there are people on pol right now that weren't around for this.
how do you feel about the current state of pol?
there are people on pol right now that weren't around for this.
how do you feel about the current state of pol?
Fine as it is I guess.
I use 4/pol/ for on-topic banter + shitposting (and raids).
And 8/pol/ for serious discussion.
It's a goddamn shame
>no more space elevator
I wasn't around. How about a tl;dr?
best friends lunch still makes me giggle.
pol is only as good as its happenings.
all our fond memories are of happenings.
Basically this.
Also, kikewheels/pol/ has more libertarians there :^D
yea it kinda sucks in a way. But at least more people are getting redpilled and influencing the election when we need them most.
The Zimmerman trail was great tho.
During the Zimmerman trial Sup Forums was glued to the livestream. They had an expert (can't remember what profession) on via Skype and Sup Forums started bombarding him with calls in the middle of his testimony. One of the callers was OP's pic. On national television, in the middle of a huge murder trial.
One of Sup Forums's better moments.
>green eyes
his mother must have been a coal burner
Fuck, I had a good time.
>there are people on Sup Forums right now who came after:
>sandy hook
>zimzam trial
>chris dorner
>NSA leaks
>navy yard happening
>supreme gentleman
>fort hood 2.0
>independence day tumblr raid
>gaza war
>GamerGate shittery
>The ShekelShoah
>ferguson chimpout
>sydney hostage crisis
>parliament hill attack in canada
>charlie hebdo
>Germanwings 9525
>2015 UK Election
>When those two mexican guys stole a police car and then the guy got into a standoff with the cops and tried to call his mom but Sup Forums got ahold of the mothers cell phone number and he couldn't call and then he got out of the car with a gun and was shot and killed by police and the other brother shot himself
>dylann roof
>that train attack in france where the 3 us servicemen stopped it
>Umpqua College Shooting
>Bataclan and The Great European Manhunt
>turkey shooting down russian jet
>isis blowing up russian jet
>planned parenthood shooting
>san bernardino
just in time for
> trump 2016
Don't forget "muh notes"
I still miss her greatly.
>tfw all my Zimzam OC got nuked
Best time I had, streaming the Zim trial with my fellow degenerates.
This is why I always hope for happenings
I came to Sup Forums literally on the day David Kalac killed his girlfriend and posted those now-edited into Radiohead: The Bends picture. I was in the original thread and posted there in real time, and listened to the police radios. I fell in love with this place immediately. Started going to Sup Forums shortly after (maybe a month after) and now I almost exclusively go here (sometimes to Sup Forums and /adv/).
He brack boi he ded
Unremarkable penis
I started in Oct 2015
The night I found out the not guilty verdict I drank so much vodka I threw up in bed.
>When those two mexican guys stole a police car and then the guy got into a standoff with the cops and tried to call his mom but Sup Forums got ahold of the mothers cell phone number and he couldn't call and then he got out of the car with a gun and was shot and killed by police and the other brother shot himself
that's fucking hilarious
To expand on this: I've had gone to Sup Forums throughout the years sporadically and didn't even open the threads because I was scared of CP and all that shit. And then on the day I finally decided to take the plunge into what was supposedly the "asshole of the Internet" I witnessed a murderer posting pictures of a nude woman, strangulated and naked on her bed, saying her kid would come home soon and see it all. Top fucking kek, it was magical. I love this website.
Ah shit I remember that. There hasn't been a decent Happening here in a while. Even the Ron Paul meme is dying.
>Tianjin explosion
>creepy daycare centre
>the original Kek threads
>the Mecca crane
>the 2015 prediction threads
>that live shooting on US news with the black guy
>the France cafe attack
>North Korea border mine Happening
>the animatronic talking Santa
>the unsecured cam threads
Honestly the constant Trump and Brexit threads are boring. Threads like the above are where the magic happens and there hasn't been a good one in a while.
lmao best guy
Chris Dorner was pretty wild, shit like that is a real rare happening. Shame he hurt people not even involved, I think a kid and a wife.
Anything after December 2014 I have recollections of. The Mecca crane one was amazing; I remember we started doing shit like "Mecca Death" and other funny names like that.
Original KeK threads pretty much changed this board.
This might be the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Started last summer
its a genetic mutation, i dont think a mixed child could be that dark and have a white mother
So that's why it's full of retards.
Who /gaza2012/ here?
whats life like in togo?
what is the "must try" food in togo?
I got permbanned from cripplechan because I said Jews are white. You should be ashamed of being retarded enough to go there for 'serious discussion'
how long was pol /new/? KYM says 2011 so that doesnt help.. Ive been here since 2005..
I think my favorite happening was the orange powerline balls.. when was that?
I wish pol had a vault like genmay had to save the best threads forever.. archive doesnt cut it.
2005/6 was /n/...then /new/ in 2007, i want to say. banned in 2010/11 and brought back as /newnew/, banned again, then Sup Forums
my memory is shit; been her too long.
the /new/ archive and some of the Sup Forums archives were lost for good, sadly
It's fine. It always rises to the occasion when there's a big event.
Do any other oldfags wonder how many people would be using the Nazi flag if it were still available for selection today?
feels good to be a /new/fag
favorite part about the whole trial
I long for those days
there's a screencap of a Bulgarian bugger saying something like: it was expensive, but worth it
>mfw faggot newfag OP weren't around on pol at 9/11
now THAT doesnt seem like a long time ago..
>there are people on Sup Forums right now who think this is oldfag material
>there are people on Sup Forums right now
really makes me think
Its always fluctuating. The Zimmerman trial was good times tho
Been laughing non stop for the last 5 minutes
repeating happenings are the only real happenings
don't forget one of the most important ones, the Clankening
>I think my favorite happening was the orange powerline balls.. when was that?
Gaza 2012
Who /Olympics 2012 Zion/ here?
>how do you feel about the current state of pol?
lol i remember that. such an epic meme xD
I consider myself a newfag on Sup Forums considering I only started coming here when the mod on /k/ started banning people over the Z Trial. Its goddamn depressing seeing people being here for that is a mark of status. Its even more depressing seeing how many people weren't even here for it.
same friend
guys the ultimate happening remains upon us... it will be /sep - nov/
It brought me here. What a time that was.
>durr muh zim zam trial was the best thing that ever happened on Sup Forums
Fucking newfags. Clearly you weren't around for Operation Clamstorm.
Omg, I need to find screen caps of this.
These niggas know what's up.
If you missed the Israel/Gaza conflict in 2012, you basically missed out on the peak of Sup Forums.
ZimZam Trial was maybe 10% as exciting as that.
Threads were 404ing with maxed out posts in like 5 minutes.
Gaza was basically like all the pieces lining up to be WWIII, but of course they all pussied out at the last minute and nothing happened.
Sup Forums will reach that level of excellence again on election night, at least for a few hours.
>mfw I saw this live with my Sup Forumsbros
Best Sup Forums moment I've had so far.
This desu, Sandy Hoax was basically the slow downward slide
Why have Inever seen anything about this.
I miss space elevator but brit/pol/ won, Trump won so I'm loving Sup Forums these days. To many shills though
Faggot leaf.
i miss space elevator too
It's real retarded, sir
>tfw no nigs at night
when are we going to get comfy again, bros?
us oldfags, right????
been on biz for awhile
miss them days
>there are people on Sup Forums right now who weren't here when Sup Forums was originally shut down
>>When those two mexican guys stole a police car and then the guy got into a standoff with the cops and tried to call his mom but Sup Forums got ahold of the mothers cell phone number and he couldn't call and then he got out of the car with a gun and was shot and killed by police and the other brother shot himself
that one was amazing
right in the feels
Isreal is same old shit though
boston sleep over was pretty good
>tfw a day will come when all these memories will have faded from history
>there are people on pol right now that weren't around for this (the first time)
How do you feel about the current state of pol?
Not if we save and spread them. Free the memes
why isnt "n" nigger?
why isnt "s" spearchucker?
Sambo is better. If you want to criticize one, criticize X, although you better come up with a better word for X.
>started in 2014 but bought in the anti-pol memes
>only got to experience mid 2015 Sup Forums
it hurts
The only danger about 8fags is they are completely autistic on anything even slightly critical of themselves or their ilk. The Common Filth anger-circlejerk threads are fucking embarrassing.