Inferior genes?

We already know nigs are more stupid than humans and not as strong as gorillas, but can we also agree that their hair is shit-tier?

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I don't believe anybody is denying it.

They have very elastic skin, which is pretty fascinating. It's like they have elbow skin all over their bodies. kek

then why is your country being overtaken by spic and niggas? Why is the white world today so shamefully cucked and will keep getting worse? Survival of the fittest.

Just like every part of them, it's designed for Africa. It really can't compete in the world and we have to prop it up with social engineering about beauty. It's the same as what we do with afrimative action for their African brains.

Black hair serves a purpose that inferior straight hair races can only imitate. The black man is at peace with the natural world, he is part of it. Master of beasts, divine scholar of the sands and winds. As such every part of him is one with the Earth. The beautiful woolen hedge sprouting from gorgeous African skulls may serve as a nest for small forest insects, so that blacks can spread life wherever they go.

When the white man was walking naked with no immune system through the desolate wastes of Sweden, we were gallantly strolling through the Congo kingdom, harmonious with every flea and mosquito.

They're shit-tier by every conceivable metric except for running and jumping naked through a hot and dry environment. Fuck 'em.

Why does black skin get ashy? Why do all black people need to use lotion? Something I have always wondered.

Implying their hair isn't fucking magical.

kek em and check em