Are there any arguments against homosexuality which don't include religion?
Are there any arguments against homosexuality which don't include religion?
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That angry straight virgins on Sup Forums are jealous of us gays for our higher avg incomes and the fact that we get laid more often. Also inb4 aids, new data released today show that 3/4 of new hiv infections are blacks. Whites getting HIV is rather rare nowadays in the U.S.
declining birthrates
Your parents will be disappointed.
Not really when you really think about it. It's a preference, so fair enough. I find the transgender crusade to be a lot more silly.
biology? duh
Its gay
Yeah, it's gay.
>the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually
Yeah, it turns men into 14yr old girls with jazz hands
homosexuality serves no purpose outside of hedonism
thus it should not have a special status in the law as it does now.
if people want to be homos on their free time it's their right. but that's about it.
OP said "against" homosexuality
good points
You put your dick where poop is. No wonder aids came from gays.
I don't like the smell of shit covered dick and gaped asshole.
I don't think scientific data supports lower birth rates. It's not as if gay is like a virus, that "people start going gay" and it can spread. Pretty sure the ratio of gays to straight is steady, or can perhaps increase if there is a lack of people of opposite gender (like in prisons etc) in which case it doesn't really affect birth rates either. Could be wrong about this stuff, not a gay scientist or w/e.
Counter arguments I guess is the same that is behind the religious arguments - it's weird and disgusting, and especially effeminate men goes against the ideal of what a man should be.
I can add that I don't care that much personally, just saying what I believe is the reason. Gay kissing or sex is pretty disgusting though imo. Lesbian I don't really care.
I can tell a 16 year old wrote this
Fucking faggot penguins, I never trusted those little fuckers. Glass Antarctica
Poop on willy. ¶₫•ħ/±ķßř1¡¢æ32™
i don't give a flying fuck about your sexual preference and you should keep it to yourself
i don't have a parade where i walk around in some latex bdsm costume and whine about how people are making fun of me for liking bdsm
i shut the fuck up about it because it's none of your business
Poopy dick
>According to Science
Straights don't consider gay sex "getting laid."
What you call "sex" is something we wouldn't wish on our worst enemies.
We don't see gay sex and straight sex as the same thing--getting your rocks off.
Also, you want an argument against homosexuality?
Google image search: rectal prolapse.
>citation needed
>implying implications
I know you're trolling but fuck.
if single people can adopt children (as they can) why the need for special laws for gays ?
it's just giving them special unneeded status
also gays actually make worse parents than single parents do.
but seriously, why the need to do something straight couple do ?
are they maybe not assuming their lifestyle ?
Yes, why else would it appear at the same rate in so many other animals? Trans is an illness, though.
>animals have the same standards and reasons for said standards that humans do
>pic related
Animals that can't breed are worthless according to nature.
So you're saying a single penguin makes a better parent than two same sex penguins??
Are you stupid? What does"against homosexuality" mean? How is this a political issue?
There is a difference between hot lesbos you get in porn, and the boot faced, lard arse, sjw harridans you get IRL.
So according to science gay people are cucks?
Well gays do spread a ton of diseases.
That island near Greece which is basically populated solely by homos? Absolutely filled to the brim with AIDS and it's no coincidence.
>not reading the pic I posted
Came here only to write that.
No kids, poop dick, half take it up the ass like a woman, aids.
Okay, let's make cannibalism legal too :^)
No, now fuck off leaf.
Doesn't make sense. If the penquins were hetrosexual they could just reproduce their own childen instead of adopting which continues the species even more.
Homosexuals tend to have higher IQs, so it still makes sense for them to have children. However, lack of a proper mother figure can have a negative effect on children.
It's not good for you're ass
yes, biology
penis are made to vaginas
there are only 2 sexes
also fuck
>very important
while it's true that 1k+ species have faggotry, the percentage of their pop that is homosexual is still anecdotic
which makes homosexuals irrelevant when it comes to survival.
more so when they are individuals that can't reproduce as they are homos.
they literally cannot participate in the survival of an animal specie
and finally
>comparing animals to humans
animals eat their young, are you saying we should to ?
I know you're baiting m8, but pls stop I can't take it
it happened..a right wing faggot! literally!
hmm maybe lgbtq have mental illness bc they were raised in a society that can be outright hostile to them? Shit can be traumatic
>better to be a dicktaker than gay
Well I'm 29 and I don't like the smell of shit or asshole either.
I don't even like fucking beautiful girls in the ass, let alone a hairy dude with a big hairy man-ass full of big dude farts.
I don't know how women find men attractive, I certainly can't imagine how gays do.
Grow up
Hetero are too busy raising their own
>epidemic level std transmission
Speaks for itself
>more likely to beg gay if sexually abused as a child
Suggests you're not born this way
>more likely to abuse children in the future if abused as a child
Suggests by extension gays are more likely to abuse children
>extremely high rate of homosexual tendencies in pedophiles
>extremely more likely to abuse drugs or have other mental issues.
These rates are similar regardless of how acceptable homosexual are in the culture of the country, meaning it can't be blamed on them being treated bad
Gays spread desiases in epic proportions. They're very much tied to child abuse. There is strong correlation that they aren't born that way and it can be influenced by outside factors and it's strongly tied to other mental disorders and subtance abuse. Not to mention the fact it's simply unnatural.
In short, it's a mental disorder or at the very least a perversion, not a legitimate life style.
we are animals you mongoloid
it's pretty gay.
>29 and on Sup Forums
actually, you don't understand.
heterosexuals are merely vessels for the propagation of the homosexual master race. homosexuals don't exist merely to breed like farm animals, instead homosexuals bear the burden of forging higher purpose for the human race. it's truly a gift.
>Are there any arguments against homosexuality which don't include religion?
This is exactly why homosexuality is bad.
Most of you will spit in God's face and want to throw religion completely to the wayside.
Why do you hate the loving entity which created your eternal soul?
>all gay Penguins were molested
Yes, muh feels
need to say no more
Pussy and tits. Gays do have more sex though, which is great. I don't want to find sources ATM.
pussy ftw
>implying jazz hands are a bad thing
oh that explains why I can just go beat on other males to assert dominance on the local human pack and have my choice of females
I did.
Anglerfish comic was the response Leaf.
For the covenant!
Yes, it's degenerate and destroys society by preventing propper families. Culture evolved out of what made a civilization steong and you want to abandon that strength for your own pleasure.
Also gay couples are like 6x more likely to molest their adopted and real kids than straight couples. That's just fucking wrong.
No adoption, no promoting homosexuality.
However, I have no problem with all other equality efforts, gays should not be allowed to be fired or evicted or denied spousal medical rights etc. None of that shit hurts society so I don't give a fuck.
>during wartime
go look up operation suzanna and emberass
you act like both.
>two fags
>not having a mother figure
homosexuality in and of itself? no.
homosexual culture? yes. the culture homosexuality has brought with it is very closely paired with marxism. self-objectivism is very common in gay people, they feel like they can let their body be used because they get fed that submission is desirable. this causes utterly degenerate slutiness.
homosexual culture has caused straight culture to do hook-ups more often as well. since the gay lobby wants to stress that being open and free about your sexuality without any consequences should be totally okay. if you ask me, someone should face consequences for not keeping their private life to themselves.
they should however not face consequences for keeping to themselves. any laws that try to counter private homosexuality are more worthless than laws against alcohol. it's trying to fight something that can't be fought.
homosexuality is okay. pride parades are not.
Axiom for further societal degeneracy. Liberalism as a perpetual reformist ideology will never stop just at homosexuality, hence the line has to be drawn somewhere, but the further you go from normalized sexual behavior the more fringe weird and repugnant you go.
The slippery slope is real, the swedish liberal youth party recently tried to make necrophilia and incest legal.
That's one of the biggest issues, homos have opted out of contributing to the evolution of the species by effectively removing their genetic material from the gene pool. Faggots.
>not understanding that homosexuality is common in the animal kingdom and there's a logical reason for it to exist
>not having compassion
It's degenerate.
Homosexuality is a mental disorder
Imagine people were in favor of "Cancer Rights", so they wanted everyone to accept and love cancer patients and would hate and ostracize people who wanted to cure it.
that's literally an illustration of a woman
Maybe you should learn the definition of cuckoldry before hitting that little post button, Sam.
Maybe pedophiles are pedophiles because of something tramatic in their childhood?
Who gives a fuck. That doesn't mean they should be tolerated.
bugger off you wanker
Not an argument
Further reinforcing the fact that these people are either 16 or manchildren. Embarrassing
I'm also 29
Problem newfags?
Yes it is, are you retarded?
I don't feel like reading it because I can recognize pile of shit trying to pass as post by looking at it but I'm going to feed you with (You)'s anyway. Also...
>A fucking Medpack
I agree that homosexuality is a mental disorder, but people with mental disorders do not need to be treated differently provided they don't need to be. I don't need extra rights, I don't want to be part of your fucking lobby. Just let me suck dick and don't be up my ass about it.
Really identity wars are the most insulting things the left uses as an argument.
Anyone gay man who grows up in a society and experiences pervasive implicit or explicit messages tells him how he feels is 'wrong' will possibly pick up mental health problems. Doesn't seem like an argument, but a good observation surely.
thank you for the (you) almost-russia !
No. It's literally not an argument against what I said. Are you retarded?
I would gladly not give a fuck about you sucking dicks, but if there is a way to prevent it from happening to a son of mine, I wouldn't hesitate in curing him.
All gay penguins are molested is an argument? Care to even offer a little proof to back up your "argument"?
So you're saying that gay penguins must have been molested to be gay?
Erm... Isn't the whole point to have stuff up your ass?
>Homosexuals have a higher incident of mental illness, including attempted and successful suicides
>Homosexual offspring is more likely to be mentally ill
>Homosexuals are more likely to be targeted and bullied/murdered
>Homosexuals are more likely to have sexually transmitted diseases
Source: I'm a homosexual
nobody is born any sexuality. that's retarded.
they knew this back in the 19th century. kids don't start growing their sexuality until they're in their teens. I wouldn't doubt that pedophilia can stunt this growth.
it's also why transsexual kids are a total farce. kids are kids, nothing more.
also, I don't doubt that pedophiles are more likely to be gay. usually sexual deviants spread to every little protection group they can so that they can live out their deviancy unharmed.
that does not mean that every gay guy is a deviant.
no true scotsman
Its degeneracy, its unnatural, it has no place in society, yet its being promoted by all the retard groups.
A few. They're all varying flavours of uncompelling, which is why homosexual acceptance is so widespread. They fall into the following categories.
1. it's unnatural/unholy
This argument is a religious argument - yes, even the people who say "but it goes against the way humans should work". The fact of the matter is that there is nothing that humans are "supposed" to do - not even procreate. We can procreate. We do procreate. Most of us want to procreate. None of that means that we should. Nor am I saying we shouldn't. Procreation is something that happens - it is not inherently good. Just because it is, doesn't mean it ought. So this argument is the same as religious arguments: "I believe that ____ therefore homosexuality is bad."
2. it's unhealthy for individuals
This argument is the most compelling, because there are elements of truth to it. Homosexuality is a risk factor for all kinds of unpleasantness, ranging from AIDS to suicide. The problem here is that although homosexuality is a risk factor that we can use to predict cases, it is not the causal factor. You don't contract AIDS because you're homosexual, you contract it through unprotected sex. You don't kill yourself because you're homosexual, you do it because you're alienated and alone. Homosexuality is a good predictor, and I'm not saying the statistics are wrong. The problem is that being a risk factor is not the same as being a causal factor.
3. it's unhealthy for society
This argument is semi-compelling. I could go into a long paragraph about how most people who put forward this argument themselves partake in equally or more unhealthy activity and are thus hypocrites who pursue this argument out of convenience (I want to yell at homos and this argument gives me a way to do that) instead of principle, undermining their shrill claims that they're not bigots.... but!. I could also say that as per 2 homosexuality predicts illness but is not the cause.
Suffice to say that it's a free country.