make it viral boys
Not yet. We have to wait till late october/early november so that there's no time for it to be refuted
what the hell am i looking at? and what the hell do you want us to do?
make retarded niggers think their hashtag counts as a vote
People actually get jailed for voter suppression in Canada. So I'm not touching this one with a 50 foot pole.
You will see.
>We have to wait till late october/early november so that there's no time for it to be refuted
This. Don't jump the gun. It's not even July yet.
Good idea but way too early, as others have said.
no one is actually this stupid. Anyone who "falls" for this wasn't going to be voting in the first place.
it is actually plausible. you underestimate the typical voter.
save it for December
good point. Sup Forumsacks dissovle
have you got a larger picture btw? higher res will look more "official"
I think that's the whole point. Weed out the retards who would be voting Hillary anyway.
Use this one when the time comes, it's looks much more official and will be easier to trick niggers with
Posted on Facebook.
nvm. I read that as "worth voting"
Don't post it too early, the media will come out and counter it, drop it a day or two before the election.
Yes they are.
absolutely subsersive
oh fuck yea cunt
not yet. make threads once or twice a month till it gains momentum a week before polling day. then we strike. tumblr, reddit, facebook, twiter. the whole 9yards
Why the fuck would you make it viral now you fucking idiot
You're pushing this way too early. You shouldn't spread it until a few weeks before the election. This gives all the reporters that lurk here time to counter it.
you shouldnt have posted this
you know there are ledditcucks here all the time and theyre going to post this to warn
Well of course. We can't blow our wad yet.
It's probably too late though. Subversive leftists constantly monitor us.
Too soon faggot! You want to hit them right before the election so they don't have time to figure it out
Remainder that some people thought an iPhone update could make it water resistant
No faggot, we already talked about this. We wait until election week.
Not that it matters since the popular vote doesn't elect the president.
>no one is actually this stupid.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.
OP's idea might be illegal, but I can't deny it sure would be hilarious.
The graphics need to be a lot larger, though. SJW's will be squinting behind their problem glasses, trying to read that tiny text.
This better
> underestimate the typical voter
wouldn't it be overestimate? Unless this is some southern hemisphere thing like the toilets flushing differently.
Fuck yea dude this is legit looking
This would be incredible against Bernie Sanders in the GE
Shillary a little less so, best to not post these much until November
Too soon moron. Wait until a few weeks before the election.
Reported for anti-Polish online hate speech.
It could be like you underestimate how stupid the voters can be.
1) Too soon, idiot. Plenty of time for people to see it and warn about it.
2) Not on Sup Forums, idiot. 4plebs archives these threads and lulz killers will screenshot this thread and warn people.
3) Not that OP, idiot. "Make it viral, boys" implies that you have any part of it. This goes back to (2). If you were to post it on Sup Forums you have to be more subtle, even "naive" to the origins and falsehood of it.
4) Not on Sup Forums, idiot. This is technically voter suppression and is a felony. You're going to get Sup Forums v&.
Thanks senpai. I'll wait until the election day comes closer.