>muh paganism
>muh stick idols
Muh paganism
Nothing wrong with paganism, but when people go "oh no, we don't actually believe in this stuff it's all just cultural" then it's bullshit.
I'm anooyed by the "muh Odin" crowd as much as anyone else, but it's a pointless argument. Redpilled Pagans and Redpilled Christians all want the same thing, so stop arguing about which religion is better and fight the Jews, Muslims, and Nihilist cucks actually trying to destroy us both.
Well it is cultural man, i just don't think most people are going back to literal belief in the gods
>Redpilled Pagans and Redpilled Christians all want the same thing
>implying they won't start fighting each other even if they achieved anything
>Redpilled Pagans
There are barely any. Paganism is filled with hippies, teenage edgelords, fat feminists and cat ladies.
Christianity is cult started by a kike based on sandnigger mythologies, nothing to do with Europe.
But it's also true we simply don't know enough about paganism because the tradition has been cut. The best bet is nationalism that's inspired by ancient paganism and respects it, but not literal religion.
gotta replace kikestick with something
>2000 years
Paganism is too LARPy