Opinions on this glorious bastard
Opinions on this glorious bastard
somewhat of a shitty person but i'm glad he exists
Too bad he's a faggot, but he fights the good fight. I like him.
But precisely because he's a faggot he can get feminists so riled up. There can't use the straight cis male arguments to invalidate his opinions. By being gay he can voice our red pilled views without having a bunch of obese hyenas laugh of criticism.
Lord and saviour.
Yeah, I get that. I just cannot approve of the gay lifestyle.
Shame he's a faggot.
But hey, he speaks the lords word...
he's the rightwing version of a retarded tumblr feminist who wants to ban things that hurt his/her feelings - people changing their genders, men/women marrying eachother, etc.
freedom for everything, i dont give a fuck if some cunt wants to cut his dick off.
trading freedom for vague shit like fighting degeneracy is stupid.
He's a fucking stuck up cunt but as long as he pisses off SJWs I guess he's fine.
Im conflicted but I don't trust him.
>He bashes feminism (kinda low hanging fruit though)
>Kinda brings alt right to the >foreground
>Nice jewtube highlight reels
>Is probably alt right because it's the flavour of the month. A contrarianl for the sake of being a contrarian
>Pretends to be Catholic while acting like a godless sodomite
>Is pseudo intellectual to the core
>Rabid fanbasr, even on pol
Everything about him just reeks of infiltration / jewish subversion. I don't trust him at all.
best post ITT
Hes kind of an annoying faggot, but hey he triggers lefties and feminists so hes cool in my book
He's a self-hating gay. You know who else was a self hating gay Omar Mateen.
Wasn't even that hard. You are telling me no one has called Milo out like this yet?
my coworker called me darling last week, and immediately apologized saying she didn't mean it like that
whole thing confused me
He is useful but obnoxious.
I see him as nothing more than a bluelight to show up the cum stain that is SJW hysteria.
I'm waiting for him to get jumped on in Sweden. He makes good points in an unorthodox fashion
90% like, 10% hate.
>self-hating gay christian
>bashes liberals constantly
>self-hating gay muslim
>murders 50 people in the name of allah
You need to get redpilled my friend...
no dude YOU need to get redpilled and realise that if you take away freedoms from your fellow man, however silly they may seem (Freedom to cut your dick off and marry a dude), the government will eventually take away freedoms from YOU as well.
freedom over everything.
that's what we, lithuanians, realised in the early 1990s.
fuck the EU also.
How does it feel to be a liberal fascist?
Really, I would like to know.
is that what they call libertarians now?
feels free man. I like liberty. like that gay ass quote goes - I don't agree with what he says but I would fight for his freedom to say it or whatever
Think about it, what are they really?
Look up the definition of fascism.
SJW's are just that, fascists.
>liberal fascist
At least call him a libertarian or an anarchist. It´s like you missed the whole point of his argument.
Gee, good thing you liberal cucks will never arise to power.
He's my favorite faggot. Low-key fucking obnoxious but he's useful.
So wait so you think taking away something like the 1st and 2nd amendment is a conservative thing?
It´s: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
No, my probaly stereotypical Latino friend.
No I did not.
He's cool. Great hair. Would be better if he didn't put the ass up for niggers, but he's a faggot so maybe it's for the best.
I don't like him.
he said he doesn't give a shit if people chop off their dicks, SJWs are trying to spread the disease
I think you might not fully understand the concept of fascism then, my slavic friend.
What is your definition of fascism? I´d really like to compare it to mine.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
dont know about you guys but he reminds me of somone...
Breh, the Oxford dictionary says it in the simplest way possible:
"1.2A person who is very intolerant or domineering in a particular area"
Fucking beta leftists can be fascist when you get to the core of the phrase.
Similar haricut (though Milo's combed to the right) and similar fashion sense.
He's out in public every day pissing off libcucks; which is a lot more than 99.9999999999% of you fucking faggots are willing to do (me included). Why do you niggers always have to shit on someone that becomes moderately popular? I'd expect that attitude from redditors, but not you.
Fuck you Sup Forums, you just triggered the fuck out of me
he said the opposite you massive autist
Am I supposed to be triggered by you? Why are you here even?
the enemy of your enemy is also your enemy
so basically this croatian guy is so scared of trannies he's willing to trade freedom and have a fascist government that dictates how you should live your life?
fuck man, if you care so much about what other people do in their personal lives, if you hate them so much, just attack them physically in their home and let them use their right to bear arms to kill you.
>why are you posting
sounds like something a fascist would ask
Yeah that definition seems alright though I prefer this one by Robert Paxton:
"a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion."
What I stil don´t understand is that the lithuanian user´s argument doesn't follows any inherently leftist ideals, it follows an inherently anarchist rationale.
What´s the difference between anarchism and leftism to you?
eh hes alright, he actually goes on Sup Forums and joins in the shenanigans once in a while, even though hes ultragay superfag, hes ok. kind of wish he'd tone down the blatant faggotry though, i mean i don't need to hear about him fucking like 8 gigantic black dudes like an oreo meat train.
I get up in 5 hours. If this thread survives until then, I will answer you over my morning green tea and black coffee (in that order)
Fair enough.
It's 9pm here but I´ll probably still be around here by then. Hope the thread survives though.
It won't.
Unless we turn it into a roll thread.
So check em
Not after you check these
>There can't use the straight cis male arguments to invalidate his opinions.
Sure they can. Just call him a self hating gay
"internalized homophobia"
Non/Anti-Feminist women = "internalized misogyny"
Right wing non-white person = "internalized racism/uncle tom".
female advantages in a so called "patriarchal " society = "benevolent sexism"
There's always an excuse. There's no winning with idiotic, apologetic leftists.
I've actually met him before. He's super racist in private.
Omar wasn't gay that was all bullshit drummed up by the media to blame it on anything but Islam.
When is that Shapiro / Milo debate happening? I haven't kept up with it.
Fake intellectual human garbage. I'll list off just a few things that come to my head:
>Talks up the fact he went to Oxford (or was it Cambridge?) without mentioning he dropped out and went to fucking Manchester
>Substitutes humour for talking about being a faggot
>Uses the fact he is faggot constantly when in a tight space whilst debating
>cannot debate against anything other than retarded university leftism
>pompous blowhard who literally posts pictures of money online just to say 'hey everyone look at me i have money'
>refuses to debate on anything that matters, because he knows he will lose
Milo pissed his pants and pulled out
Gay drug addict.
But i repeat myself
Isn't everyone?
Probably for the best, he was gonna get curb stomped the moment after the little jew altered the topic.
Makes him look like more of a bitch than he already is though.
Milo is a faggot.
But, he's a cool faggot, like Freddie Mercury.
No, not really
>I believe the left-wing media's attempt to take blame off Islam
Bluepilled newfags out.
He's a faggot. A lot of faggots are attaching to the right wing because they know they'll be safe from the Muzzies that would decapitate them, otherwise.
Cool. Somebody trashed a feminist. This didn't get old 3 years ago.
he's a good litmus test to differentiate people with actual right wing views from edglords.
bashes on feminists and PC culture but is a pseudo-christian consumerist sodomite
I love him, I was so happy when I first found out about him when he was starting to get popular, I don't even think I came on Sup Forums before that.
Shameless bump