Cringe thread: Sup Forums edition


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That was good hearty kek.
My sides might never be seen from again

Fucking hell. Lost right off the bat


A classic.


Glad I saved this one for the cringe

>hating jews = holocaust

gotta do better with this one


I almost raged and then I saw the end so I laughed

Last one. Still gets me

>hating Jews=holocaust
Did I say that? Stop misrepresenting me!

If they're so mad about it, why don't they buy mens' razors? Dumb cunts.


This seriously can't be real, right? Please tell me this is satire Sup Forums.

Shit wrong one

someone is still ass blasted from the holohoax thread earlier
>Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful.

"fighting for equality"



This might be the ultimate

Do you live with this stuff in cancuck?

Quite RARE

my sides

You could call me that.

You don't fucking say?

dude what the fuck is intersectional femenism

Wait a minute you're in africa...

don't call me quite rare you pepe.

Are those ear plugs

Assault ear plugs

What are they really?


High velocity, amour peircing ear plugs. Rated up to 30db.

Butt plugs

Time travellers were the ones who caused ww1 to happen and go on for as long as it did, so depending on whether or not the jews invent time travel hitler might have been right


I think they're Jews...

>looks 40
>dating pajeet

why do women age like shit

Don't buy it then.

>special snowflake generation
>implying every person who came before you didn't also try to change the world

Part of growing up is realizing that your "lame ass" daddy was a cringeworthy faggot like you, and now gets to spend 20-something years watching you embarrass yourself.


I have some bad news for you....

>not asian

High NRR ear deafening tactical foam assault plugs that allow the police to practice wanton brutality without hearing the oppressed screams of underprivileged PoC.

this triggers me because M != m in physics. Idiots do this all the time. And yes, there is a difference.

Way more South African posters on Sup Forums than ones from Belize.

fucking women - I'm starting to think Churchill was right women shouldn't be allowed the vote.

They need to learn and do reseach on israel stop because they are pro israel too.

Assault plugs you mean, user?

Make up caked on to hide the herpes



He's hopefully joking

Fuck off roastie. I'll pretend to be that nice guy then pump and dump you. Payback is a bitch.

Was just about to post this

>77% Match
>More than most man will ever dream of having.
Man, I should go back to /r9k/.


Clinge? I thought this was a raff you rose thread!


New here so uninformed. Apparently I am now the rare pepe.
I'm not white so it's okay. ;)

That is a nice flag

When did Eggman become a trap?




>starting to
A little late, aren't you?

Autistic who is a Bernie supporter.

Color me unsurprised.

Batman was at Ferguson?

Thank you sir


they certainly shouldn't be priests, the bible specifically demands this

Did a 10 year old draw that?

Penis hole plugs, some serious cuck business going on here

What an ageist bigot.

lost and kek'd

Please tell me this is fake

That has to be satire, I'm 6' 3" fit guy and my maintenance before exercise is only just over 3000 calories, no way a women should ever be even close to my 3000 maintenance let alone 4000.

When I started my freshman year at uni I was kind of afraid i would have to deal with these people, but thankfully I satisfy all of my gen ed requirements in spring of my senior year. Life is pretty good.

This is satire right


This, for me, was the hardest pill to swallow
but fuck me a woman's opinion is her version of a peer-reviewed journal and, when a large amount of woman decide on anything, including their opinions, it ends fucking horribly

All anonymous social media accounts are cringe central


Says the guy who has an american flag...

Praise Kek for blessing us with this manifestation of an oreo flag

What if the white space above and below your eyes are visible?

jeremy corbyn looks a lot like jim henson

wtf 6 legs

>there are armies of these people with the right to vote

Burn it


4000 calories as maintenance.

Kek, did a mentally retarded person win the flag drawing competition?

RARE and cute as a button


Three vaginas

I wish her parents would see this and just cut her off financially
There's no greater redpill

It is a modern form of radical feminism which stresses the importance of all identity politics and the 'intersection' that various forms of oppression can create. For example:

>a white, obese, sexually promiscuous heterosexual woman

has much less privilege than:

>a black, morbidly obese, bisexual transgender woman

In the second case, according to intersectional feminism, the second person would experience an intersection of racism, sexism fatphobia, transphobia, and homophobia. Also, since racism commonly correlates with poverty, she may experience underclass oppression as well.

The first woman, however, only experiences fatphobia, sexism, and slut shaming.

Therefore, the second woman would experience more oppression than the first, and her opinion counts more in the feminist struggle for equal rights.