Do children need a mom?

So im 27 a Virgin and forever alone. When your white it's almost impossible to get laid.

So i saw an ad on cl. A girl that will have your baby for a cost. I really want a kid but i am terrible with girls. But is it fair to my kid if they grow up without a mom. Because the women im paying wont be apart of her life.

Do kid need their mom Sup Forums

Is anyone almost a wizard here?

Are there any articles about being a single dad?

got to a hooker jesus christ

Black pregnant.
Or how I call it: HIV positive.

Do it op. I have only had sex via hookers. Its great. You should at least lose your vcard.

>When your white it's almost impossible to get laid

You're playing on easy mode and still can't win. That's sad OP

Good job Ahmet

Thats what i did. But i feel in love with her things ended really bad. I amlost killed myself.

Not really. Whites actually do have a hard time getting laid. Which is why many of us don't have many sexual partners. We also have small cocks

Idk why would a single dad be bad? What do you even need a mom for?

6 months left till I become one.

Wish me luck lads.

Are you kidding. Whites get a bad rap unlike black dudes. Our dicks are like way too small and we can't pleasure women. So if you not rich forget about it. But blacks have big dicks and the women know this. Which is why they gey so much pussy.

What's the cutoff age?

If your white, you should at least be able to get a brown or nigress girl.

Speak for yourself fgt

Well i dont just want sex i want kids too. But she is technically a hooker still

>black pregnant
What type of gay shit is that?

Almost 6 years after. Never turned back.

At 30 you become a wizard

I mean have you fucked 10 women and so you have a huge cock? THR AVERAGE bbc male gets these things.

>When your white in Merica it's almost impossible to get laid.


The average dick size around the world for every race is very similar. Blacks and whites have the same size cocks you fucking idiot.

>girl makes you a baby
Sounds like a recipe for a disaster.
>she has an STD
>she runs away and makes you pay child support
>spending the 9 months together could turn the business relationship into something else, not necessarily on both sides
>not spending it together would make you dead worried

I have fucked 20-30 women and 5ish men. 2 trans as well. It is not difficult. There are plenty of lonely, desperate and mentally ill people in the world, and they are easy to find.


So you turned gsy because its so harf for us to get laid.

After a while, it's all the same. None of it has any meaning. I kept going, but I realised that it wasn't the answer. The truth seems to be that I cannot feel love.