Fuck off nigger.
Fuck off nigger
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>fuck off nagger
Oh christ don't try turn us into cucks like you fatfucks.
What the fuck is wrong with you fucking americucks jesus china please send the nukes already.
Australia is about 90+% uninhabited. You have the room.
You have the money too. They'll just raise your taxes about 5 to 10%. Don't worry, you'll be able to pay for them all.
>Australia is about 90+% uninhabited
I, too, am in favour of dumping thousands of refugees into the australian outback, far away from any civilization, water or food, surrounded by animals and plants that want to kill them.
We could film it and make a TV show out of it.
Yeah what the fuck Australia, help out.
Based Japan why can't all of us have the guts to say fuck you to everyone else.
In a thousand years the survivors will have evolved into a race of super refugees, bursting out of the desert for a second arab conquest.
No thank you.
Is Australia a good place to move to if it goes full cuck here?