Eat shit.
Literally go into the toilet, grab a turd, and take a bite.
We are not giving up our guns. Never.
Eat shit.
Literally go into the toilet, grab a turd, and take a bite.
We are not giving up our guns. Never.
Other urls found in this thread:
Gun grabbers will slowly chip away and dipshit fairweather gun owners will agree with their "common sense" proposals and screw us over in the years to come.
"Death by a thousand paper cuts"
Can be defeated with a single pull of the trigger.
Sounds edgy but it is the truth.
This is less successful than you might think. Look at NY or CT's compliance rate with "common sense" laws.
Now imagine some place like Texas or Montana or Tennessee.
Don't get rid of them then. Maybe just regulate them like you regulate cars at the least, they can kill mass amounts of people for fucks sake. You should need a licence to own one, every one should be on a database with the gun show loophole letting people get around background checks closing.
And how many of those "murders" were gang related?
>regulate them like you regulate cars
Sweet, so I can get a simple license and carry one all over the country? We're working on that.
>you should need a license to own one
I thought you just said you should treat them like cars. Pick a fucking story. You don't need a license to own a car, just to use it off your own property.
>gun show loophole
Literally doesn't exist. This is like complaining about the tooth fairy loophole.
Don't give a shit. Innocent people, kids, get caught in the crossfire. Not to mention mass shooter events, far too common
310 million mostly untrained civilians vs 4 million highly trained government soldiers w/ artillery, tanks, and drones.
What would happen in an all-out civil war?
Don't be pedantic, not exactly like cars more like how I said, and come off it it's insanely easy to buy a gun from anyone who isn't licensed
>gang members
>Innocent people
Fucking lol
> Not to mention mass shooter events, far too common
Public health issue, not a gun issue. Mental health support is pretty much nonexistent in the US
>it's insanely easy to buy a gun from anyone who isn't licensed
It's even easier to buy a gun off a gang member in a major city that already has strict gun control.
The number is estimated closer to 400 million now.
Look at our military personal, they are the good old boys that are in favor of typical conservative views. You think our military is just going to go full ham on civilians because some general told him to? k
Yeah, because there are 314 million fucking guns in your country! Now we've banned them in UK it's pretty much impossible to get them, most people just stab someone instead. Less people die that way. Same with Aus as far as I'm aware
>anyone who isn't licensed
I don't think you understand. The vast majority of our states require no license to own a firearm, and no license to either buy or sell private property.
People who sell firearms for a living already have to be licensed.
None of this involves any "gun show loophole." That's a phrase for idiots. It's really a "private property" "loophole," if anything, but more about private property than firearms.
I wouldn't mind if we regulated them like cars, though.
Actually our mass shooting measured by fatalities on a per capita basis put us in the middle of the pack among other developed countries. This excludes gang violence.
Don't...Ever. And don't believe the bullshit about other countries crime rates.
I would love to be able to own a gun, for target shooting, hunting and home defense. Those three minutes between calling for the cops, and if they eventually show up...thats three minutes some nigger can kneecap you and rape your kids.
Fuck that. Any motherfucker comes through my door without me opening it for them, isn't leaving in one piece.
>now we've banned them in UK it's pretty much impossible to get them
You never had as many per capita to begin with. It's literally impossible to do that here.
I mean, you could pass a law, eventually, but there are already enough guns for literally every single person living here to have one. It's a completely different situation from yours.
stats, now, no fucking way is that true, and from somewhere other than breibart please
Australia and the UK are islands, the US is directly connected to two different countries. You should instantly realize what a difference that makes.
For example, heroin is an illegal drug. You can't sell it, you can't have it in your possession , and you can't make it (unless you are a medical agency with proper permission). Regardless, heroin floods into the US and recently we've been having more ODs from heroin than ever before in our history. Much of it comes from the Mexican cartels, who cross the border illegally to spread the drug around. Same thing will happen with guns.
And because you exist, I'm very glad for the gun control our country has right now
Politifact (a liberal-leaning organization) says pic related.
>310 million mostly untrained civilians vs 4 million highly trained government soldiers w/ artillery, tanks, and drones.
>What would happen in an all-out civil war?
A lot of politicians would get shot by snipers along with a few cops. Soldiers would be fine.
No conventional enemy for the army to have a set piece battle with even if they would violate the Posse Comitatus Act. It would be more of an insurgency instead of a succession. Only idiots would start fighting at army bases.
>developed countries
>no poland
UK gets shitton of heroin too, we're even getting tiny bits of meth from you fuckers, guns not at all easily available here
Ok, that might mean it'll be much much harder for you guys to do it, but that doesn't mean you can't
A guy wants to be able to defend his family, and you're glad he can't?
That's a little fucked up. Think about what you're actually saying.
how many guns does the average gun owner have in america?
Quick google search says about 40% of households have a gun and there are 3.13 people per house. 100 million households, 40 million of which have guns.
Each gun owner has on average 7-8 guns. Well that sounds safe...
And no offence, but I'd put my money on 3-4 million people with training than 40 million enthusiastic amateurs. Especially as the rifle to rifle ratio is 3:1
by not doing so, you endorse:
more gun violence
more suicides
more terrorist attacks
>hurrr muh rights are more important than anything
Like I said, a law could be passed...eventually, if the country held together through, for the first time, attempting to openly and completely invalidate our Bill of Rights.
But then what? People aren't going to just surrender their weapons. Even if they knew which houses to hit (they don't), we simply don't have the manpower to do it in the first place.
A country comprised of white people with 100 guns each is safer than a country made up of niggers with no guns.
what's easier:
getting rid of blacks
controlling guns
? pretty obvious you are never going to get rid of blacks. so either fix the fucking problem (ease of access to guns) or stop bitching.
>>And no offence, but I'd put my money on
Good thing your money is worthless or you'd stand to lose a lot.
Yeah, don't you just hate that gosh darn common sense?
>I'm glad you don't have the capability to defend your family. The police will always be there.
Get fucked you idiot.
>by not castrating yourself, you endorse rape
You can't possibly think this is a valid point.
The only parts of America that are unsafe are the parts where guns are banned.
>3 minutes
How beautiful are your kids??
Actually controlling niggers is much easier.
>YFW all the shit show middle East wars were love training exercises for counter insurgency to fight the american populace.
This would be a bad bet. There are easily as many people with training amongst the gun-owning, non-active population (i.e., veterans) as there are active military here.
That's assuming the military moves in lockstep, which they wouldn't, and entirely leaving out our police, who generally say they would oppose any such action.
>country with both a higher population and more guns have more homicide deaths with guns
Wow... looks like I'm #firingblanks now
Guns are a red herring.
If America shipped all their niggers to England and every American bought 100 more guns each, England's crime rate would increase 1000% and America's would drop to near nothing.
So Norway is tiny and had one massive shooting but yay you have many many less mass shootings than them and Finland and Switzerland those horridly violent countries.
Far more than Mexico though... oh yeah, and the important number, second highest homicide rate behind the country basically in a civil war, and this treat, also this
>"Americans are 20 times as likely to die from gun violence as citizens of other civilized countries."
ok USexico. Enjoy your union in about 40 years.
at least the union we abandoned was a mutual exchange between democracies and not a blurring of populations you'll be having.
I was thinking purely theoretical. Flat field with unlimited ammo. Civilians would no doubt win in a real guerilla war but the death toll if the army turned would be atrocious
>And no offence, but I'd put my money on 3-4 million people with training than 40 million enthusiastic amateurs
Police are the domestic enforcement party. They are woefully trained. My neighbor was Eric Frein. When they went through that manhunt, I was muzzle swept daily, and these retards were constantly in each other's line of fire. Look up what happened there. One man eluded the entire state of Pennsylvania for 40 days. One guy with a slavshit .308. That's the level of efficacy you get from the police. They are civil servants that happen to have guns.
Now look up the phrase "oathkeepers." Now think about how hard it would be to mobilize those men domestically.
Those "amateurs" would be the worst insurgency on the face of the planet. The domestic instability would leave us so vulnerable to foreign intervention that nobody would dare wage that war.
You're just looking at it from a different angle than most of us who live here. The fact is that the rate of violent crimes involving firearms is highly inflated by blacks.
Without them, we're basically a western European country when it comes to such things, despite our enormous amount of firearms.
It's not a pleasing fact, but it remains a fact.
>flat field with unlimited ammo
As you obviously understand, this isn't how guerilla war is waged.
I picked up my first gun earlier this week. Took longer to pick one out than to get it.
God bless.
How about you look up the muser rate instead? People want to ban guns to reduce murders in general, not because getting murdered with a gun instead of a hammer is somehow worse
>aunt and uncle have shotgun for home defense
>it sits around, never used
>my aunt eventually blows her head off with it
i suppose the minority who do happen to use it for self defense make up for the majority who use it to end their own lives?
>the majority of people with firearms use them to commit suicide
This is just as stupid as your other posts.
You should continue your Aunt's tradition
Why you so scared uk bro?
as an outsider of the USA i love the country for having different laws then us entrapped Jew slaves.
We don't all need to the same laws they have a gun culture stop trying to destroy there culture
In other words stick stats up in ass
Knives can kill tons of people too, so should we ban knives? The point is guns can be acquired by anyone, it just depends on how far someone wants to go. A criminal can easily purchase a gun illegally - look at what happened in France, a nation with stringent gun control laws. If you look at the statistics, you will find the murder rate, as well as the crime rate in general is lower in places where the 2nd Amendment is freely exercised. Cities like Chicago and Oakland have gun control, but you can find illegal guns very easily.
>i suppose the minority who do happen to use it for self defense make up for the majority who use it to end their own lives?
Except the majority use it to defend themselves. I never reported the time racking my shotgun scared off the niggers trying to steal the grill off my front porch. I bet if I used it to off myself the cops would've showed up, though.
Yeah bump.
Now post a picture of violent crime rates per capita among the developed world.
Wasn't that more or less Russia's strategy in WWII?
Stop giving them welfare and make link related more common in schools