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WTF? Is this board solely populated by shills now? Hilldog threads get hundreds of replies. But nothing for this one. Am I the only non shill left? What's wrong with you people?

Rasmussen is just a terrible polling agency that always overesamples Republicans.

>1 post by this ID

nice try

God, fuck you guys. Go keep giving the Shillary threads all the fucking responses. I don't even give a fuck. Here's another poll from yesterday that had Trump within 3 of Hilldog. No one here gave a fuck about it either.

Hillshill Sup Forums is all hillshills. Fuck you guys.

You're underestimating shillary's campaign funding

Yeah that's great and all
But correct me if I'm wrong, Rassmussen is a pretty right leaning polling organization

Shillary has spent millions flooding every possible site with shills.

They'll say anything as long as it's pro Shilldog

Well in 2012 all polls oversampled Republicans.

That was a shockingly low turnout, not many people could have predicted that

Friendly reminder we have a system called the 'electoral college'.

Trump can win Texas 99%-1%, he still can't win enough states to reach 270. National poll numbers are pointless.

Cry like a liberal

It's not that it's just that you're late to the party, we had this threas five times already today.

Still though, love the enthusiasm. You just have to be a little higher energy and make the thread earlier next time. Trump wakes up at 6am everyday and that's what I've started doing. You should try it out, you definitely feel like a better, higher energy person.

MAGA brother, always ask yourself what would the God Emperor do?

All polls are bullshit.

Besides, Rassmussen oversamples Republicans just like everyone else oversampling Democrats by at least 33%. That's why polls are bullshit, people oversample on purpose to write an agenda and put it in the media to try and shape opinions.

Pls come back trump

i tried to post a thread about how Bernout is endorsing shillary and got 0 replies its fucking ridiculous.

Don't worry Mate. The Trump loyalists are here and in great number.

Carry on MAGA.

It's better to let the people think they'll win by a landslide so they won't bother to vote when it matters, thinking a vote less won't hurt.

This is what happened with brexit, only 60% of the 18-34 actually voted.

It was less than 60%, wasn't it? I saw like 43% somewhere top kek


Leftards are naturally lazy. It's far better for us if they think Trump is going to be BTFO and they just stay home and smoke pot.

Yeah, 60% actually sounds insanely high for that age group.

Yeah, I got it backward, 36% of the youth voted.

Everyday enduring the hordes of shills