Which will come first? Will it be in our lifetime?
WW3 or 2nd American Civil War
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Why not both at the same time?
My vote goes to 2nd American Civil War
Reason being, I do not see Trump winning the election because no attack ads are being promoted against Hilary and he isn't consistently talking about: Economy, Foreign Policy, Hilary and her incompetence, and Terrorism.
Instead he is trading blows with Pocahontas.
I would love a civil war
I think both will happen at the same time
there won't be another civil war.
Also, I think if Trump wins, America may be able to avoid WW3, or at least jump in the middle like WWI and WWII. If Hilary wins, the chance of WW3, and especially the chance that we are involved, goes through the roof.
But which states would be the new Confederate States??
at this point i'd say 50/50
if commies keep going after liberties and encroach free states then i can definitely see a civil war happening but it will take decades probably
i've never put much stock in ww3 but war is inevitable so the question is who? russia-us? norks going crazy? china?
Maps like these are circle-jerk material for dumbshit dropout separatists and militia kooks. It'll never happen; go back to jarring pickles for you prepper incest caverns.
good thing Texas will gtfo of the union if hillary becomes president.
>mfw watching ww3 from the comfort of my ranch guarded by 5 illegals that live and work here on the agreement that i won't deport them.
WW3 will be a global civil war; nationalists of all stripes vs ebil globalists.
It's a real map of what America looked like during the civil war you uneducated retard
Good Points.
holy shit the bait is off the scale.
MARYLAND WILL FIGHT WITH THE CONFEDERATES. I'm sure our WV,and Southern PA bros will join us as well.
>tfw grey
Not really, huge black and spic population.
>people think northern California would be with the liberals
Christ Sup Forums is really fucking uninformed sometimes.
If there is a second Civil War, it will very likely be the start of WW3.
Fuck, Lincoln barely managed to keep the Europeans from sticking their nose in the first civil war, there is absolutely no way a future president could prevent it the next time around.
This. The civil war will simply be a theater
where have you been? Every speech is about exactly what you said he's not talking about. The media just focuses exclusively on his tweets or specific questions about Warren
>wanting another civil war
The north would wipe the floor with the south AGAIN and the notion of "states rights" would be completely btfo along with the second amendment.
During the next civil war will it really be North against South again?
The next civil war seems more like urban vs rural or left vs right. For instance, Austin is pretty liberal. Do you slaughter the liberals there or let them live since they're fellow Texans?
WW3 will start first, while the Second American Civil War will come either part way through or near the end of the global war.
>duh souf shal rize agane
The civil war will inevitably be titled WW3 to our grandkids
i didn't say I wanted one. Why would I? But if Hillary is elected and bans the 2nd amendment, I don't see it going any other way. I do live in the south however, and I've seen first hand that people are stockpiling weapons and forming loose militias.
Soda DOES enhance the flavor of some food! Movie theater popcorn for one.
Get ready for the North's BACK TO BACK civil war champion status. Northern victory would be just as inevitable as it was the first time.
Wealthy industry vs retarded dirtfarmers hmmmm I wonder who will come out on top??
Probably true, but the american factions would be among the strongest military powers on earth on their own, even if we split six ways or something.
Livin' the dream.
Is that an oil well in the background?
>what is Kings Bay
>numerous big-time military facilities in The South
we got nukes this round, boy
Why do I have the feeling the war would end in the same way again?...
>yfw before the last civil war a majority of west point grads and army enlisted were from the south
w-who won that time atticus?
> Fellow Texans
No one considers them Texans they're just commiefornians leeching off us
Yeah it was even more unbalance last time and you poor fucks STILL lost. Might as well kill yourself desu.
The thing is, if the South tried to leave now, the rest of us would be glad to get rid of you.
>Which will come first?
Europe better pray it's WW3 first. American Civil War will no doubt make America isolationist.
Somehow I think that most people itt are from lilly-white regions. Read: not the south.
The south is overrun by the negro. You really think that they are going to fight FOR Trump (if elected)? Fuck no. They've been brainwashed by the BLMs and it won't be a north versus south thing at all, but a race war, and you know it.
The race war certainly won't be confined to the south either. Oh, no. Remember all those states who voted for Trump. Well, they were in the north as well.
It's going to be a fucking bloodbath. Honestly I hope I have the courage to take my own life before the rape squads come.
Carpe diem, because the end is pretty fucking nigh.
The South has almost all of the largest military bases in the country as well as very high numbers of active military. Also the vast majority of households have guns, and it's party of the culture to be raised knowing how to shoot. Compared to lower gun ownership of the North and gun culture being seen as backwards/redneck so most of them have never fired a weapon before. The odds will be quite stacked against them.
These guys get it. When the civil war broke out we were a loose federation and split nicely along state lines. People considered their states to be their homelands, not the USA. If it happened today it would be total chaos.
>Brainwashed by BLM
Er, what? Along with the Midwest, we're the only red states left in the Union. Tbh if we weren't here this country would be posted harder than a gay African heroin addict in the 80s.
>Honestly I hope I have the courage to take my own life before the rape squads come.
Why don't you shoot back instead faggot?
Pozzed* not posted.
this, air Atlanta would get fucked into the dirt AGAIN
>Honestly I hope I have the courage to take my own life before the rape squads come.
Why not buying assault rifles and ammo instead? Is it legal to own handgrenades there?
>tfw live in MO
Oh god, this state would turn into a fucking warzone.
shit I need a new keyboard
What is more prevalent in the blue areas hmmmm
the military is conservative and would side with the south
Only this time the south will actually win since they can fully utilize Texas.
>implying the limp wristed yankee cucks stand a snowball's chance in hell today.
Lmao, the streets would be littered with skinny fat numales and hamplanets feminists. Your only hope is black people.
Muh Californians!
I like that every state thinks they have 20 million people from CA that supposedly ruined things. Perhaps your state is just shit. Keep in mind it's your White housewives that are all voting democrat every election.
And maybe it's the 50% nigger and spic population in Austin. If you think they all moved from the west coast then you might be retarded.
>Wealthy industry vs retarded dirtfarmers
you're right. the south is hugely industrial and wealthy now. moreso than the north. all the north has now is tech industry liberal cucks and farmers. the south is armed to the teeth with a large percentage of veterans and every other citizen is armed. along with the oil industry and tons of factories and fab shops.
austin will be its own battleground. a lot of unarmed betas will probably leave, leaving the surrounding rural rednecks to take it.
A minority within a minority mostly composed of dumb kids raised on rap culture. Most blacks down here are decent. I've lived in both the South and the North and although this is purely anecdotal and I don't mean to imply otherwise, my experience was that niggers up North are worse. They have this rabidly violent city nigger attitude that I've seen far less down here. Pretty much not at all actually. They are as stupid, but nowhere near as violent.
I'm sorry are you so stupid that you don't know the military is not the only force equipped to fight in the US?
Where are the leftard militias? Antifa? lmao
This is by far my favorite thread ever
>Louisiana fag
Military will side with whoever pays better for their service
Why do Texans think American would allow their bases to stay in the hands of their now enemies? Why do they think the whole South would follow them? Please explain this thought process to me.
Lot of people in here saying the Military would side with the south. I doubt the military would stay cohesive enough to operate on all but a local level. And you're forgetting that the rest of the world wouldn't just leave us up to it. This shit would turn into a Russia v. NATO proxy war. Soon Migs will start popping up in southern air bases and Bubba will finally get that full retard AK he's always wanted.
Texas has most of the fucking oil, they would be stupid not the side with the south.
This isn't some 3rd world shithole like El Salvador where the military can be bought off. The Republicans have a tight hold on the military and the top generals are all republicans. They'd side with the south.
I have to agree with this. If the conflict is divided left v right it seems like the left would be at a severe disadvantage.
Just imagine the slaughter that would take place on college campuses.
>everyone swinging their dicks saying the military will side with them
>implying the military will side with anything other than washington
>implying our military is so poorly disciplined that they will completely crumble apart instead of launching a full scale assault on whichever faction secedes first
>implying state economies are not interdependent on one another
>implying 400 lb. cletus from mississippi can escape a drone on a wal mart scooter
>implying Carl "Thin Man" Skrills with a degree in Art from a northeast university could be a good soldier
>implying China and Russia wouldn't love to launch major campaigns of expansion if we fucked ourselves up with a civil war
>implying Texas doesn't have oil to hold out against the North
>implying the Dakotas aren't filled with nuclear warheads ready to launch
>implying militiamen would be able to fight for a cause when they would spend all their time defending their families from looters and thugs in the ensuing chaos
>implying there aren't any conservatives in the north
>"MUH GUNS!" Cletus says, failing to remember a northern state, PENNSYLVANIA, has the most armed hunters per capita in the entire US
>implying the South doesn't have tons of carpetbaggers
>implying any state surrounding texas would be able to defeat them
>implying anyone would be able to penetrate California's massive military complexes
>implying we're not all brothers deep down
They'll side with the state they were born in and/or where their families live, if it really came down to it. And most of the active military is from the South.
World wars don't really work in an era of interlinked economies and ICBM's
This isn't one of your low-budget action movies where honor and moral dilemmas are still a thing. Money wins wars and everybody loves money. Military officials will side with whoever can pay a higher fee for their service and the war effort better. Nobody wants to be in the losing side.
This man gets it
But don't you think "the north" (leftists) would receive full help from the EU and the Globalists? After all they play in the same team.
all you jokers do is hoard weapons. you will never use them.
latest example: bundy standoff. tough man militia granda thinks he's clint eastwood. gets shot in the face. standoff is over.
who is doing the fighting in the military though? mostly southerners. do you think they're going to fight their own cousins? or do you think they're either going to:
>a) desert the army and join the confederate/tex republic
>b)coup the military bases if they're majority southerners
also i don't know about other states, i only represent the Texas Republic
>implying Texas wouldnt be fine on its own without relying on other state economies
>implying anybody would seriously consider nuking our own land
>implying former brothers wouldn't stop their fighting to join together again if a foreign threat presents itself.
also this is all unrealistic because a secession would never resort to violence unless something EXTREMELY destabilizing happens. [spoiler] like a clinton presidency [/spoiler]
also remember to vote for Texas Independence here: thetnm.org
B-B-But isn't the south where all niggers live?...
I hope you're right, but I somehow I fear the average military official will see himself in the side of Grant or Sherman, rather than losing in the side of Lee.
Anyway, I'd still volunteer for the south!
ILfag here, know the feeling brother. At least for us it's just a matter of killing chicago and cairo
Then the leftists will either want full blown communism or realize their atrocious actions just for the sake of "equality" and turn right-wing like the ones they killed.
I'm betting money on the Communist part.
Jeez Louise man, you're whack. I'm sure most Texans are nowhere as near as spirited about this as you are. I know Texans makes Up a large chunk of the army, but you're banking your entire plan on deserters completely rendering the military ineffective. It's ludicrous. Also, you and I both know the entire United States will severely constrict Texas if they did break off. You would be barricaded on everyside except for Mexico. Your economy would be sanctioned to third world status and influx of goods would be blocked.
I don't understand all this. If you don't like the United States rule of law, go into an ultra rural area where nobody can reach you. How radically different would a Texas republics laws be? Why are you so obsessed with injuring this Union. We got a good thing going here you know
no evidence for any of your assertions. thetnm.org
... I merely responded to your assertions. I could easily play the "no evidence" card against your assumptions the military would fall apart.
I don't think I'm going to convince you, so I can only wish good luck. "Bless your heart", as they say in your land?
That depends if Trump wins in November.
American SWJs are extra fierce, the country will go into complete meltdown in November.
American civil war would lead to world war 3. Russia, UN, and Europe would have to get involved.
People would jump at the chance to take down a weakened America.
In the 8 years Obama has been in office he has ruined this country and I don't feel like I'm even being dramatic. It was getting bad in Bush's second term but Obama just ramped it up 10 fold. Now imagine 8 more fucking years of this shit.
I don't see how there won't be widespread conflict.
>that pic
>all the poorest, worst-educated retards secede
I have no problem with this. Lincoln should have just let them go.
>Why don't you just move to a rural area and stick your head in the sand
Hopefully 2nd American Civil War... at least it would be something I'm willing to fight for.
>implying all that blockading won't pump our economy due to an increased demand in almost everything.
>implying our very loose economic laws won't bring in tons of american capitalists and conservative workers, tired of liberal america
>>If you don't like the United States rule of law, go into an ultra rural area where nobody can reach you
because hiding isn't freedom.
>>How radically different would a Texas republics laws be?
not that different but we would represent ourselves the way we want and we won't have to send out 300 billion tax dollars a year to washington so some lawman 1500 miles away can tell us how to spend it.
>>Why are you so obsessed with injuring this Union. We got a good thing going here you know
no, we don't have a 'good thing going here' we aren't represented, our majority southern military protects yall while yall barely represent us. it's a one-sided union, always has been always will be. Let liberal degenerate America collapse into the ground just like the EU and let the "retarded redneck southerners" be alone to ourselves. even if we split up we'll both be in the top 5 militaries in the world. and hopefully our relations will still be good so we can join together if need be.
Texans just want to be left alone
>Texans want to be left alone
No, conservatives want to be left alone. Texas is the only state with decent senators. There are a lot of other conservatives who hate what's happening.
The liberals have forced every policy of theirs down our throats and cry bullied us into submission. They knew they couldn't get it to work with a large majority white population so they had to import 3rd worlders dependent on their policies.
I voted for him his first term because he wasn't Bush. I would have never thought I would want Bush back.
The country was shit in 2008 but at least we were strong and respected. Now we're shit, weak, and laughed at
Fuck you. Only a liberal could be so naive as to vote a nigger into office and think nothing of it. You're easily manipulated cancer. Stay in your liberal shit hole and suffer.
They're the same thing and I think when we look back in many years we will have considered it to have already started. It's essentially the globalists and muslim hordes versus the nationalists.
it was my first vote mate. We were all young and naive at one point
Why do people think that a Civil War 2 is still going to be north vs south?
It either won't be determinable geographically, rural vs urban or coasts vs inland.
North and South just doesn't work today
Forgot image
this needs a key
Yep. There are no issues that truly divide us along geographic lines, let alone ones that can mushroom into a civil war.
looks like the 2004 electoral map with red being Bush and blue being Kerry
Much better
Dude, let's make a Christian Marine Corps and take over New England
Fuck this gay map
NewXit when? (New England)
It's a good combination of smart people and liberals but also everyone is racist
It will be over guns.
Some Denocrat with possible moderate Rhino support, will - after a particularly insane mass shooting - demand the repeal of the Second Amendment in its entirety.
First Civil War was over slavery: the second will be the 2A
Fuck NE you guys are liberal scum. I can't wait until the brown people head to your cushy gibmedats communities and destroy them, you deserve it.