
> Cuckservashits

Other urls found in this thread: male Trump supporters are a far greater threat/

Conservatives are easily fooled. Remember how they were tricked into supporting the Iraq invasion? And the Birther movement? And all the conspiracy theories?

Yes, they're that stupid.

>"It is literally impossible to steal a job."
Yeah, that's because it is a figurative use of the verb steal as opposed to the literal.

This must be why Obama and Hillary supported TPP, and you're voting for Hillary this season.

BTW, these threads are spammed by SRS and CTR. male Trump supporters are a far greater threat/

Woah, this made me think

Not like free trade is going to bring back manufacturing jobs home anyways

You've been sold a lie by con man trump

> WE have a moral issue regarding business owners taking advantage of people

Or maybe we have an issue with a minimum wage law that ceases to allow such jobs to exist?

>what is economics
Tbh cuck my shit up fampai

> tfw cuckservashits think they are all economic scholars

>He LITERALLY re-posts democrat propaganda here everyday.
I hope they pay you well.

Supply and demand... Very high supply of workers drives the price of workers down. It's common sense but everyone ignores it because muh economy.

>talking about moral issues

I like to poke the conservashit hive mind echo chamber here

Those are the nutbag teapartyers. The rest of us opposed that shit. But as usual the shrill minority somehow steered the ship.

If you want to sell a product here you will have to manufacture here. How is this a lie? Its a very simple law to pass.

I'm not a free trade conservative. Autarky and real isolationism please.

How does it drive the price down, because there are more people that now allows you to pay them close to nothing? it's because there are people that are desperate enough to accept those terms or don't even know the terms at all. If everyone knew they'd be paid squat, no one would take the job. That's where unions or the government come in, they can negotiate people out of being ripped off and the government can pass minimum wage laws (doesn't work if there are people here illegally to undercut them) but you'd rather be paid less why?


japan get

If not for the labor surplus, wages would have to be increased until they are high enough to get workers. No need for government bullshit.

I like how she claims to be against it now.

Solely because she knows it makes her unelectable.

But you know damn well she'll push it through if she gets office.

Same with the XL pipeline.

is that the molymeme himself?

when is that gif taken from?

oh no ive been culturally enriched

>if you want to pay people $2/hr and can't find anyone willing to agree to that then you just need to import more poor beaners until you can

>not pay people a competitive wage to start with

See, you know how I can tell you're a shill? You actually believe that Sup Forums is an echo chamber. Any legitimate browser of this board knows that this is miles from the truth. If I had a dollar every time two posters on Sup Forums disagreed, I could buy a condo in Florida.


The Unions being greedy fucks is WHY those jobs went overseas in the first place

>Muh passed highschool with all D's.



>roach reborn in Sweden

So your advocating government monitoring and regulation of hiring for citizens only?

Welcome to the National Socialists:^)

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

If you can't import third-worlders to work for nothing (labor surplus) then you have to raise wages.

As proof: everyone in the US does not make only $7.25/hr, which you suppose would happen since that is the minimum required wage. This is because you cannot simply import poor foreigners to do all the skilled work.

There is no need for a government mandated price floor for labor.

>we have a moral issue when it comes to importing more democrat voters
>but no moral issue when it come to guns

>Nutbag tea-party
>There are still people on this board brainwashed by the msm

funny story, when I was a kid "cuckservashits" where the ones in favour of shit like the WTO and EU and other globalist bullshit because it was blatantly exploitative of workers.

Nowadays the left is for globalisation because "muh racism"


I don't quote understand this that's exactly how businesses are mean't to operate which is to aim for efficiency you cannot blame a business for operating based on it's nature.
You can however enforce law to keep people who are illegally in your country out of it.

She also supported the Iraq invasion.

Can leftist die already?
>Corporate are hiring underpay
>Corporate don't hire women even though women's salary are "lower" than men

This 3 statement contradicts with each other badly
>Corporate hire underpays
>Corporate don't hire women
>Corporate underpay women

If we don't have an immigration problem, then why are leftists always crying about raising the minimum wage?

Do they not realize that immigrants are single-handedly responsible for the reduction of wages? Over the last 20 years, we’ve brought into this country, legally and illegally, 35 million mostly unskilled workers, and in that period of time workers’ wages and family incomes have flatlined.

>Neocon Zionist
Video related
No one is under paying anyone some jobs are simply worth only so much.

uganda get

Too bad the media is right wing most of the time

Yes, that is literally why they employ illegal immigrants, very good job Occupy Democrats

It's a shame you don't realise that the reason they can underpay illegals is because they create a labour surplus, pushing wages down and the only way to solve this is to remove illegals from the workforce

>comparing us to cuckservatives
why do libkeks get so triggered about someone questioning obamas citizenship?

plz make me a jap like my animes

HAHAHA fucking what? do you consider obscure youtubers msm or something? the fuck

>Do they not realize that immigrants are single-handedly responsible for the reduction of wages?

Yes. The problem is that local workers rate lower on the progressive stack than shitskins, and therefore deserve a lower wage for being conquers or some shit.

Looks like you got "aborded"
Also roll

America pls


Trying to bring back the old economy won't work. For one thing, the problem isn't globalization, it's technology. You don't need many people to run a factory anymore.

Even if you try to manufacture locally, costs are higher and you can't compete with the wages paid in places like China. That $10 t-shirt has to sold for $40 in order to make a profit, the public can't afford that amount, the company goes under anyway and you have a recession.

you see me ...

DUbs checked.
You people are so fucking stupid, that you respond to a bot.
I have never seen more blue pilled bull shit.
Faggot newfag roody poo double turbo niggers.
The shit I took an hour ago, had more intelligence than you combined.

A 60 foot wall 2000 miles long? Stop ALL the muslims from entering the US? Are you insane?

Trump is the lying-est politician of all time. He make Hillary looks like an amateur.

That's all Drumpf is, smoke and mirrors. That's his business model. When he's not busy selling snake oil, he's peddling steaks and a phony college degree mill.

Drumpf makes his living on other people's money. You idiots want to hand him the US treasury.

Trump's American investors only get pennies on the dollar in bankruptcy court. Think about that.

Drumpf wont make immigrants leave. He hires thousands of foreign workers and gives them high paying American jobs through the H1B visa programs.

On his best days Drumpf lives in some altered-state reality that has nothing to do with ours.

He never tells the truth. I'm no fan of Rafeal Edwardo, but Drumpfter claimed Cruz's dad was in on the Kennedy assassination? How stupid and naive do you have to be to fall for made-up crap like that?

When Drumpf insults women in public, he's like the biggest ball-less loser cuck on the planet.

Trump writes books on 'business', but it's more like 'failed business'. He's run a bunch into the ground.

Trump was a democrat for 40 years before he suddenly became a 'conservative'. But as long as he's spouting hate speech against minorities, you don't care.

Bribery is the corrupting cancer of our democracy. In all situations, the billionaire is the briber.

The last time Trump ran for president, sensible American voters said they'd rather have the Muslim Negro from Kenya than The Donald.