Mine is being imprisoned for something I didn't do. I think I would lose my mind if I got locked up.
What's your biggest fear Sup Forums?
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If the SJWs won. I don't know if it would be Brave New World or 1984, or even a mixture of both...
that hell is real
also when water splashes back up your ass when you take a shit
untying my bellybutton
getting an agonising, incurable chronic disease and not having the power to kill myself. I doubt my family would help me do it...
Not dying.
My biggest fear is that we are all the same consciousness expressed at different times in different bodies and that when we die we are reborn as some other random consciousness over and over until all lives that this universe will contain have been lived. That means that at some point I'm going to be the guy that ISIS slowly roasts alive, the guy that roasts him, the Mexican that gets his lower half submerged in a bathtub of acid, and the cartel asshole that puts him in, and so on. Fucking horrifying.
Here you can put that in a testament, even for Alzheimer. This is not in Ireland?
being teleported to the bottom of the ocean and eaten alive
That one day I'll wake up and fine myself to be like 35 years old, living in some shithole, with no prospects, fat, alone and having accomplished nothing. My career, friends, fiancee, interests, everything that's great right now, all of it turns out to have been a dream all along.
Probably getting a girl i don't like/fancy pregnant and her keeping it.
This literally happened to me earlier this year
There is literally nothing scary about my life.
>Probably getting a girl i don't like/fancy pregnant
>girl i don't like/fancy
For what reason?
Neat. Euthanasia is illegal here. People who kill family members who want die die, even when those people are clearly sane, go to jail.
If someone really wanted to be killed they could go to holland or some shit, but i doubt my family would be into it unless i was very obviously in too much pain. They would most likely push hard to put my on anti depressants or think i was insane or something.
The idea that I won't wake up in Equestria when I die.
All the suffering will have been for nothing.
>That one day I'll wake up and fine myself to be like 35 years old, living in some shithole, with no prospects, fat, alone and having accomplished nothing.
It's not so bad to be honest.
Don't fear anything faggots. If you do, it will happen eventually
Nuclear war
It isn't even realistic, but I always had dreams as a kid of it happening.
Careful user, if you keep going down this road you might develop empathy. From there, a left-wing perspective becomes inevitable.
I keep wondering if we're all just in a dream of Elon Musk's, and someday he's going to wake up again as a 10 year old in South Africa with an abusive father and no friends.
Lose my 2 TB of JAVS.
Seriously, this shit is too precious to me to lose.
dying. My grandfather had Alzheimer's and he spent the last years of his life wasting away, unaware of anything. I'm scared as shit that same will happen to me.
My biggest fear is being forcibly sent to the fromt lines (if any) when WWIII is fucking happening.
>inb4 actually russian using a proxy
biggest fear? getting taken out by germanistan cuck police and locked up for (((hate speech))), and having to sit out the coming war in prison