Israel hate thread
Fuck those kikes
Israel hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck them all
With jews you're dead
Jews are the reason we can't have nice things
Buy me a drink first
kill them all
Ok you made me lough
you win this round
>Israel hate thread becomes jew hate thread
Make up your mind.
Same thing
Reported enjoy
Racism outside of Sup Forums is not allowed
Who made these
i have no idea
You've drank enough.
>Palestinian land
Technically not true, but yeah I hate the jews too.
Palestine belongs to the Crusaders.
>you will never be a jew
>you will never live in Israel, the only nation state in the current year
>you will never marry an ashkenazi qt
>you will never play jewish mind tricks on the goyim
Feels bad, man
The fact that you visit tumblr and post their images on Sup Forums is a dead giveaway you're a paid internet shill.
Hamas appreciation thread, as well. Truly taking the fight directly to the kikes.
>being pro Palestine for any reason
who gives a fuck? I would love if all Jews moved to Israel, as long as we don't have to fight their wars or subsidize them in any way.
They still control all of world finance and media from a distance.
The only solution is the final solution.
Ben Garrison
Stay mad shitskin muslims
And the diamond trade
>Wanting to let them have their own country
You don't say "Oh whatever I don't mind all the diseased rodents! Just let them all go live in the shed out back!" when you're dealing with vermin.
You eradicate them without mercy.
It would be easier, and more feasible politically, to cut them out of those things without anudda shoah.
My jimmies are just rustled from people supporting muslims because they think it angers jews. We don't have to support either side in that conflict.
>launched in the opposite direction of the Earth's rotation they understand how retarded that is?
have a bump on the house.
I liked it!
>land "given" to arabs
Fucking lol, who lived there before?
>Palestinian land
You mean British land that was given to Jews so they could make Israel. Land which they have defended and kept through out numerous wars.
that's weird. where is that?
>rock throwing incident
Oh shit better bomb them some more before they develop assault boulders.
>meanwhile "settlers" open fire backed up by the army
If you are against Israel you are with Islam.
Israel is the most based country in the world. Do some research of your own on it. Don't believe lies.
>You mean British land that was given to Jews so they could make Israel.
not what happened, shill.
Palestine was never a state.
A failed attempt at murder is nothing to worry about?
Are you retarded? Israel should pretend nothing happened at all? What do you think would happen if say Mexicans fired rockets into Arizona or California but they missed their targets. Would we do nothing about it? You are very pathetic.
if you are with israel you are with saudi arabia and isis.
Listen random kike, you need to have a norwegian flag if you're going to try and take over fjordkikes duties.
Lesson learned: Don't attack countries with immensely better weapons than yours.
it was not available to be given away
>implying these haven't been spread around Sup Forums since it started.
disgusted by nu-Sup Forums jidf and neocons desu
might make the move to 8pol
it looks too neat for a bomb
they used an excavator, poured out some water, then photo shopped the people to look small
>he thinks palestinian christians dont exist
Fucking lol
Isreal should be allowed to just remove all kebab already.
what the fuck are you even babbling about?
17 planes? How is that a record?
they won their land in war.
Don't be a hater that poles are shit at war.
The fact you made this post is a dead giveaway that you need to LURK MOAR
to the victor lay the spoils, true?
>Literally bottle rockets
>muh skurry hamas rockets!!
Can you tell me what the civilian to combatant death ratio is for Israhell, with the most advanced military weaponry?
Compared to the civilian to combatant death ratio for a bunch of dudes with shovels and aks?
Fuck off with this commie PC bullshit.
But then relatively they are very very fast in their rotation around the world!
>don't fight back against an occupying force
Cuck detected.
Britain never should have given up our mandate.
its irrelevant because Palestinians house their families above the munitions stores
fuck muslims, im glad they lost their land...Good.
>implying israel doesn't do false flag attacks so they can continue their genocide.
>implying they care about "defending themselves" and not just killing everyone eventually forcing them to move.
These are israeli values
>actually caring about mudshit Palestinians
I don't understand why so many people on Sup Forums hate Israel for killing muslims.
I hate jews for destroying the west but I do not hate them for killing mudshits.
Its like getting mad that one group of criminals is killing another group of criminals.
Consolidate to this thread?
this israel does the same thing its just masked and organized
these are from the early 90's. they've been on the internet since it's dawn.
>glad to have a leech that sucks money from your country and sells military secrets to your enemies
>shilling for Islam
Hey Muhammad.
>Invade the rightful home of thousands of people
>Get shit pushed in
>Go to Camp David to plead for your continued existence.
>Cede land back to the country you invaded
>implying anyone gives a shit about shitskin genocide.
I'm glad hitler killed the jews and i'm glad the jews are killing muslims.
look at this post
pro-israel """Sup Forumstards""" are literally just edgy children.
No, but you keep posting pictures of poor little shitskins as if anyone gives a fuck about them. Way to change the subject though.
the goyim know
>aggressively and obviously shilling for kikes
>accuses others of being shills
kys, unoriginal dumb fag.
>0.5 shekels have been deposited into your account
No we just hate mudslimes more, besides it's not zionists occupying Israel that are our problem, it's leftist diaspora Jews.
It was originally given to the Rothschild family. Just sayin.
They were given a chance to a two state solution yet chose to wage war against Israel a bunch of times and got their shit pushed in. Mercy is for the weak.
I'm fine with israel
if simbas dad was called mustafa, does that make him a muslim?
>Invade the rightful home of thousands of people
It wasn't their land. It was British.
Why can't you accept the right of conquest when jews do it. Your like one of those faggots that bitches about British colonization of America aren't you?
Beresheet - Mitspe Ramon
>Supporting a country that gives literally no shits about you and drags your country into wars to ensure their security
Fuck off traitor
>some kike used his money to fuck some swede
>therefore israel is awesome
>under my definition of what constitutes a state
>it's not zionists occupying Israel that are our problem, it's leftist diaspora Jews
epic memes newfriend
>it's another "you can only be for muslims and against jews or for jews and against muslims" epidose
almost anything is better than any muslim existing for any reason....muslims are only good for human experimentation.
Shut your hole and know your role.
This. If jews would just all fuck off to Israel I would be fine with jews. Just like I would be fine with niggers if they all fucked off to Africa.
they have a right to it, if they can defend it
we just shouldnt send them anything: I'm pretty sure those fuckin jews have enough money
>implying you aren't pushing Islam into Europe, and out of the Middle East, to destroy the goyim, and leave you with your half black half asain slave race.
I can see the lack of soul in that bitch,
What is AIPAC you fucking nipcuck.
Jews are based, I would die for Israel.
A. Wyatt Mann
>dat flag