Laptops at coffee shops?

What the fuck do all these millenials even do on their laptops when they go to coffee shops? Why come to a coffee shop to browse your facebook page when you can just do that at home? Man, millenials are such busy people.

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i am also asking this myself

when i got my first smartphone i was fascinated about it and was also constantly on it but it got boring pretty fast as soon as i noticed that i just refresh fb/news over and over again without anything new

i still catch me doing this sometimes when its really boring

I bring my laptop to coffee shops because I'm constantly WORKING, and busy producing for our economy in the only viable sector left (tech) while you sit around and bitch about immigrants taking your long-gone shitty blue collar jobs that aren't ever coming back to America.

Get a job and some updated sunglasses you fucking loser.

>white girl detected

You can do all that home.

They want to appear busy and important.

It's nice to get out of the house in order to get work done. I always thought kids who did their work in the library were weird, but my productivity went up when I started doing it.

When you go to a place to complete a certain objective, you're more likely to do it. At home, there are lots of distractions.

You do realize youre going to lose your tech job to an Indian sooner or later, right? Youre so self-absorbed you dont even see the irony in your statement.

It's a way to get a change of pace, which can often lead to increased productivity and discourages routine time wasting like checking facebook or aimlessly browsing the internet.

Also, it's much less tempting to wank in a coffeeshop.

go around and ask them

they love that