As a 62-year-old employer at a small company who has hired many young people...

As a 62-year-old employer at a small company who has hired many young people, I can honestly say that the vast majority of you are lazy and too entitled to hold down any job.
Out of the 20+ people I've hired as a business owner, there was only 1 young person who I thought was sort of decent, but even he's not up to my standards.
This is simply what employers want in an employee

- Must have a college degree in a hard science with a 3.7+ GPA
- Must have 5+ recommendations
- Must have at least 5+ years of experience
- Must have won prizes
- Must have good social skills and amazing quantitative abilities
- Must know useful programming.
- Must be willing to work overtime and on weekends occasionally without pay.
- Must be prompt and be able to handle criticisms.
- Must understand that I will give bad and false reviews to his future employers so that s/he doesn't move to other companies

As I've said. out of the 20+ young people I've hired, only 1 has come close to my requirements. This is for a $9/hour with no benefits receptionist job. He was a math and econ double major at a top 20 university and he fixed a security vulnerability in my website when it was hacked. Unfortunately, he left after 2 years. I don't know how he got a different job, though. I gave him terrible references so other bosses wouldn't hire him.

Why can't young people meet my standards? I think a lot of you are too entitled and are unwilling to learn the necessary skills to get jobs these days.

This isn't even good satire

It's literally impossible to have more than 0 years of experience straight out of uni

Why don't you teach them and stop bitching about how the universe isn't the way you envisioned it, faggot?

>As a 62-year-old employer at a small company who has hired many young people

Ok gramps. Don't get lost on your way off this site.

>taking the bait

Needs more effort


he thinks 3.7gpa is high.

rofl what a fucking loser.

Eh, could've been better. Maybe if you just addressed it as a "pretend to be a boomer" thread you'd be good

Your standards and opinion is shit

Fuck you. I'll get a job with a younger gen x manager and I'll get all that I'm entitled to without your stupid boomer ass

And when you crumudgeons die , all of us gen y"ers are going to shit on your graves

So enjoy your time pops

Go ahead, deny us jobs.

We'll just elect commies who take your money. The unemployed have nothing to lose from high taxes.


what are you, some kind of fucking charity?

Nice copypasta bait, m8. Sage

I know it’s a mean stereotype but every millennial I've dealt with at work has to be micromanaged or outright fired for being lazy, entitled, terrible employees.

The 30 to 55 year old guys may not be as tech-savvy and a little stubborn but they are reliable, never complain and work hard. I cringe every time some baby-faced graduate comes to my area because drama is never far behind.

Also, the OP was obviously (bad) satire. How thick are you?

Lol expected anyone to be interested in your role playing meme of any kind of responsible person. This is one thread where I've determined it reasonable to also post

OP is a cis whyte mail

>Poor people
>Having a say in how the country is run

Pick one.

This has to be a troll. If you're serious, old man, FUCK YOU.

You want someone with all those merits for your shit company, and you pay them 9 dollars an hour with no benefits? LOL. Piss off, boomer.

good satire. Shows the hard truth of how big of fucking scumbags entitled baby boomers are.

his idea of paying a salary is giving every employee a blowjob and paying for their kids to go through femininity reeducation courses.

who the fuck is this much of an autist to post this pasta over, and over again

user you were born in the wrong era. You should have been a plantation owner.

There aren't any other good threads atm

Just killing time here

>useful programming
I know Ruby, do I qualify?

ok i'll bite
>Must be willing to work overtime and on weekends occasionally without pay.
Jew detected
>Must understand that I will give bad and false reviews to his future employers so that s/he doesn't move to other companies
Lying asshole, and jew detected
>This is for a $9/hour with no benefits receptionist job.
9$/hour receptionist, and you expect an aerospace engineer?

OP your "business" should've been in the shitter a long time ago.

lol using Thick as a way to cut some shadow of a doubt away that you are indeed not a faggot. Eat my balls. You're literally some 30 something degenerate posting on chans as if this is the most reasonable forum to advise to the entitled masses. Of course besides Neets most pol users are people who enjoy the idea of work worth doing and aren't the typical stereotype you're portraying to be a problem.

If you are real you wouldn't be posting here.

I dont give a fug, Im a NEET i get paid anyway

>62 year old senile fartbag deludes himself into thinking he got to where is by being hard working and dedicated

fuck off gramps. atleast 90% of us 'entitled youngsters' would have gotten to where you are and beyond if we had joined the workforce in your days.

lol I've seen this copy pasta a few times now. Still brings the lols every time.

I need to get off the internet already

You are replying to a blatant strawman, OP is too young and autistic to have worked a day in his life.

be more subtle next time

We're in an age where 30-55 year olds are actually more tech savvy than younger people. Most of them can't even type because they're so used to touch screens.

Look I posted it again

That's why they all come work for me. There's always a shovel for them in a ditch, paydays on Friday get cracking boys. Some after a couple years learn that yeah society expects more out of them, some never do.

>I can honestly say that the vast majority of you are lazy and too entitled to hold down any job.
go fuck yourself, i cant wait till you lose everything you own when your business goes under

You are so stupid, it hurts to read your posts. Literally. You are fucking so put of touch with reality.
A college age student (engineering, medicine) contributes to society by building the very bridges you travel on.
Ever been to a doctor? Yeah, that docotr went to med school.
Before spouting off with country boy logic. Next time step outside the 711 hotdog logic, and think deep about your community.

>muh thinly veiled NEET whine thread about impossible standards
Kill yourself immediately

>Must be willing to work overtime and on weekends occasionally without pay.

Yeah. No.

You ever travel on a interstate? You ever drink tap water? What about natural gas? You like storm drainage? My community certainly does, puts hundreds of millions into that. Hell I've been praised on the news for years, I'm getting road of the year in muskogee. You ever been a contractor?

>all that for 9/hr

lol even I want to say "fuck this job" and I don't even work there

nice b8 m8!

>mfw the best bait i've ever seen

Great job, user.

choose a trade instead

>so other bosses wouldn't hire him.
>other bosses
You're a liar.
We don't refer to each other as bosses.
Owners, yes, but not bosses.
You're projecting.
>This thread is proof you'll never achieve anything.


>1 post by this ID

You fuckers would be terrible in sales. You never NEED everything they ask for.


I've seen this copypasta before a few months ago.

Mate you are a fucking idiot if this is true, I am 47 years old and have built my own plumbing company up from scratch.

I would not be where I am if it was not for the workers I have in my company and the apprentices the teach.

You need to have a master/student dynamic in your company as it not only shows that you care about the industry by teaching new people the trade but once they are finished with learning they will stay with your company 99 percent of the time.

This is how I have always increased my company here in Australia, I started out as a 4 man operation and now I have 40 workers (All plumbers) who are always working on new high rise structures or housing developments across Australia.

I know this is bait but I am honestly pissed off at cunts that act this way, how is a young bloke supposed to get ahead if you have these ridiculous expectations, I would rather take a dedicated young fella that can be taught over an old obstinate cunt who thinks he knows it all and wont learn anything new.

Hello fellow boomer.

Lil disappointed nobody took my bait

The part about criticism is true though
If you can't handle being told you suck, you don't deserve to ever get a raise

>- Must be willing to work overtime and on weekends occasionally without pay.
Last job worked 30 hours overtime and often on weekends I was about ready to quit when the company went bust. Bastards didn't pay my super.

Blow me faggot.

You're doing at 62 what I do at 27.

>the 20 something that wrote this bait served me at Burger King 2 years ago
>Still works there

As a young person working at a company full of aging entitled long term employees. You old fucks have run this company into the ground because you don't want to change and still think it's the 80's. You say this company is your baby but you treat it like an aging pack horse that you want to get a few more miles or if before it dies.
Arrive late, leave early, put your lunch on the company tab and still bill for the hours. And complain that young people don't have any work ethic. Fuck you. You will be getting yours soon.

This is true and very interesting

>Hiring 20 year old burnouts fresh from college

There's your problem.

It is Probably your business model. I mean guess whose gonna be your biggest market when you croak in 3 years?

>>Hiring 20 year old bernouts fresh from college
>There's your problem.

Fixed that for you

>gen X manager
>welcome to fast food user!

>As a 62-year-old employer at a small company who has hired many young people, I can honestly say that the vast majority of you are lazy and too entitled to hold down any job.
>Out of the 20+ people I've hired as a business owner, there was only 1 young person who I thought was sort of decent, but even he's not up to my standards.
>This is simply what employers want in an employee
>- Must have a college degree in a hard science with a 3.7+ GPA
>- Must have 5+ recommendations
>- Must have at least 5+ years of experience
>- Must have won prizes
>- Must have good social skills and amazing quantitative abilities
>- Must know useful programming.
>- Must be willing to work overtime and on weekends occasionally without pay.
>- Must be prompt and be able to handle criticisms.
>- Must understand that I will give bad and false reviews to his future employers so that s/he doesn't move to other companies
>As I've said. out of the 20+ young people I've hired, only 1 has come close to my requirements. This is for a $9/hour with no benefits receptionist job. He was a math and econ double major at a top 20 university and he fixed a security vulnerability in my website when it was hacked. Unfortunately, he left after 2 years. I don't know how he got a different job, though. I gave him terrible references so other bosses wouldn't hire him.
>Why can't young people meet my standards? I think a lot of you are too entitled and are unwilling to learn the necessary skills to get jobs these days.

>he hasnt tried looking for a job in 40 years
kill yourself gandpa, times have changes you dumb faggot

entitled baby boomer prick, should have died in the draft

Other (rare) older user here. Can confirm. You 20 somethingish fucktards are the worst employees. You don't know shit and are entitled and lazy.

>Pro tip: Never trust anyone under 30.

well meme'd grandpa

at least you're keeping your mind busy while you wait for next months disability check