Post white people being white people
White people webms
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they're copying the shit from brazil
Is this some kind of initiation?
kek. I bet that dude on the left wasn't even enjoying it.
White """engineers"""
>trying to do da bunda dance with dat flat ass
white people smdh
How do you know that guy just isnt into Femdom?
That is in Brazil.
>white '''''''''''people'''''''''''
>I only like jews when they make bombs for me
so I guess that's your prime minister?
This is animated, just for you
Holy fucking Cringe Almighty.
saved into my sweden map
thank you senpai
i'll post something from my swe map in return too
what does he say?
Do you have the one of Swedish horse police riding down the mob of gommies in the street?
Why the fuck are so many Sweedes ashamed of their heritage? This is happening all over the world, but Sweeden gets it the worst.
Young idiots are indoctrinated by college professors to make them hate their country, ethnicity & history. Its the ultimate form of cuckage
Tell us where to find more
Didn't they give that guy like $200 bucks? He's much better off taking the money than eating a cake which has no nutritional value at all
must have forgotten to save it
krauts are not white
>hits him 12+ times
>kicks him in the head
>guy gets back up like nothing happened
lol redshirt is a fucking pusscake
this is why
>said the roach rape baby
sorry I don't have a folder of webms dedicated to saying hi dad, I got a job, I got a raise, I got an education, I graduated highschool, I wasn't kicked out of 3rd grade, I paid my taxes, or gee golly willikers property tax is high I hope it helps all those poor urban youfs
i find it hard to believe these people actually exist
>Hitting someone when they're down
I fucking despise seeing this shit. I don't care what the context is, hitting someone who can't defend themselves is dishonorable
Nothin personnel kid.
This will be my daughter some day soon.
You can see how jealous he is of the other guy
>There are people who take this man seriously
sean bean the man of meme?
What movie is this???
>that lick of the lips and quick strut around as no one comes to fight him
That little girl is more capable than half of Canada's armed forces
Indeed. Battle should be turn based like my Japanese RPGs.
How I met your mother, ladies and gentlemen.
I think thats from Generation War.
Brown """""engineers"""""......oh sorry, couldn't find any pictures of them sending people to space. Guess I won't get any replies.
What movie is that?
Of course he's at walmart
fucking opie
source plz.
paint it red, little donald
>bad genes
the fuck
Well, those boots were alright. I'd wear 'em.
>> Honor
Gtfo. One of the biggest mistakes you can possibly make in a fight is not finishing what you started. You don't stop hitting until the guy can't move anymore.
yeah, that is deffinallty white people,lol.
That doesn't look enjoyable et all...
It's a mini series called Generation war or Unsere Mutters Unsere Vatters i think
Poland stronk
I'm so sorry Swedenbro. You can come live with me - I'm taking white refugees from the shitskin invasion. You can shoot your first gun!
The Niggers.
>Translated from German.
My cousin married a guy who does this...
They named their kid Ezekiel. I don't know if they were aware that its a biblical name or if they just chose it because it sounds edgy.
They won't get any better, they'll just expect more.
Looks more like white people pretending to be jamaican to me.
A wah di rass clot yuh chat bout?
Whites being white.
AIDS Skrillex really lost it after he went viral.
This would be a comedy masterpiece if he just went back inside.
TV series: Generation Wars
Only 3 Episodes but amazing as hell