Queen tells Obama to fuck off


>As candidate and president, Barack Obama has not only mostly ignored our British ally, he has positively insulted them.

>Queen Elizabeth is giving the president a taste of his own medicine

>From Daily Mail: The Queen refuses to come to London to meet President Barack Obama next month.

>Instead, accompanied by his security circus, he’ll trundle to Windsor in his bomb-proof, seven-ton limo for lunch.

>He’s due to stand alongside the PM and urge Britain to stay in the EU.

>‘But he’d be well advised not to give a pro-EU sermon over lunch after the row about the Queen supporting Brexit,’ says my source

Obama cucked yet again

Other urls found in this thread:


>He’s due to stand alongside the PM and urge Britain to stay in the EU.


>ending the fed . meme


I fucking love the monarchy. Stuffy old whites who hate minorities and celebrate tradition.

>Europe got cucked the moment monarchies lost their power

Lib president can't deal with the people from another country voting out of the EU, so he has to butt into other peoples business.

Have another pic of your queen, she seems nice.

The Brits could really troll the shit out of him by arranging a Muslim day parade or something.
>Muslims are peaceful
>drive faster
pick one Mr president.

So she's not controlled by the globalists/jews?

Are monarchies virtually incorruptible?

>implying he wouldn't stop to stick his ass in the air as the bongs chime away

Based Queen.

Yes, see the Tsar, 5 million Jews he had made his bitch.

Monarchies loyalty is solely to their subjects, Capitalists and their quest for profit is a threat to the monarchs power.


The elite just changed from God-appointed to "knows best for you"

i like the queen shes pretty badass

do you think she could beat obama 1v1 in a fight

So royally butblasted the Jews were by the brick wall that was the Tsar government that they had to completely revolt, they couldn't intellectually or economically subvert it.

I'd say God Save the Queen, but I'm not Loyalist scum

A gust of wind could beat Obongo in a 1v1 fight

Wheres the bottom part with the cool shit

Don't be fooled.

She is an Illuminati reptilian.

David Icke and Alex Jones said so

>it's a pol goes full royalist episode again
in reality you are just furiously fapping to the tits of young lizzy

wtf im a #queenqueefer now

Maybe this queen bitch is actually pretty cool

Based head of state putting Obama in his faggot nigger place.

Too bad we won in the end :^)

Why the fuck would our (white) house nigger be urging Britain to stay in the EU after its citizenry voted to leave.
Oh right globalism.

Someone be a lad. That limo isn't as impregnable as they'd have you believe.

If I were given the choice of being give a medal by the president and knighted by the queen. I would be fucking knighted. She is savage god save her.

and then you were starved, gassed, and made into lampshades

ready for round 3 kike

> 5 million Jews he had made his bitch.
Isn't that an old sea shanty?

>Monarchies loyalty is solely to their subjects

KEK, subjects loyalty is to the monarch, not the other way around.

Monarchs are only loyalty is to themselves and their lineage.

everyday i find myself absolutely perplexed that such a cunt can exist as obama

he gives black people a bad name, and that's saying something

I wonder if she regrets supporting Brexit now after seeing the enormous damage it has done to the British economy

she's way better than half the pricks we have in power now

And we still won in the end, again

We could have avoided this unpleasant ending. But you insisted on it. It's your fault

>sent from my ipad


>enormous damage it has done to the British economy

>FTSE 100 above pre-referrendum levels
>FTSE 250 half way there

>lose 6 billion

you people cry over internet brackets

But the holohoax never happened and they still got Isreal.

If you kill your enemy they win.

Noblesse oblige.

The monarch sends their personal family like prince harry to fight in Afghanistan. Her uncle died in WW1, her son fought in the Falklands. How many of Obama's relatives fought in Libya or Afghan? So who really serves who?

Knee jersey reactions, people panic over any shit these days

it was real in my mind

Hopefully many of those leave brits show up shouting and booing obama with big signs


The UK is making all my wildest dreams come true this summer.


He ripped that sluts arse open like a berserk.

Anime burgers are best burgers


wew lad

FTSE 100 at its best in 10 months.
Everything else rising

Anyone who voted remain should hang their head in shame for glorifying the knee jerk reaction as if it was the end of our economy.

Then again, you fell for it.

the queen served in ww2 as a mechanic

William looks just like her.
It always funny how kids take after their grandparents more than their parents.

She's using the sling
the spotter

Shit, she was a target shooter.

Based Queen.

Obama's hatred of my nation is well known.

Can't wait for him to go.

Can we beg her to have him assassinated?

Did you not get round 3? There will come a day when every single jew is slaughtered. I personally will rape many Israeli bitches, only after I've carved a crucifix into their forehead and slit their throat.

> sent from my iPad

every time

Lizzie at it again.

I don't want the special relationship to end because or president hates democracy.

These "jews" are white. They were never meant to live in Israel. They all end up with skin cancer ahahahaha

>grandma was a literal Nazi


Too bad this will be over when she dies. Charles is the greatest cuck out there. Prince William is even worse.

>He’s due to stand alongside the PM and urge Britain to stay in the EU

Isn't it kind of late? I realize a referendum isn't the final "okay, we're going to do this" but wouldn't reneging on it be a huge blow to democracy? Is Obama prepared to shoulder that kind of responsibility? Why does he have to meddle in the affairs of Europe when the US isn't even part of the Union?

Good goy, you think a referendum means anything? Of course the globalists will do everything in their power to keep the UK in the EU regardless of the vote that took place last week.

>is queen of a country
>Doesn't want the president to visit
>Can only passive aggressively stage an absence protest in the country she """rules"""
>US president proceeds to go to her country and talk shit about an independent Britain anyway
King Tommen tier royalty to be honest

January can't come soon enough.. I'm sick of this monkey and his shit circus.

>implying david icke and alex jones arent shills

>>From Daily Mail: The Queen refuses to come to London to meet President Barack Obama next month.
>>Instead, accompanied by his security circus, he’ll trundle to Windsor in his bomb-proof, seven-ton limo for lunch.
>making him come to her instead of the otherway around. That queen sure is clever, this is a pure power play on her part.

Not defending Obongo, but he kind of have his reasons to dislike the Queen:


He may be a socialist muslim nigger but that was rude af

>he repeatedly proclaims a nigger as his president with pride
Americucks, everyone.

eat shit commie scum.

Why can't the warrior prince Harry be king man...

Ohomo is such a joke

>crashing the economy
It's exactly as I predicted, markets would bounce after 3-4 days, people have to realize the world isn't ending first.

Yeah, What's he going to do, stand there and say "fuck what the people want".

How will that go over?

If God wanted him to be king, He would've made Harry firstborn. I assume it is in God's plan to end the monarchy in a few years.

Lol fucking shot down

Rude as fuck would be her saying "get the fuck out of my country".

>tfw old nan probably looked like the girl in her left in younger days
>ywn grow old with a beautiful woman and remember all the lustful days you had with her and contemplating on your newfound love

>Obongo flies in
>oi u cheeky cunts, if u wankers leave da EU i'll send u to da back of the line
>Leave support rockets so much, it may honestly have swayed the referendum

Why does he think it's a good idea to even show his retarded face any more?

communist vermin.

Obongo hates or at least dislikes Brits since a part of his family got killed in Mau Mau uprising in Kenya. So he acted petty every chance he could.

>Putin and Bush were besties for life
>A friendship not seen since Regan and Gorbachev
>He loses his best friend, and in exchange gets Obama
>tfw imagining Putin meeting Trump for the first time

Do you guys really hate Obama? Like general consensus? Even the remain commies?

>KEK, subjects loyalty is to the monarch
lol no
Ever heard of something called The American Revolution?

Lizzy telling globalists to fuck off, her country is no longer subject to their law

Great pic. Who do you think she's imagining her target is?

It did not go down well, him threatening us all. At least half the country think he's a cunt now, and that even Putin has more respect for our autonomy.

Because we have a large demographic of people here who are too eager to help boost his unwarranted ego.
Kinda a common theme with suburbanite/upperclass African Americans, honestly. "Oh yeah, you're such a smart cookies. You got your BA with a B-average! Well done."

I'm honestly less worried about Trump's competence than the competence of someone like Obama. At least Trump has some idea of what money is, what it does, how it moves, and what happens when it's gone.

I hope she knows about Kek cause he knows here.

>Onigger talks over the national anthem and continues to try and toast with the queen
I'm glad he got shut down, not everything is about him

yea they dont like him because the whole time he was president he has been a dickhead to them

She may dissolve Parliament at any time, for you and all those other uninitiated, so she has more power than you've been led to believe. No, she won't bar him from coming to the UK, as the diplomatic repercussions would be disastrous at such a vulnerable time as right after Brexit. Don't be fucking cute, trying to pretend you don't understand the ramifications of something like this. Her telling him to get fucked is basically the spirit of the British Empire rejecting him, and with good reason.

How many Queens do you know of, who actively participated in major wars, outside of giving orders? Liz is the longest-reigning monarch of the UK, with an insane number of territories across the world either currently or previously under her supervision. She's been wonderful, and has been so much since the early 50's, before that Manchurian candidate fraud was even born. Her word means galaxies more than Obama's approval, and the world knows it. This is a direct slap in the face to the presumed most powerful man in the world, and he isn't going to do shit about it.

It's fairly neutral overall, but interfering in the referendum was breathtakingly arrogant. You would slate any Prime Minister who flew into the US and told you all how to vote.

Liz with the giga-bantz

>The person receiving this had to retreat to its safespace


>you would
Really? I'm pretty sure I remember a certain petition to ban the world's worst haircut from your country, and your mayor insisting on debating with the man.
Americans didn't really react much to it.

Get help, man.


>some london mayor talking about a haircut ban that was silly as fuck
>Obama talking down to all of England saying "if you leave the EU you will be at the back of the queue"
>These are somehow the same thing

>You will never be Sir Duncan the Tall.
>You will never bone Old Nan while on an adventure with your Targaryen squire.

Why even live?

is that old kike still alive?

They kinda are. Both are niggers who no one really likes or cares about (outside of their personal fanclubs).

I wish the nigger would.

Need some backlash against him to help in the US election.