Disprove this
Disprove this
I don't give a shit because I favor heavily restricted morality based mercantile capitalism which is divorced from American style
The burden of proof lies on YOU. Prove it.
Funny, even if that were true, which it isn't, it still wouldn't be an argument for communism. But I guess that's the extent of the intellectual prowess of edgy millennial with liberal arts degrees.
Lazy thread is lazy.
>government is bigger than it ever was
choose 1
pol still believes capitalism isn't a jewish invention.
>be an uneducated fuckwit that has little to no knowledge of financing or care for money, probably majored in a useless degree and then blames the system when he's in debt with shit pay
>blame capitalism for ones own incompetence and retardation
like clockwork
It also came true under communism
>1 Post by this ID
give me one communist society in history
What is cuba?
What is venezuela?
This is gold.
Communism is by definition a stateless society.
I don't think either are communist.
A stateless society where you are forced to redistribute the wealth that you accumulate or not accumulate it in the first place. Yeah sounds totally reasonable.
>where you are forced to redistribute the wealth
it's a bit more complicated then that. I suggest you to read comunist literature
>that you accumulate or not accumulate it in the first place. Yeah sounds totally reasonable.
Well, if you have large estates, capitalist incomes... then of course you have to lose with socialism/communism. But the ideology is not meant to you guys
Shitty third world countries
Cuba is not that shitty. They have one of the highest HDI in the caribean, if not the highest
Government at the state level is shrinking you idiot.
None. Communism, defined as a Classless, Stateless society, isn't real. It is a contradiction in terms. There cannot be nor could there ever be nor will there ever be Communism.
Socialism, however, is real, it just doesn't work.
Ok Patrick and what is chile?
Part of marx's way to get into communism is to go through a part of transitions. States are a part of that plan so those states are communist.
This is the same one you posted from yesterday you lazy fuck.
Cuba is a nightmare. You go to life imprisonment if you are caught slaughtering your own meat, which many risk anyhow because, as is the rule under Communism, everyone is hungry.
someone explain this to me:
communism says to redistribute the wealth (?), if everybody is rich, who works?
>could be worse, you could live in a socialist nation
t. Venezuela
>with no voice in the system
this is objectively false, you can tell your boss to fuck right off if he doesn't give you a raise.
Why do democrats accept shit wages then complain about them?
Theres no evidence for it
No one has any incentive to work, open business or do anything. There is no growth
standard of living has never been higher in US history.
I earn a very good wage. I also grew up in a poor home, so no silver spoon here.
I'm not a boomer either... So, yeah. Entirely untrue. Its true for lazy fucks who didn't work in school, didn't work through college, and do nothing now to better their position in life.
I can't be blamed for your shit work ethic, and your even shittier life plan, nor should I be required to pay for it more than I'm already forced to.
First of all you are going off of sophistry and not history, the historical answer would be to look at the Soviet Union.
Secondly since you are doing it this way we must go to strict definitions and point out that Pure Platonic Ideal In The Sky Socialism is what you are describing, not Communism. Communism would be what (theoretically) results from that.
First of all you are going off of sophistry and not history, the historical answer would be to look at the Soviet Union.
Secondly since you are doing it this way we must go to strict definitions and point out that Pure Platonic Ideal In The Sky Socialism is what you are describing, not Communism. Communism would be what (theoretically) results from that.
Fucking capcha.
We don't really have capitalism.
>if everybody is rich
then everyone is poor. Congrats, you figured out why every communist country fails miserably.
to help show how this works, lets pretend you and I are both buying a gallon of milk.
You have $1 and I have $100
to make sure I get the last carton of millk instead of you I pay the farmer $2.
Now lets pretend everyone has roughly the same amount of money, I will have $5 and you can have $4. In order to secure the milk for myself I will have to spend all my money, so I am left with some milk and no money and you are left with milk money that is useless because I have the milk.
bernie lost hahaha
>at the state level
Good, now if only that were so for the federal government.
So the solution is actual communism?
Hopping for non euro/Australia first or second world countries.
>gook moot thinks im spamming.
>lay off 100 working whites
>hire a ceo, who brings in 75 curry or taco niggers
>taxes raised to coddle nigger importer
>1 post by this ID
can we stop falling for the bait please
What be that country?
Egads. What a way to contemplate.
That's what happens when you combine socialism and capitalism
>1 post by this I.D.
Blame it on the fiat currency and the money manipulators of the fed....
fiat manipulated money does not equal Capitalism or free markets.
>The nigga who drives a 100,000$ car
>we should take what happens to retards and lazy minorities and make it happen to everyone else
The fact you have Bernie Sanders as your selected .jpg truly does show how much of a shill you are, oh and also
>1 Post By This ID
Better than Bolshevik communism
Yes, because capitalism leads to socialism. We've known for 200 years.
>lose our houses
My house disagrees.
>lose our savings
Learn to save.
>be forced to labor eternally
Get a decent degree/start your own business. You'll enjoy your job a lot more.
>meager wages
Get a decent degree/start your own business. You won't be making shit wages then.
>no voice in the system
The rise of God Emperor Trump shows that we still do have a voice, so this point is meaningless.
Funnily enough, those things happened because of the cultural Marxist revolution in the 60s lol. A revolution which Sanders was directly involved in.
i don't know about that user
No based Straya so gimme dat NZ GET
>heavily restricted morality based mercantile capitalism
Go back to whatever impoverished peasant village you came from you ignorant fuck.
North Korea
Communist Russia
Read a book, nigger
maybe both of their end goals are basically the same?
The economy has slowly moved more toward the left.
When you majored in Wewuz studies and chose to ignore all your parents' advice because they were part of the bourgoisie, what did you think would happen?
I am recalling an instance of a soviet dairy farmer who tried to turn milk into cottage cheese to make more money for him and his family.
He was arrested and sent to prison for being an anti-communist
as someone who has experienced life in a state run by an actual communist regime:
you spoiled americans have NO FUCKING IDEA about how fucking good you have it, and about how massive the difference in literally everything between your society and actual communist society is.
>boo hoo my wage is low and student loans are big! capitalism sucks!
>waah those dumb old republicans who outnumber me always outvote me and get their way in congress! democracy has failed
you fucking decadent shitheads piss me off so much. what you call the "failute of capitalism" is still so thoroughly superior to even the most successful socialist states, it takes a special kind of lunatic to fall for comrade hernie.
fuck these moronic kids make me angry
i dunno mang
> Under capitalism
This all came because of you fuckers demanding regulation of the economy which just eventually led to corporatism.
>Occupy Democrats
Makes you think hmmmm
The measures that fucked our economy were not capitalistic.
>Makes you think hmmmm
Alright, fine. I give up. Where is this from? What thread general culture pushed it all over the place?
sleep tight fucker
North Korea is a "democracy" nigger