Bobby Fischer

Was he the most intelligent person who ever lived?

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Isn't even the best chess player who ever lived.

Isn't even the best ping pong player who ever lived

Nah but he's quite hot though.

Isn't even the best Jew that ever lived.

He was an intelligent self hating jew

pretty redpilled on the heebs tbqh phamilia


He was one of the few good jews in the world.

>A jew
He literally asked them to remove his name from their vile encyclopaedia.

Ha ha ha fuck no, just another self-hating Jew.

neither was albert einstein

the russian government sponsors chess so they can dominate it

Too bad he went off the deep end.

>Bobby Fischer
trips of a good goy
>a leaf

No, I am.
Ask me anything.


heck no!!

How do you get an EU flag when posting ?

I searched and searched and I can't find an answer

Anybody knows?

Yes he was... he was anti-semetic.

Also.. what Jew is better? Jews have done nothing ever in history, all they ever do is take credit for things others have done.

both his parents were jews

look at the guy hes as jewish as they come

he hated jews however and resented the fact that he was one genetically

chesscucks aren't even that intelligent, it's kind of just like esports are now, the best players are those who spend all their time mastering the game.

Check and mate
this guy is alright too

i wish i could play chess, i'm shit.


this coming from the party of feels

All he did was play chess? All that intelligence to waste on a damn board game.

Yet Neil's whole life work is based on theories that are based off of other highly unlikely theories.

>why can't I hold all these redpills

There are good JEWS and they do realize how fucked Jews are, most just give up to the Jewish power structure,but some fight it and call it out at their own detriment. Bobby was that JEW.
Unfortunately, the nature of the JEWS makes trusting that 10 or 20 % of good jews really risky .

Yeah he was a very vocal "self-hating Jew".

There are lots of them.

If I was Jewish I would be.

oy vey he's literally the merchant in real life

>mfw the best chess player was anti semitic
>mfw Jews will still claim people who don't like them are dumb goyim


He doesn't count.

He was obviously of extraterrestrial origin.

You're right, he isn't Magnus.

I was going to argue this point, but it appears that kekus has vulted.

That and dropping truth bombs about his fellow Iudeans.

Why are most of the all time best chess players Russians or countries that used to be Soviet?

lol, I started watching it, and the first 2 people mentioned were Einstein and Freud.... both of whom took credit for someone else's ideas. Freud admits it though. And Einstein not only took credit for someone else's theory of relativity... but he also got credit for the atomic bomb, which was created by his partner.

Aristotle was

He was pretty handsome and athletic in his youth.
get the fuck off my thread

Nice try, now get back to work.

Thomas Jefferson

No, he played a board game for a living.



pls, no.

>beating the commies at chess during the cold war is "a waste"

Filthy pinko

The USSR sponsored chess players so everything was taken care of for them.

American players had to work a job and play chess.

read the thread before asking shit

there was a cold war and russia invested loads of money to be better than america at everything, and they still do it with chess

As far as I know he has an IQ of 183. It does not surprise me that the most intelligent are aware of the Jew problem.

How much could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

This. Faggot stopped playing after he got the championship. Stupid tactic to keep being the world champion.

But he was right on one thing. The joooooose

You can't be a Jew if your mother is not Jewish

You are totally right. Why use the most strategically minded person against the commies when you can tie him up in a fucking board game. Genius!

he was autism

why is my thread full of dipshits?

>imblying the world is like your vidya
>hey user, I'm CIA
>I see how you are capable of withstanding extended periods of time in your mother's basement shit posting
>we could use that type of shilling talent

He knew too much.

That board game is an ancient mind battle and is perhaps one of the most based games one can partake in.

I suck balls at chess because I am too impulsive but I once almost beat my Jewish genius friend at it.

he was based too desu

8th bobby fischer thread this month. I think this is either code or a message being sent to a sleeper cell to activate. Stay safe britbongs, looks like you have a major attack your way.

He became a literal wizard in his old age.

Isnt that magnus guy way better than anyone ever was


nah, i saw only 1 bobby fischer thread on Sup Forums and as a chess fan it interested me but it was quite short so i made this one today

what is a sleeper cell?

He was a brilliant chess player. That doesn't make him the most intelligent man of all time.

They're doing a shitty job of it, since the current world champ is Norwegian and the US has more players in the top 10 than Russia does. If only 'roids helped in chess, they probably could've figured something out.

>He was a brilliant chess player. That doesn't make him the most intelligent man of all time.
His IQ was measured, namely 183


Oh aren't you sweet, implying that ISIS needs to make eight threads in order to get any message across.


where is he I dunno I dunno

I think it's a toss up between Alekhine, Kasparov and Magnus. Fisher is arguably one of the best. If you read his diary journals about his plays, which moves were good and bad, he was fucking ruthless.

It's hard to say Magnus Carlsen is the best chess player of all times. Sure, he has by far the highest ELO rating of all time and he is miles ahead of current competition. But fide ratings were subjected to great inflation in the last couple of decades. For example, the were only 2 players, Kasparov and Karpov, rated 2700+ in the mid 80s. Nowadays, there's 40 of them. Also, before 2005 only Kasparov crossed 2800, having an insane rating of 2851 in 2000, only beaten by Magnus Carlsen (2886) to this day, while 9 other players have crossed that mark since then.

Because chess was seen as the intellectual sport and the russians wanted to show that they were the best at everything when everyone was in shit.
It's like Rocky 4 except with chess.

Oh and also Short was a great chess player despite never being the champion. Tal was also such a great attacking genius.

Then, there are certainly people with higher recorded IQs.

>It's hard to say Magnus Carlsen is the best chess player of all times.
Not only that but they have the help of computers to calculate each of their moves in which is the best order.
I think Fisher was right when he said he lived in the golden age of chess when theory was being invested on the spot, you had to know every theory as it was being written by everyone, while creating your own.

I think the reason people consider Magnus the best is because he repeatedly beat Kasparov as a kid.

>Oh and also Short was a great chess player despite never being the champion

Short was a good player but he isn't in the same league as these who are being discussed here. Kasparov demolished him in 1993, and I'm not sure whether he ever ranked higher than maybe 5th in the world. In fact, he is still an active player and a couple of month ago Kasparov destroyed him in a blitz exhibition match I watched, despite being retired for more than 10 years,

I still regard Fisher as the best chess player because of a game he played, where the Russians had worked together to formulate a plan to the point where the Queen was sacrificed and every move was a trap. A game purposefully created to fuck him. And fisher won after picking every good move and the Russian player buckled under the pressure.

Or that one game Fisher was losing, he purposefully played a move where he just let his rook be allowed for the taking, the other player though that it had to be some sort of trick, didn't take it, and that small edge allowed Fisher to win.

It's bullshit like that that makes me admit he's the best. You could feel the man in his games. I don't feel the same by looking at Magnus' games. I do feel that for Tal and Alekhine though.

I would not say he is the most intelligent man of all time, but one of the most intelligent ones.

Humans play chess better now because they have computers to verify their calculations. Just like MLB pitchers throw better because there are computers now that examine and point out flaws in pitching motions.


I agree with you on the first point.

>I think the reason people consider Magnus the best is because he repeatedly beat Kasparov as a kid.

Not true. Carlsen never won an official game against Kasparov. He once made a draw with him in some rapid tournament in Iceland, when he was 13. Still impressive, though, he had a winning position. However, rapid or blitz games don't count even nearly as high as standard games.

For the smartest person who ever lived, I would lean more toward people like Friedrich Gauss and John von Neumann than chess players or people who scored well on puzzle tests.

Well, that could certainly be true.

I would argue Kasparov is better than Fischer too because of how long he held the World Championship title. But Fischer was a prodigy and American hero, Game of the Century, 1972 match etc

I laughed out loud like a retard.

>but he also got credit for the atomic bomb, which was created by his partner.

do you just make up shit, or do you just believe everything your little sister tells you?

einstein had almost nothing to do with the bomb other than being a famous person who wrote a letter to FDR that helped convince FDR to fund the manhattan project.

and what's this shit about a partner? einstein was hetero, unlike the vast majority of Sup Forums.

He was, dumbass

Well, you could look at the margin they had at the peak to the second player in the world in rating points.

Fischer was 125 points above Spassky in 1972 (being the only above 2700), Kasparov's largest lead was 82 points in from of Anand (only one above 2800), while Carlsen's largest lead was 74 points.

>russia invested loads of money to be better than america at everything, and they still do it with chess

I seriously doubt that you can invest money and get better at chess, unless you are finding young prodigies and financing their development. LIKE EVERY OTHER COUNTRY DOES.

Short destroyed a lot of guys who were pretty strong. Kasparov did pretty much the same and I agree with you that he was better.

But it makes chess less engaging. It's like fighting someone where you know all their moves, and they know your moves, so no one moves, until someone blinks for half a second and then loses. A lot of chess feels like that.

Like, for example, Fisher beat a very good American Champion because although the guy was a protege, he only wanted to drink and have sex rather than study chess all the time. Fisher fucked him over because a line had been recently developed in the game he was playing against him and that gave him an edge.

Not an official, but he still did pretty well for his age. I think it's that moment where everyone knew he was going to become big. Seeing him destroy Anand was pretty nice.

I dunno. I would have loved to see Fisher go against Kasparov but it's sad it never happened. I honestly just think he wanted to fuck Spassky.
>watching an interview before his match, reporters reminding him that he lost once to him to a king's gambit
>Fisher spent 4 months creating variations to permanently destroy the king's gambit opening line with a single pawn
>in his journal, he wrote that he could have made a repetition and gotten a draw but didn't because he wanted to win

Because he was good at chess in his youth? Yes. The greatest mind ever. (Sigh)

> Not watching english with slavish accent commentary about one of the best chess players

I wish stormfront would source there fucking images...Now I have to spend an hour researching this shit.

If anything his IQ is understated.
He's was also a fucking schizo.

what do you think of chess 960, which is sometimes called fisher random chess.

to my simple minded brain, it eliminates autists who simply memorize the best 1000 openings.