So, how do we stop May or Crabb?
Will Corbyn survive?
So, how do we stop May or Crabb?
Will Corbyn survive?
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Gove
First for "being worried about the Pound" and "Karen"
So when are we going to bomb Germany together again?
Also, checked.
So are we still waiting for someone to announce their Labour leadership challenge publicly?
And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of Fire!
I will not cease from mental fight;
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Til we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.
Why do you guys use Karen as a mascot?
Corbyn will survive Blairites will either fall in line or get fucked
Gove for PM
Arre Leadsom
So considering this Labour leadership challenge goes ahead, who do they actually expect to even replace Corbyn?
When's David Miliband coming back?
Alice is too patrician to be used and Karen has a British flag jacket.
They have autism.
Purge them comrade, purge them all, make stalin look like anarchist
Reminder that Gove is literally a kike shill. He has just knifed Boris in the back, effectively destroying the Brexit side of the leadership contest.
Chillin in the Gove Cove
a few twats are using it. I'm assuming they are the edgy shitposting 14 year olds
>Rosa Luxemburg
Kek, remember that faggot?
I will never forgive Gove for giving us Theresa May
because she's half English and Japanese and wears a union jack coat.
The argument that Jeremy Corbyn is too left-wing is pretty weak too. If you believed the tabloid hype you'd think he was some kind of raving Stalinist lunatic who plans to nationalise the entire country including your own house and clothes, and turn the UK into a dire oppressive command and control economy like the Soviet Union at it's absolute worst.
A look at his actual policies (which the mainstream press almost never actually take the bother of explaining) reveal that he's a traditional social democrat who wants to have certain key services run by not-for-profit public institutions, such as the NHS, the railways, the police, the courts, the roads and our kids' schools, while trying to restructure the UK economy to make it more like the high-tech, high-skill, high-pay economies like Germany and Switzerland.
Yes Corbyn is so left-wing that he wants more public control over the banks so as to avoid a repeat of the 2007-08 financial sector insolvency crisis, but who thinks that's a dangerously left-wing idea?
Corbyn isn't too left-wing for the British electorate, in fact he's just about right. 84% of people want the NHS run as a not-for-profit public service, 68% want the UK energy infrastructure renationalised, 67% think the Royal Mail should never have been sold off in the first place and 66% would support his policy of renationalising the railways.
Corbyn isn't too left-wing for the public, he's too left-wing for the sociopathic hard-right press barons like Rupert Murdoch (S*n, Times, Sky), Jonathan Harmsworth (Daily Mail, Metro) and the Barclay brothers (Telegraph, Spectator) who all see it as their job to control the spectrum of public debate.
I wonder if they have killed themselves yet.
You're really funny britons.
On one side, the Tory guy that led the Brexit don't want to step in
on the other side, the Labour guy that campaigned for the remain (officially) don't want to step out.
You are really weird.
It's just a few weaboo kids.
It has nothing to do with the rest of us.
Did you forget where we are? We all have autism here
underrated candidate.
Gove will never get in after that stunt.
What a madman, Corbyn is going to purge the press.
Good. Then maybe sensible heads will prevail and we'll stay in the single market.
Bets on when Comrade Corbyn will finally throw in the towel
I give him til next Tuesday at most. He won't make it a month in the current state his party is in.
She's cute.
The media has got everything wrong for the last 3 years at least.
>Yes Corbyn is so left-wing that he wants more public control over the banks so as to avoid a repeat of the 2007-08 financial sector insolvency crisis, but who thinks that's a dangerously left-wing idea?
I do
What's with all the sudden love for Michael Gove?
When do we get a better idea who it might be?
fuck off back to Sup Forums with the rest of your kind
Reminder that Gove backed TYRION LANNISTER at the Battle of the Blackwater instead of the one true king STANNIS BARATHEON.
This tells you the type of man Gove is as he supported an illegitimate king born of incest rather than the one true king by all the laws of gods and men.
Gove could have chosen this;
“I shall bring justice to Westeros. A thing Ser Axell understands as little as he does war. Claw Isle would gain me naught… and it was evil, just as you said. Celtigar must pay the traitor’s price himself, in his own person. And when I come into my kingdom, he shall. Every man shall reap what he has sown, from the highest lord to the lowest gutter rat. And some will lose more than the tips off their fingers, I promise you. They have made my kingdom bleed, and I do not forget that.”
Instead he chose this;
"Where is the God of tits and wine?"
>68% want the UK energy infrastructure renationalised
We'd have to buy it back from the French first, I guess..
I Bet not only he's going to stay, but also he'll be the next PM
starting to think gove is the right choice lads
Support Leadsom or get some lead
>When do we get a better idea who it might be?
They vote every Tuesday and Thursday until it's narrowed down to 2.
, son
>try to take advantage of newly open Japan trade route to bulk order dragon dildos
>Theresa May has you thrown in a concentration camp
Comrade Corbyn doesn't do buying back from the bourgoise capitalist companies, they will be seized in the name of the proletariat.
Well, we do like to shake it all about.
>stabbed his friend in the back
>right choice
My only mascot is based King George VI
>MP calls on Jeremy Corbyn to resign and 'make way for someone with the backbone to confront antisemitism' after he appears to compare Israel to 'various self-styled Islamic states and organisations'
I want those things back under state control, but Cornyn is a fucking lunatic who hates Britain.
He only needs til next Wednesday for Chilcot.
>Tfw no qt Andy Burnham PM
why live
*Seizes the means of energy production*
Heh nothing personnel France
I thought I'd have a little tinker with the classic poster
Japan don't make dragon dildos silly
We do, the Japs make onaholes.
honestly I agree with a lot of Corbyn's policies, except those pertaining to the military
we absolutely should not get rid of our nuclear arsenal nor should we cut funding armed forces funding
>et tu, Gove
Fuckers stole my Sup Forums post!
female economist Angela something. she seems pleasant enough, but if she's up against another woman she's definitely going to be fucked, and perhaps that's why they're dithering.
That's exactly my point. There's plenty of 100% Brits to choose from and you choose Karen.
I agree with the nationalisation of some sectors, I'd argue that the energy sector should be publicly owned.
This copypasta or are you the writer?
If you want me to support Leadsom, you're going to have to meme her better than this.
It will still come out whether or not he's leader, what gives?
boris would destroy the party (and thus brexit) due to accusations of populism
gove is the right man
Never forget that this is the life of Mummyposters
Who would beat Gove before the final 2 really?
We're going to have a lefty anti-Jew Marxist in opposition and it will be hilarious
She is cute though.
This is what the blairite and Murdoch media want you to think
Be a good goy and care more about Gibraltar (a place that undercuts us in corporation tax and so all our betting companies are there, meaning the uk has millions less in tax every year) the Falklands and jingoism than your standard of living
It's more the coat
The guy is a danger Commie.
It was fun with his destruction of the Labour Party (that's why we meme'd him there in the first place) but anything else about the guy is pure poison.
I disagree with everything he says.
even if Gove was Mr Integrity and had never shivved a colleague in his life, the fact is he looks like a child's doll wearing glasses and a suit.
Maybe people who are pissed at Gove for stabbing Boris in the back will move to Fox or Leadsom
He wants open borders, I can't in good conscience support someone like that.
It's the jacket. We /cool britannia/ now.
>an unemployed Celtic fan
The conniving bulldyke, Sturgeon is trying to hold the world's supplies of porridge at ransom!
She must be stopped!
Ken Livingstone on Gove
Her feet look huge.
It won't be hilarious at all mate. You've seen what he's done for the Labour Party; he will take any power he can and use it to force a Socialist agenda to the bitter end, even if it kills the group in the process.
The memes are funny but the man is a real life madman.
>Boris stabs country in the back
>People are mad at the guy that stabbed him in the back
>8 million
I had a cheeky wank over her about 10 years ago
You continentals just dont understand
Corbyn is not Tony Blair so his party elite wanted to kill him from the start, yet Blair is about to be destroyed by a Iraq report.
Corbyn has strong public support.
The Tories will go down in history as massive assholes who used this referendum as a power gamble and didnt expect to lose.
Tories are only in power because of the Blair divide in the opposition
SNP are only in power because of the Blair divide
Basically, our political class ignored the public for 20 years and now are getting torn a new asshole
Expect our next elections to be a bloodbath
The resolve of the Blairites is weakening redouble your efforts comrades
They can fuck off if they think the last two are gonna be remainers.
How bad has race mixing gotten in England?
If there's a general election will Nigel finally sack this twat?
Why do all the Scottish MPs think that sounding really angry is going to help further their cause?