>H-hey user, We hear you like white rights. Come over later and hang out with us
Wat do?
H-hey user, We hear you like white rights. Come over later and hang out with us
Why are Americans so shitty at WP?
i hang out with them
Go over.
Beat the shit out of them both.
Demand they clean the fuck up.
Head back the next day and do it again.
>those tits
Get trashed with them.
Hitler would have had this place burnt down you degenerates.
Looks cumfy as fuck to me
Go over. They look like good people.
>implying doc martens started in the US
>implying skinhead culture started in the US
>implying you didn't start these memes in the first place
>implying Kellog's LIFE cereal isn't the best fuel of choice for marauding neo-nazi skinheads everywhere
Tell them their place is a shit mess.
And bring a six pack.
I-i-is the blond girl seeing anyone?
how is it crazy assholes like these guys can get qts and i've got a college degree and dress well and i'm still stuck scraping the bottom of the barrel
Well, I'm a pretty brown Puerto Rican so I'm not sure if they'll appreciate my presence.
>Vault Energy
Where did it go?
i'll bring the vodka
"Sure, Sieg Heil 14/88 lets kill some niggers"
Convince them to fuckin clean up together, then dress ourselves in actually classy SS uniforms. Spend the evening drinking and trolling normies on Omegle.
Do you guys want to go get baked?
>"Sorry, I don't hang out with white trash"
Is what I would say, but I'd be afraid of them shooting me, or stabbing me with a knife. So I'd probably just say No, thanks, another time.
I lived like this for 2 years in a squat house with punks.
Eventually you just stop caring about the mess
gone but never forgotten
>two posts by this ID
Turn 360 degrees and walk the other way
Because you have no charisma. Fucking Hitler was 5'9 and could have picked the hottest girl in Germany that wasn't in a oven. It doesn't mater how ugly you are, just dress nice and be charismatic and girls will love you. However people are born with it, if you don't have it you will not get it.
>Life cereal
Would chill with/10
loved that movie. glad it didn't bring politics into it at all and had no obnoxious messages. there are deeper themes but they're not too obvious on the surface
You don't have balls user.
Stop scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
Go work out.
Call a cute girl a cheap tramp.
Fuck her.
Just use you fancy pants college paper to get an Awesome job, and fuck their gfs for money
Buy a decent wife
It's my favorite movie of the decade. I have never had so much fucking fun and been so tense at the same time in a theater
fuck i had an image of OPs picture but with everything wrong about it pointed out
Same. can't wait till the dvd comes out. got an ain't rights shirt as well.
R I P anton
Fuck yeah. I'll bring the beer. Tell those girls to invite one of their friends over
>Israel asking neo nazis if they want to get baked
Much kek
They're getting laid and you're crying on the internet
I'd fuck the shit out of the blond one. You can't even imagine it. All poses, all day every day, until my dick gets bloody raw and the pain literally forces me to stop.
Then I'll just play with her titties while she applies healing cream to my penis.
[loud metal background music intensifies]
Who's crying user?