oy vey give me more money to do research goy
Man! That guy was shurely "wasted" even before the crash.
Musk really likes his gibs doesn't he?
but guys i thought automated cars were literally only a year a way!
who could've foreseen these gigantic problems!
elon cusk btfo
How did the accident happen?
Gotta love how faggots are already shilling against musk and self driving cars without knowing the facts.
>muh contrarian meme, it's cool to dislike musk
Shilling for musk won't make you a first world country, paco. Still gotta build the wall
No, they'll worm their way around isolated fatalities that do not stay in the news. The real doom of the autonomous car is that it can be completely stopped by any jaywalking black, who can then turn it into a death trap. The autonomous car is the auto-carjacked car.
Literally 1 fatal accident
>tesla360 drive to the store
>as you wish sir
>goes to sleep in the back
>10 minutes later
>it's driving into the ocean like a submarine
didnt see the white trailer against the white sky
fuck me, what sort of cunt letsthecardrive?
i mean, you lazy fat shit
I'm not shilling, I'm asking for the facts instead of jumping in a circlejerk bandwagon and spamming memes.
>Lol le wall amirite Sup Forumsros pls notice my shitpost
Kill yourself trash
Anyone that seriously considers "driving" an autopilot car should kill themselves. We need less lazy fucks in this world, not more.
Why would anyone bother to make an autopilot car?
There already is transporation for people who don't want to drive--they're called buses and trains.
maybe someone drove into it
lacks information senpai
>first world 'countries'
you have to break a few eggs to make an emolette
lol pedro is playing hard ball wyatt
I feel like a fool for not realizing this sooner
one fatality and you discredit the entire technology?
i bet you're a second amendment cum guzzler too
What white trailer?
>what sort of cunt lets the car drive
You don't see anything practical, or useful about a self driving car?
Self driving cars are already available in the market? I thought they were still being tested.
>Jailbreak your robocar
>Install Sup Forums-9000 operating system
>Dindu steps infront of car
>new route takes your car over the dindu's twitching body multiple times
>Drives you home, white man
There's plenty of places where public transport is unreliable.
>What we know is that the vehicle was on a divided highway with Autopilot engaged when a tractor trailer drove across the highway perpendicular to the Model S. Neither Autopilot nor the driver noticed the white side of the tractor trailer against a brightly lit sky, so the brake was not applied.
So few accidents that they cant fucking write blog posts for every fatal accident (just 1)
plz tell me that pic isnt real
It's just for highways and straight roads, not meant to be used for cities. Also you have to put your hand on the steering wheel most of the time or it lowers your speed until you do so. The dude was probably not paying attention and ignoring the traffic cuz "muh autopilot"...
lol i spit out some hot pocket.
Who /AdaptiveCruiseControl/ here?
>Set cruise control speed limit
>Set distance you want to be from the car in front
>Always choose closest right up his arse setting
>Press accelerator to take off
>Car takes control and accelerates up to speed limit
>Brakes when needed to maintain distance to car in front
>Only need to steer, around corners etc
>Can take feet off pedals
>Does a pretty good job
>Doesn't detect red lights if you are the first car to get to them
>Just speed through red lights now
Pretty comfy desu senpai
>"Your honor, it is clear that the defendant knew what the consequences of his actions would be when he installed the 'Nigger Slayer' module into his jailbroken car."
some retard used it and stopped paying attention to the road.
their sensors couldnt detected a white truck or some shit and ran into it.
Nah, comfy is rowing through gears like a madman, and especially heel-towing your downshifts to keep the engine at maximum RPM of piss off the people in the parts of down you don't like.
>trusting a machine in beta with your life
The guy deserves a darwin award t b h.
>i was hacked
So all these faggots go on about how it's better than humans and its color blind? Lmfao. Tesla is the new apple, anyone that wants to feel smart sucks it's dick. The s class is way more advanced, wait til it's battery powered
You'll wake up from the night terror eventually, senpai. Don't worry.
>The dude was probably not paying attention and ignoring the traffic cuz "muh autopilot"...
That's the point of autopiloting, isn't it? Teslafags should stop defending their flawed system by saying you can prevent all damages by just not using it at all
That's why we have Uber and Lyft
comfy is having no gears, you probably won't understand that
Boring and annoying.
Even when I'm on foot, I have gears.
Didn't they use lidar in their sensors in their cars?
The color of the car shouldn't be an issue, unless they're using some kind of machine vision stuff which has problems making out the sense of reflective, uniform surfaces like a white truck.
Top kek , it was the same guy
Very relevant article from 2015:
>Let's say you have a human making a tough decision alongside an algorithm - researchers recently asked whether we judge algorithmic mistakes more harshly than we judge human mistakes.
>And increasingly, computers are going to run more and more of our life. So imagine a day when it's not just the GPS in your car, but the car itself is a self-driving car.
>The first time one of these cars causes a major crash, we're going to say, what genius thought that we could trust an algorithm to drive a car?
>The problem is we're making a false comparison between a world where machines make mistakes and a world where mistakes never happen.
>The real comparison ought to be between how often self-driving cars make mistakes and how often human drivers make mistakes.
People are behaving exactly as predicted.
>it was the same guy
is this real?
if true, haha oh wow.
>autopilot cars have been on the road for a couple years now in BETA MODE
>only a handful of wrecks and a death or two
>meanwhile people driving cars have caused 10,000% more accidents
Reminder: autopilot cars do not have to be perfect to take over the driving world. They just have to be safer than humans driving, which we already know they are.
Dude shouldn't have talked shit about his car.
Yes, a quick death while you read your facebook.
you know how many deaths it took for GM to do a big ass recall? 13. most of those deaths were under the influence or done by someone who shouldn't have been driving in the first place.
>Driving an auto-tragic
How can you people find driving so not fun?
and that whole premise is flawed, machines are built to be better than human and not to fail.
humans know they a flawed and often expected to fail.
Thats why plane and train accidents are always scrutinized even when we already use them for decades.
>blown the fuck out the fuck out
What did he mean by this?
It is in government interest to slow the progress of automation, especially automation of vehicles. I think this is just that.
>Muh jobs for muh constituents
>Sup Forums being anti-science as always
Busses and trains don't exist everywhere you retard. I don't want to sit in an hours worth of barely inching traffic and have to be focused on that.
what did you mean by it?
>glorified cuise control is hard to make
just call a taxi on uber
>wanting to have a car drive you straight into another car is anti science
I work at a major research university and quite a lot of effort went in to their various automated vehicle attempts. Everything from agriculture to moon and mars rovers. It's also one of the more glorified research efforts so the university can look cool and get more gibsmedats.
>yea Ford was all in the right when they made the garbage pinto that cost thousands of lives because of their poor design
>mfw Sup Forums was trying to tell me like a month or two back that self driving cars were only a few years away from mass adoption
Guess truck drivers aren't all going to be losing their jobs soon huh faggots? Lmao
Fun fact: The Ford Pinto's safety record was no worse than other cars in its size and price range.
they thought like a proper business would
the cost of the lawsuits would be less than their profit margins
>I don't realize how much it would cost to recall several factories worth of vehicle parts to redesign a car to change one aspect of it.
Yes it is
didn't Tesla determine he manually accelerated at full force? or is this a different situation?
>reduces driver workload
I'm sure this totally won't result in even lazier and more incompetent and distracted drivers with no capability for managing the autopilot.
Totally sure.
An Autopilot that required a driver, this is fucking stupid...
Musk is a money grabber that deserve to be shot in the head and his sons sell to gay-slave trade
they are currently tested by consumers...
White car banned soon, we warned you about white genocide.
holy shit he's actually dead kek
i dont want automated vehicles
i want ridiculous penalties for driving with a phone in your hand texting like a dumbass
and an actual driving TEST before getting a license, not simply driving in a circle and parking.
Is this really the future? How long before the Jews start 'Mike Hastings'ing all the bad goys out there?
>single white male
>instead of making a family he wastes all of his time and money on shitty cars
Literally everything wrong with the world.
>millions of people have died in human-piloted car crashes
>nobody cares
>one person dies in robot car crash
>it makes headlines
Just fuck my shit up, senpai.
>Brazilian subhuman who produces nothing sees a self made billionaire
>immediately thinks of murder and homo-pedo sex slavery
not surprised
Wait... Are you saying the Second Amendment is bad?
Because I agree with you all the way up to there.
>its too much work to make safe cars, you're entitled and its far too much to ask to recall facotries of faulty shit
Australia. Truly the place of simple bants.
The truck was running a red light. Tesla's sensors incorrectly read the gap underneath the trailer as a bridge and tried to drive under it, not expecting a semi-truck to be perpendicular to it
Oh wow it gets even better, because teachers are not allowed to do anything to kids anymore they have to call cops
>Collingswood Superintendent Scott Oswald estimated that over the past month, police were called to as many as five incidents per day
>Tesla's sensors incorrectly read the gap underneath the trailer as a bridge and tried to drive under it
Sounds like a fucking Sup Forums greentext.
So basically it can only work if everyone is obeying the rules of the road? Hmm.
>programmed a car
>told it to go under bridges it sees
>turns out that bridge is actually a tractor-trailer and it interpreted the gap between the wheels as a bridge
>Literally everything wrong with the world.
guy tries to innovate and avoids getting fleeced by the marriage meme, and he's everything wrong with the world?
I don't think the road even has a traffic light. It's a small residential road entering into the highway/crossing it
If it doesnt work when shit goes wrong, it wont be pratical for the next 100 years when everyone, including the lower class, has one.
you futurists should wait for the technology to mature or else your whining looks stupid.
The cars are supervised of course they don't cause accidents most of the time.
>They just have to be safer than humans driving
wrong, wrong. you're forgetting the most important thing: LIABILITY
human error is the liability of the driver. algorithmic error is potentially the liability of the vendor. vendors are not going to swallow that cost, in particular because their liability is not limited to real damages (e.g. if they deploy a system that's unreasonably unsafe, they may have liability for probable accidents)
the disclaimer on tesla's autopilot and the weasel words in their press release are intended to shield them from liability. whether or not that shield works will depend largely on the results of this investigation. if the investigators find that the autopilot was irresponsibly unsafe then you bet your ass there will be further liability issues
liability is the primary reason we don't have self-driving cars yet. the technology already exists to be safer than humans, but vendors rationally aren't going to swallow the cost of assuming liability, because it's not profitable to them
People are him are the reason for all the right things in the world.
You're a fucking dumbass.
talk shit about tesla and all the reddit "le technology and start ups are cool" shills come out of the woodwork
If the driver was paying attention they wouldn't have died. Therefore the system is faulty, but the driver would have probably crashed anyway.
>T-T-Tesla is the future guiz!
>buy our stocks!
>If the driver was paying attention they wouldn't have died.
They probably were. You have to keep your hands on the wheel or the car will slow down. A truck ran a stop sign and he didn't react in time, possibly because he expected the car to do it for him or possibly because he was just too slow.
Issue is every car has to be automated for this to work.
And if they want to kill you, it's easy to see your everyday schedule and make you disappear somehow
Oh yeah, you're totally paying attention just by keeping your hands on the wheel.
Are you a woman or something?
There's no light there, the truck was making a left across the roadway.
>If the driver was paying attention they wouldn't have died
Exactly this. The driver had previously posted a video to youtube showing how autopilot "saved" him from a crash... where he admitted to not fucking paying attention to the road because >lel autopilot will do everything for me. Basically it was only a matter of time before this guy ended up as a red paste in a ditch somewhere.