Can Sup Forums educate me on la pen? I want to like her and I was very impressed with her speech in oxford (link below)
But every time I mention her people dismiss her as a far right Nazi. What's her story bro's?
The true la pen
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>Shameless selfbump
center-right to be honest
her dad was the real deal
Her niece is far more based than her. She will be the next leader.
I enjoyed her oped in the NY Times. She has mainstreamed FN.
Not even hot. I don't know why /pol loves her.
Marion's biological father worked for Mossad. Also, everyone from Nice knows she's a whore; including one time where she openly was caught flirting with Abou Sofiane, an arab and former participant of a reality show.
Don't drink the kool aid so fast, mate. Women in power can be a stupid choice.
she is more willing to be explicitly identitarian but she is still fooled by the jews on economics, she supports degenerate liberal capitalism, marine has a real national-socialist understanding of the economy, knowing that a nation must work together and guarantee full employment and worker protection to its people.
>one time where she openly was caught flirting with Abou Sofiane, an arab and former participant of a reality show.
So she could actually be controlled opposition?
>center-right to be honest
its more of an act than anything else since Marine took charge of the party, the core ideas however are still the same.
> including one time where she openly was caught flirting with Abou Sofiane
who ?!
>every time I mention her people dismiss her as a far right Nazi.
That should be enough for you to get how important she is.
She got rid of the hollywood-nazi types
Hired a few smart browns who love France
Hired a few Jews who love France
Fucked PC in the ass with a strap on while singing the marseillaise.
Sees Islam, illegal immigration and the EU like it really is.
She is as crazy as only a French can be.
There are more sources but I'm too lazy to look them up.
sounds like bs, also he's ugly af
i doubt anyone would unironically "flirt" with him.
>sounds like bs
Everyone knew about this when it came out. In Nice people know her from when she used to frequent clubs and shit. No wonder why she would never win here.
Does this mean she can secure the muslim vote in France?
No. FN has a dirty name here; no matter what they do, they'll always be seen as nazis by "minorities".
>Marion's biological father worked for Mossad.
Proof on this?
>«J'ai été rémunéré par les services secrets israéliens pour effectuer certaines missions, par exemple des opérations secrètes en Syrie, sous couvert de reportage»
Also, for more info just look up for Roger Auque Mossad.
Thank you Frog bro.
Apparently you can't trust any sluts these days. Shame.
isn't Marion the result of cuckolding ?
i mean her real father isn't the (ex) husband of her mother.
>Marine Le Pen:
>scares the fuck out of the bulk of rightwing boomers (muh savings)
>is hypnotized by faggot pic rel
>lacks cred
>could become meme friendly is we frogs fucking learnt to propagate memes
>was initially boosted by JM Le Pen
>her party's people are perceived as dangerous incompetent buffoons by most of the populace
>has 3 children
>divorced once
>Marion Le Pen:
>is married to an entrepreneur (Paris tourism)
>wants to ally said right wing old asses
>is being cuckblocked by picrel
>is hard for the left to portray as white trash or bigoted
>wants the front to defend economic freedom and not retarded voterbait socialism
>Is too young to be taken seriously
>has a young child
Marion got pregnant before even getting married and now after only two years of marriage she divorces.
that's why is say: vote for the National Front but seriously fuck the le Pen's. They are plaguing this movement. We need either a trump or a hofer but not a stupid semiwitch as leader of the french.
I completely agree. But yeah, women in power can be a big issue (Brazil, Argentine, Germany, many African countries, etc). So i'd rather not have someone like Le Pen fucking our country up.
>We need either a trump
Dude if a Trump actually existed in France he would have been arrested by now for "hate" speech.
She's a cheap degenerate whore and completely discredited herself with her divorce
Personally I'm convinced that FN is just even more zionist controlled opposition that they would use to split a right-wing revolution if things get out of hand politically.
Her father was the real deal but that was in a different age. Nowadays the zionists control all banks all media and have completely hijacked the political process.
Last Roman Emperor, catholic great monarch is our best last hope at this point, and he wont be a 'democrat' that's for sure.
Not brown enough for you?
This is what you need, froggot
Lesquen 2017
Dude...that prophecy already came true.
It talks about Napoleon. He was destined to conquer the WHOLE of continental Europe.
However, the eternal Anglo derailed the plan. The eternal Anglo is the parasite of this earth.
Napoleon didnt 'lay down his crown in Jerusalem and die'. He didnt wipe out Islam either. And the antichrist didnt appear right after his death.
Napoleon was a jew puppet.
>Napoleon was a jew puppet.
What bullshit is this?
The Jew Puppets of Rothschild was England. Jews controlled the Bank of England at this time.
I wish Marine were American. She would make a great VP for Trump. She is truly the last hope for France. Only she has the Scrotum capacity to tell the EU to fuck off!
If you have to ask if Marine is good for France you must be a muslim or an,Islamic Breast Feeder.
Thank for the image. She is American trying to get out of the EU body.
Post Marions m8s.