
the most I have ever been was classical liberal but no never liberal
went from edgy anarchists tween to right to libertarian
one time I was a little off and writing ideas and my friend read it and was like this is communism. not even once.
Getting a 9-5 job, learning from older co-workers experiences, and cancerous SJWs who waste time crying about bullshit instead of things that actually matter or effect the majority of people.
I am a millennial.
Fuck my generation. Terrible priorities and no real long term goals or dreams.
Wait I mean, we have dreams but we post about it on social media for short term validation instead of actually working for it.
answer to your first question.
answer to your second question.
the real world
Obamacare is why Hillary will win.
I was born a Nazi.
I grew up
I never found that picture weird
It's perfectly normal to be in your pyjamas at home
When I saw homeless people getting more rights than homeowners and contributory citizens
Owning a home makes you grow up quick
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I grew up.
Lord KEK
I'm still a liberal and proud of it!
I used to be a fedora tier athiest. I guess over time I realized religious values are important to society.
I saw the real world for what it is.
Especially if you sold all your other clothing to pay denbts, I suppose.
Did you used to be a liberal?
>I used to be what you'd probably describe as a liberal.
What changed your mind?
>Identity politics and hurt feelings took priority over economic issues. Also recognised that people in general are apathetic towards all but the most simplistic of political concepts. Ultimately, it's a hopeless cause and it's easier to just watch the world burn.
Reddit is down the road and around the corner
>What changed your mind?
I grew up and started paying taxes.
I realised that, while it nice nice to have the government provide for you, you live a much more fulfilling life if you do it yourself. At least that's how I internalise it. In reality it was more going to Sup Forums a few times and consistently getting purple in political compass threads.
>this whole thread
Beautiful, Sup Forums
>Family was upper middle class Christian conservatives
He redpilled me when no one did
I used to be a leftist, now I'm a liberal.
I was leftist or awhile but back in my mind always kinda anti-immigration. Videos like this changed my mind. These people just straight up hate whites and don't mind lying or abandoning all principle to further their political agenda.
I used to be somewhat of a liberal. Things that turned me off - SJW's, entitled feminist culture, race baiting culture that black people use. Blaming it all on whitey. It made me think of my family roots. My grandfather was a 13 YR immigrant when the depression hit. Had nothing. Decided to make something of himself. There were no white ties he had, no power, no influence. He just up and did it. Made me question how people can blame their lives on shit that happened before they were born. I was done with all of the apologists and excuse makers. I could care less about gays, trans, or religion. What got to me was the culture of blame and excuses.
They say young people are liberal, but I don't think young people have political beliefs at all.
decades ago, the left tried to fight international capitalism on behalf of the working man.
today, the left fights the working man on behalf of international capitalism.
it's really scary how fast things can change.
Family are all redpilled right wing Christians. I started turning into a SJW libtard for a brief time around the age of 17 but quickly swung back to the right.
I stopped feeling so much and started thinking
A liberal will save a chicken from a fox, feeling for the chicken.
A conservative will realize that by denying the fox it's dinner, all you're doing is killing the fox
I was never a lefty, despite being a young non-autistic millennial. However what started me on my drastic swing to the right was Islam. Freaked my parents out by questioning the holocaust and I didn't even deny it.
Grew up in a white anti white household. I literally never heard one nice thing about whites as a group until I read pro white literature on the internet.
I noticed from a young age that many liberals were anti gun, which I never was. I always believe in "fighting the power" with effective weapons.
As I got deep into reading pro white literature the lights came on. I was fighting against my self and the very culture that had allowed for my family and I to live so well.
The further I read the more I became informed about the Elite Class of society and it's all consuming need for cheap labor. Since this requires mass immigration from poor brown countries, the Elite's must break all white solidarity every time it arises.
As I began to study investment, I learned of the Central Bank and the Money Printing Advantage. That is where the Federal Reserve gets to decide how much new money to print. Then they get to decide who gets the new money.
That is how they win all their fights. They control the funding of all society and can make wealthy or poor, anyone they choose.
Do you talk to your family about their self hating ways? Because they're cancer.
i used to be fairly liberal. i can't remember what exactly changed my mind but being forced to do diversity training in sixth form and coming here probably didn't help
>Did you used to be a liberal?
>What changed your mind?
My worldview was shaken pretty badly by an assault I witnessed. I actually stopped it; it was four "unarmed youths" trying to decapitate an old white man with a shovel. Being that I was a witness to the crime and that each good boy who dindu nuffin was tried separately, I spent a lot of the next several months at the Milwaukee County Juvenile Justice Center as well as the county courthouse (one was tried as an adult).
It was absolutely sickening. The courhouse in any urban area is like a nigger daycare. Hordes of blacks come and go daily for failing to pay child support for years, driving without licenses for decades, shooting people over shoes, having sex on paygrounds; all manner of depravity. There were sometimes fights in the halls, and even in the courtrooms.
The "families" (such as they were; usually single grandmothers) of the offenders didn't seem to care much about what their children had done. They treated me like some kind of Klansman for having witnessed and intervened in the crime. One of the boys' "pastors" actually attempted to intimidate me (I would wager that all the offenders' families made such attempts, but I shrugged them off after my first complaint to bailiffs went unanswered). That guy laid it on pretty thick at sentencing, even suggesting I was somehow involved in the crime.
Anyway, by the time of the Zimmerman trial I realized everything I'd been taught about a society's most important matters was a fucking lie. Equality is a fucking lie and diversity is a fucking plague. And a lot of the power structure knows this.
It isn't even so much that I'm no longer "liberal". It's really that those issues are intra-social questions. I'd much rather live in 1970s East Germany under autocratic socialism than in American multicultural democracy today. And we are all of us—black, white, whatever—finished if we don't figure out how to disentangle ourselves from this thought paradigm.
Still am a Liberal
And I really wish people see the difference in SJW and Liberals
We are not the same
I believe in the advantages of the government while still believing social issues are still a problem with political correctness being a hinder on progress
It's also important not to generalize, you cannot assume a political stance, shared around the world has everyone thinking similar
i still am liberal
but the left has gone absolutely insane, it was always bad at handling differing opinions (in a healthy society there needs to be a plurality of different views) but the sjw shit has made it even worse.
i'm a liberal myself but i prefer nazis to the left.
Identity politics are good. Solidarity with your own kind is a glorious thing and the more people embrace pride in their identity the more politically active and united our nation will be.
That is a legitimate criticism of the left wing- that they never are against rape for the sake of human rights, but for the sake of equality. They support rape in cases where sluts commit rape by fraud to infect their spouses with STDs, when trannies lie about their gender history before sex and when lesbians are far more likely to rape people that the average man.
If they are, the reparations should be one time, not a permanent mortgage, just as the crimes were temporary.
I and they had many a vicious verbal fight over it and now we almost never talk about anything serious. Especially my father and I never talk much.
It's a little weird in my case. My family and I are all very mean people so we have alienated many, many people over the years.
We though hard about it and decided that I would live in one of their houses and they in the other. We see each other a bit but like I said, no serious discussions.
I certainly don't breath a word about writing pro white propaganda on the internet.
My dad is an old working man though (money came through mom's side and some to my name when I was still a white anti white so they can't just take money away from me.
I can talk to my dad about Money Printers all I want. He gets really angry when I point out that they are very Jewish.
So I'm an amateur propaganda writer and investor and I get left alone most of the day/week.
The way the media covered the Trayvon Martin case. I'm ashamed it took me that long.
Forgive me, Sup Forums
Don't be too libertar tho bro, it is shit tier without geoism.
Natural monopolies are real, not a myth. The only efficient solution to them is to realize that laborers own the value of their labor but cannot own natural opportunities to make use of their labor.
thats a comfy picture
>Ultimately, it's a hopeless cause and it's easier to just watch the world burn.
working and getting mony.
I used to be right wing but I became more moderate after coming to Sup Forums.
People here are fucking retarded.
LA Riots was worse, the media cutting out the part were Rodney KANGZ hit the cop
Martin case wasn't entirely the media's fault, dumb people actually looked at Zimmerman & said, yup, that's a White dude
But someone like Jessie Williams with blue eyes & freckles is Black...
Facts that aren't just based around muh racism.
>I'm slightly less delusional than an SJW
>please don't compare us
ok... *cough* NAIVE *cough*
Only superficially. My brother, who is 8 years older than me, shamed the racism out of me when I was in late grade school/early junior high and he was in college. My mom is a teacher and thus has always been very pro union. Plus I liked the daily show and hated Bush.
Then I went to college and was surrounded by ideological weirdos who casually hated on FUCKING WHITE MALES, and knew something was up. Discovered stuff like Penn and Teller's Bullshit and Pat Condell that definitely changed my perspective, but the thought of actually shirking the label of liberal made me pretty incomfortable.
Then I became friends with this guy who openly admitted to voting for Bush and would drop nigger jokes all the time, much to my other friends' chagrin. But that kinda made me stop giving a shit what liberals thought.
Then Ron Paul ran again in '12 and gave me a candidate I could support that didn't get me totally ostracized by my other friends and I began to fancy myself a libertarian.
After graduating from college and joining the real world, I stumbled upon Sup Forums in early 2012 and have been here ever since.
Same really, at the beginning I was just "far right" to be a contrarian
You never changed me.
Sup Forums is a great window to the mind of people on the wrong side of history. Nationalism, civic and ethnic, are in their death throes no matter what you want to believe, or how much you post anime girls with MAGA hats. There's no going back to the tribal, 19th century view of history as atomized units independent of one another, economically or socially. We're all interconnected and will continue to become more connected. There are no real hermit kingdoms anymore.
What do you bigots even have to complain about? Global capitalism has spread to virtually every corner of the world. You have untold luxuries before you. Girls are getting sluttier. Asses are getting bigger. You have iPhones, laptops, the finest food, materials, and music, precision engineered to be as pleasing as possible, to suit every want. Even our drugs are orders of magnitude more powerful than those of the past, a lower class man could laugh in the face of a Chinese emperor with the wealth modern capitalism has brought him. Millions have been lifted out of poverty. It's even helped Africa's population to blossom into what will be around 1 billion people by 2020. We're moving in the right direction, and you can't escape from it.
GG. I was an avid Sup Forums poster. Then one day the entire board hive minded with a ferocious fury, the likes of which I've never seen. Found Sup Forums since then and realized the left's massive amount of bullshit.
>"Bernie Sanders voter starter pack" picture
Oh God I have to see this
When Obama got elected and I found out that democrats don't actually care about America
I used to be a hardline neonazi, kinda getting into fascism, but Sup Forums turned my views 148 radians and I'm now a classical liberal.
The problem is that people who aren't white are starting to benefit from it
I did. I was so liberal I voted for Obama. Twice. The first time I can excuse myself for because it was my first election, and he had a lot of people fooled. The second time I was just being an idiot. Since then I went back to college, and combined the shit I saw there before graduation and the news. The regressive left pushed the Democratic party further and further down an insane road, so I felt like they left me behind. I guess now I'm moderate-right now.