ITT we trigger Americans
I'll start.
ITT we trigger Americans
I'll start.
Heh, ya man you got us. 60% white xD
America isnt white
I can feel your butthurt from here, Tyrone.
Mexico: proof that you don't have to be full of niggers to be a shithole
Going after skin color doesn't do much. Meanwhile every burger will defend a burger. Which are overrated anyways.
From any other country I would be offended, but from Italy, yeah I'll shrug it off
Pearl harbor was a militarily justified action.
The language names should be capitalized.
Hey Shaquille, calm down your excessive testosterone or you will rob a liquor store this night. Just breathe.
Kek. That image is funny. It's how I picture the wierdos at /r9k/: white, beta, and ready to snap
I ship Italian guy with Austrian guy. I bet Austrian is a secret bottom bitch, where's my porn of the Italian pounding his sweet Aryan boypussy?
>Using the US as the example of a country that speaks English.
Should Französisch, Englisch, Italienisch, Deutsch and Spanisch all start with capital letters? They're nouns aren't they?
Explain this Amerutopia.
niggers being too retarded to seek shelter from a storm
Ah, danke mein Österreichisch Freund
Black people can't swim
Mexicans do it all the time
Niggers decided that storm evacuation was white oppression, why leave when there are unattended stores to loot? Also niggers can't swim, so any rooftop dwellers who fell off probably drowned
>niggers can't run over water
Good one paco, just remember to pay the Cartel's tax on time so you can keep posting
kek, nice mario. I didn't know a country ran by the mob could be funny
is that why you're called wet backs?
And nuking those gook faggots twice was also justified
:o ty
Patricia largely hit tiny low populace village and was moving quickly
Katrina was a slow moving hurricane that hit a densely populated city where large portion of the city is below sea level and, a 100 year old piece of engineering failed when it was hit with a hurricane that exceeded the rating of the levee
I don't hate you America :)
>hurricane katrina
>1,833 fatalities
don't you mean 1099.8 fatalities?
>America isnt white
>Doing better than Spain ever could
Why even explain it. Do you really think Juan is going to comprehend any of that?
I know they should represent Spanish.
Thanks, toothpaste.
God damnit
Blacks wouldn't leave the city when told of the danger, also the city was built at/below sea level.
You guys didn't have blacks who "ain't gonna move",
>This fucking guy
Is this a textbook?
Ähm, schreibt man Sprachen nicht groß?
ur proof whites countreis are a shithole mexico is awesome.
>tfw watching Patricia make landfall with Sup Forums
legit comfy
Mexicans aren't considered people.
Whites aren't people.
If by white you mean Irish then yeah you're correct
whiter then you tyron
Wait is Trudeau's plan to let Mexicans into Canada without visas already in effect?
I came here to be triggered, step it up
lmfao get fucked we english now
That's implying Italians are white in the first place which is objectively not true
Austria-kun is so kawaii!
Yes. Compare:
Er spricht Deutsch. - he speaks German (language)
Er ist deutsch. - he is German
>This triggers the Anglo
Why do niggers think they are being clever posting memes like this when they are the ones literally shooting each other to death over a piece of fried chicken?
They aren't creative or original. Just look at Africa
source on this belf semen demon
I don't get it
3/5ths rule
Wouldn't this be more likely to trigger a European?
I love how stupid amerifats believe they won their independence from brits. They actually believe that the super power of the time would leave all that land and resources because brits lost a couple of insignificant wars against some dirtfarmers.
Scampered up to Canada with the quickness, didn't you Jaun?
Did you just learn Photoshop? Two words: Remove noise. Try despeckling too. Retard.
I love you, please don't be mad at me
So niggers are worth 3/5ths? Isn't that too much?
I want to hear a Brit ask that of a Mexican in the most outrageous faggot English accent.
Nothing wrong with this
>not posting the original
Don't make us open a can of raid at another one of your airports
what, US schools have uniforms too.
holy fuck when will people realize the US has literally everything any other country has? we're 300 million pop and geographically massive with capitalism that allows us to spend $ on contractors that will create whatever we ask. the entire country isn't like your shitty LA or NYC, hell even both of those places have schools with uniforms
Does anyone else think that Spain looks like Bruce Jenner?
Kek you're right, history is wrong someone should call (((scholastics)))
what is that vehicle in the trench supposed to be?
Burger fetcher.
if you wanted to bother me you have succeeded
Aussies are truly the finest
The average american is very black and theres no shame on it!!!!
Ok this actually pisses me off what the fuck
>Small percentage of the United States somehow is the representative of the country
That is like saying representing Canada with a chink.
stay mad burgers
>It would be like portraying Canada with a white
Fixed it for ya
well, that is pretty SPOOKY. I just crapped myself
lel at the backwards hat