>“Our vision for Death Note has always been to bring this captivating story to the screen for its longtime manga fans and to introduce the world to this dark and mysterious masterpiece. The talent and diversity represented in our cast, writing, and producing teams reflect our belief in staying true to the story’s concept of moral relevance — a universal theme that knows no racial boundaries.”

I mean it bothers me to some extent that they didn't hire an Asian cast, but for fucks sake, why a damn nigger?

After netflix made that god awful jessica jones bullshit I stopped paying for it.

I'll stick to downloading shit.

we should pretend to be angry azns mad that L has been blackwashed

This shit right here, is the plan.

There's already live-action Death Note movies, and they're actually made directly by the Japanese. None of this agenda-driven sludge.


Now I know what L stands for


>ayyo light, wassup mane. lemme see dat deff note yo. AYYO dat shit crazy man lemme see dat shit. damn son. shini-what nigga?


The one and only anime I've ever watched is getting niggerfied...dammit.