What do you think about transsexual people? Are they sick or is it a legit way of living your life...

What do you think about transsexual people? Are they sick or is it a legit way of living your life? What do you think about the people who enable them like pic related? I mean she will soon be an astronaut

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I literally don't give a fuck about them. Cut off whatever you want. I've never had a problem with one.

Never had a problem with a single one.

Some are cool people.

My partner is trans.
>Tfw I was going about my business and someone else's life choices made me gay

They are an absolute nonissue the American govt is throwing them on TV all day tho bc most of us Americans are just waiting for something to be mad at and this is a relatively safe distraction considering 80 percent of us have never met a tranny

Should be discouraged by all means

if they still go through with it they should have to deal with the consequences themselves

so it's a conspiracy?

why is Frauke Petry so hot?

"Society should have no rules or morals because muh moral relativity and I'm just a nihilist faggot who doesnt care about anything"

Kill yourself lethargic cunt

Useful idiots for commie jews trying to destabilize the west.

Not at all what I said, but okay.

Honestly could not give a shit. They can do what they want with their body.


Why would I care? Never met one and it's not like I'll ever have sex anyway

>What do you think about transsexual people?
It's apparent my opinion on people such as transsexuals isn't worth recognition. For what purpose would I explain my position?

because I asked you, and you replied

I never explained my position. I asked a question.

>I need to have an effect on somebody's life because I'm too weak to have an effect on my own

Just end it all, bud.

Into the fucking trash.

This is the incorrect response.

You think "oh I'm just being nice and letting people do what they like, right?"

Wrong. Look at Bruce Jenner. Everybody now wants us to refer to him as "HER". You are shouted at if you don't. You could get fired for saying that Bruce Jenner is a man (which is a statement of fact). Not only does this degenerecy silence you and cuck you into saying things that are patently untrue (like "Caitlyn Jenner is a woman", which is a patently false statement), but this degenerecy could influence your kids as well.

I know you have noble intentions user but the consequences are dire. The correct response is that these people should be locked up and the key thrown away.

>All this salt
Bruce Jenner did fuck you, right?

It's only ok if it looks passable

Name 3 people who have been fired from their jobs for that reason. Seems like you've got a bigger problem with him than you do with trannys as a whole.
I don't feel this way to be seen as a good person. It doesn't affect me whatsoever what someone else does to their bodies. Until it does, I'll maintain my opinion, which you can't deem wrong.

You're doing exactly what you're saying you hate about them. Shouting down anyone who doesn't think like you do, then declaring them wrong.

>Transgender at 11

They should cut off its balls so it cannot contaminate the human race.
Mom looks like a coalburner, so it's for the best.
Doc should be fired, for suggesting it is female.