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I'm still voting for him.
Hopefully he's literally just Shilling for Shekels
Cruz would lose to Hillary, so no.
>Hopefully he's literally just Shilling for Shekels
You mean being a literal Jew?
You guys know if he said anything other than greatest ally then he'd have thrown the election then and there. Did you see what happened when he even suggested being neutral in a peace deal with the Palestinians?
Came to post this
He will need money to campaign. The primaries are quite different than the general in terms of campaign finance, as far as I understand it.
If he has to echo a little bit in order to get a wall built, then that's okay with me.
Why boner? why?
you could have prevented this.
Sup Forums BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!
That cuck face when he is saying "we will protect them %100" anxiously. Fucking pathetic.
I'm not even going to read the sad attempts of justification by nu-Sup Forumsacks.
Your are going to vote for a zionist shill who sold her daughter to kikes
Your idol is a faggot kike
Your beloved philosopher is a pretentious kike
Keep up the good fight nu-Sup Forums
Are you saying Molyneux a Jew?
He's like 1/8 Jewish. Considering him a Jew would be like considering a Jew who's 1/8 French to be a Frenchman.
Right? I hope this isn't my gateway into jerking off to cartoons.
Trump has always been very pro-Jew. All the Trump shills convinced you dumbfucks to cuck yourselves for Trump.
I tried to tell you stupid cucks, Trump is a good goy. This is your own fault Sup Forums, you dumb faggots.
kek, I'll push you somewhat closer to the erdge then, but paper doesn't keep you warm, nor gives you offspring.
I don't care if he's pro-Jew, all I care about is that he makes this country great again.
And this is something new to Muricans?
Okay so if Molyneux is a Zionist Jew that is seeking to undermine to plight of the white man, why do most of his videos:
Condemn Globalism
Support Libertarian thought
Support Traditionalist values like logic, family, and freedom?
I am not saying you're wrong, it is just not very clear as to what exactly he is trying to achieve/subvert
why is it so hard to understand for you that Trump isn't going to do anything.
All the candidates are fucking god awful. If you have realized this by now, it just means that you and the rest of America are desperate for some inkling of hope that things will change. It won't.
Thing is, jewish genes are very dominant.
Look at drake
I'm not USA so how is this a thing in USA? why are they ALWAYS so pro-Israel? is it something out of WWII? how did this came to be?
>inb4 Jews, please elaborate
We had a chance.
They have very powerful Jewish lobbyists in Washington.
The US has been very involved in the foundation of Israel as a nation.
>Omfg Trump isn't Hitler! Dropppedddddd
Go die in a car accident you fuckbag.
>Dont vote
I agree that a true vote of no confidence would be helpful in some way, but it will never happen. People here are polarized enough to ALWAYS vote for someone OVER someone else. I think that is one of the reasons that Trump will do very well in the election.
It is "hard to understand" that Trump will do nothing because there is nothing to indicate that that will be the only possible result. Have we ever had a president who did nothing at all?
No. All presidents do things. Trump supporters are fairly certain that they will approve of the things Trump might do compared to the things Hillary would.
please tell me which presidential candidate wasn't ready to #deepthroat4israel, as opposed to trump who is simply saying he supports them
>nyc real estate businessman
>not knowing about the jews
Because Israel is an ally you dumb ass. We share intelligence and technology and military training and they slaughter Muslims.
Go back to posting dead American soldiers faggit
that's not McAffee
we are indoctrinated into picking a side. obviously we cant side with muslim because 9/11 so we take the side of their merchant enemies
Because the babies after world war 2 (our parents if you're under 35 ) were all brainwashed that the jew was this little fucking baby dinosaur everyone has to save regardless of whatever the fuck it wants to do. 99.99999% parents got shaped into this thinking from living with no blow back during the 60s and 70s thinking this way and the overdrive in drugs in the 80s (more drug use by astronomical proportions than the 60s) and bam, these parents are now 'to busy' to use their brain for political beliefs and just think 'oh well it's gotta be this minuit thing, not any factual shit' . This is as fucking blunt and true as it gets for 90% of the parents of the posters on this forum.
Divide and conquer.
He's constantly telling people to abandon their families and go off alone.
He's constantly saying countries should stop working together as allies.
He's constantly saying we need to disarm the military and let everyone protect themselves.
He wants to weaken everyone by making everyone hate each other, just like all libertarians.
>Good goy. Don't make your country strong. Don't fight for your people! Care only about yourself!
Okay, and USA is actually involved in Israel politics or not? It's just the lobbyists?
I find it weird American citizens so readily go along with massive support for such a tiny country they have not that much in common with, always thought it was because it was their personal forward military post?
I mean I don't see them supporting Luxembourgh
That's all fine and well but some of the people on this board are so fucking annoying. They act as though Trump is the messiah or something.
I don't care what a presidential hopeful purposes. It is a democracy and if the people support it - then great. But hes literally backtracking on all the stuff hes been saying about the wall with mexico and the ban on Muslims.
He's not the great savior of the US as people on this delusional echo chamber would have you believe.
By "great again" do you mean "Jewish"?
And he looks like a black Jew because he's literally half and half. Once he hooks up with a black girl, his kids will look all black. Hell, he could have kids with a white girl and they'll look mostly white.
Where did all these images suddenly come from?
Was there a thread or something?
You're a fucking leaf. No one gives a shit what your faggot ass thinks.
Controlled opposition ameribro
I looked to see his last video and saw this (pic). I realized that Alex Jones was a shill in 2008 or something like that and he was doing these "ELITE IS LOSING CONTROL" pieces time to time.
Only difference after 8 years is that he has another shill kike with him
You're a clueless faggot if you don't realize that Trump is a Good Goy for the Jewish elites.
Trumpeteers are almost as gullible as liberals. Stupid cucks.
You only realized it now?
No wonder you guys are inferior to the chosen ones
Yeah, that's why I don't identify as lolbertarian, we still need a strong presence nationally.
Thinking back, his America's Destructive Foreign Policy video really kinda proves your point of him being subversive.
You're more of a clueless faggot of you think someone can win the presidency by saying "all Jews must be killed".
Fucking neckbeard.
So USA does get something in return
So if the populace get's redpilled enough they would drop Isreal and leave them to their own devices, be it for the lobbyists?
>yes goy, i-i mean.. guy, vote for hillary, she's much less controlled by the jewish elite!
who the fuck would believe you
((( They ))) blew the brains of the last us president who tried to fight them... in front of the whole fucking world.
A simple fucking Google search will tell you everything that Israel provides to the US and other Western countries.
Jesus Christ.
Anyone got the basic template for this?
Time to bust open ye old photoshop.
Here ya go
In the last trhead an american ask me the heterosexual version of it
Well first look at the statistics on Jewish people. There are around 5.3 - 6.8 million Jews in the US. There are about 6.3 million Jews in Israel. So there are a lot of Jews in the US to begin with.
Secondly up until 2008 when Obama took office, there has never been a time where a US administration has not supported Israel. It'd take forever for me to show you how many times the US has supported Israel but a good indicator is the number of time the US has vetoed UNSC resolutions against Israel. (all of them)
Lastly its important to understand that Americans will overall follow their leadership.
Henry Kissinger once said that if you took a poll in early June 1950 whether Americans would support a war in Korea, it would be entirely different than if you had taken the same poll in June 20s 1950 when the American president addressed the American public that it was necessary to go to war in Korea.
I see where you're coming from, for sure.
Too many people on both sides accept anything a candidate says simply because they are not the opposition - that's the damaging polarization.
The fact remains for all tentative Trump supporters who are dismayed at his now central-leaning speeches and rhetoric, that he is not Hillary Clinton, and that a vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary.
It would help if candidates used more dialectic approaches in campaigning, or if we had smaller executive regions in the country, rather than electing 1 person to effectively represent our extremely diverse population
Yes. 100% . Good luck red pilling 90% any girl though with a festering weird cuck dad telling her that she is the devil if she does that and will be cut off financially from the rest of the family. It's the fucking middle aged cunts from the baby boomers, the baby boomers mostly acknowledge big boo boo's like the fucking dino they hatched yet refrain from parenting this to their now grown kids. It's just a bad fucking generation. Most girl's are in the closet redpilled and just want a guy to let her know it's alright to announce it as well, girls just have to be more careful simply with finances.
>You guys know if he said anything other than greatest ally then he'd have thrown the election then and there
These guys can't even shower daily. What do you expect?
Sure you made the penis detailed enough?
maybe i exagerated a little bit
thx m8
Oh no! A Business man wants more money, so he sides with people who know how to make money!
Oh the Horror!
Thank you America
He's not a Zionist Jew
His Jewish blood is from his mother, who he hated so much he almost murdered
>"all Jews must be killed"
You're completely delusional if you think this is the view of Trump.
Trump is a Good Goy you dumb faggot, he has always been a Jew servant.
No one gives a shit what your dumb ass thinks, Ahmed.
You're a delusional faggot, with a social anxiety disorder that is obsessed with hooked nosed people.
Come on now
Post whatever kind of meme this thing is
You didnt read his comment correctly.
He said that no candidate could get elected with the platform of "Kill all Jews"
He might have implied that Trump outwardly seems warm to Jews in order to conceal this platform. That's a leap, though. Doesn't he have a Jewish step-son or something?
>Black body
>White arm
Polish education system everyone.
>So if the populace get's redpilled enough they would drop Isreal and leave them to their own devices, be it for the lobbyists?
yeah pretty much
This thread is about Trump you clueless faggot. We already know that Hillary is also a shill for kikes.
This is the dumbest fucking argument to support a cuck like Trump
>hurrr durr at least he isn't shillary
They are both going to bend you over and FUCK YOU. You're a gullible cuck and useful retard for the kike. Keep voting for Jewish control you dumbfuck as if there are no other options.
You choose whatever options they give you like a good goy. Good goy.
> Canada
> not poo in loo
You tried
Israel's based though.
The real question is how do we convince all the Jews to go there and stay there?
The only people who hate Israel are the pro-palestine people which are Muslims, and liberals.
If the US got to the point where we were not supporting Israel anymore, that would be because the US has been completely taken over by Liberalism
It's symbolic. The Jewish grasp on the world extending from united states of Africa
I shouldn't expect an American to understand anyway
I am fucking dying.
>all I care about is that he makes this country Jewish.
Trump will make this country Jewish, just like he did with his daughter when he let her become a kike by marrying a Jew. Trump is the ultimate cuck for Jewish cock, he let it happen to his own family.
Fuck off you pathetic Islamic shill.
>Trump will make this country Jewish,
So we'll have lots of money, kill lots of Muslims, and piss off lefties?
I could be on board with that.
ultimate version, the other ones have a little problem in the benis
Your answer is twofold
#1) All throughout the 50's, 60's and 70's a massive marketing campaign was launched by Jewish organizations to tie together Judaism with Christianity. Before WW2, almost all texts and political figures referred to America as a "Christian nation" with "Christian values". Now nobody says that, they say we are a "Judeo-Christian nation" with "Judeo-Christian values".
Huge amounts of money and resources were spent influencing mega-church preachers with a new Biblical tradition for Evangelical Christianity. It goes a little something like this:
>Jews are God's Chosen People. They have their own covenant with God separate from Christians
>By helping the Jews regain their homeland in Israel and rebuilding the Temple Mount, Christians are setting up the conditions that will bring about the Rapture as described in the Bible.
>Because they helped the Jews, they will get special consideration for Heaven.
This tortured version of Christian doctrine relies on Bible verses from Revelation and other obscure books that normally are not emphasized in Christianity. Huge sections of the midwest are afflicted with this type of End Times preaching, they all want to see Christ risen so they can ascend to Heaven.
#2) Although it's not typically emphasized in schools, from the time they are young Conservatives teach their children about the evils of Hitler and his mass extermination program. This is used as evidence for why we should fear government and try to limit it's power (which is classical American thinking). Usually the kids are told horror stories and even shown pictures of mass graves and bone-thin inmates.
This tradition arose out of the post-war conservative movement, which was basically led by Jewish intellectuals such as Milton Friedman and many others. Who preached egalitarianism and small government and used the Nazis as a convenient scapegoat for "left wing big government programs"
Quiet mudslime
>being neutral between closest ally and donkey fucking terrorists
Fuck off to plebbit
Either way, how is he not a giant cuck?
Either he is genuinely saying he wants to support Israel 100%, or he is so cucked by Israel that even though he doesn't want to support them he voraciously publicly proclaims he will.
Where were you when Drumpf got cucked by Israel?
What the absolute fuck are you talking about?
I'm Christian, and a redpilled traditionalist unlike you liberal cucks who are okay with Jewish control. Fucking idiot.
Trump is the ultimate cuck for Jews, he let his daughter marry one ffs.
Oy vey, good one Ebenezer Goldenstein! Show them goys who their master is!
>I'm a Christian
That's what all you dirty Muslims say
Kike lobbies have total control over US foreign policy. Kikes also have considerable wealth and control over institutions like media and academia so they brainwash the dumb goyim to do their bidding
Cleaver way to fix your mistake you polska faggot
this is now an itg thread
>So we'll have lots of money
No, they will. You won't.
Were you born yesterday?
>piss off lefties
Jews pissing off lefties? You really are a clueless faggot.
Like many other thought leaders in the alt-right movement
>Stefan Molyneux
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Gavin McGinnis
>Anne Coulter
Trump redpilled on the race issue, but not the Jew issue.
This will be their downfall
You know full well if he had said anything else he would have been finished